Diamond Valley Middle School
291 West Chambers Street
Hemet, CA 92543
Phone: (951) 925-2899 Fax :(951) 925-6297
Attendance Desk: (951) 765-6602
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
School Administration:
Principal…………………………………………..…………..Robert Dominguez
Assistant Principal……………………………..………………..…....Andy Silva
Assistant Principal………………………….…….…...... TBA
Counselor:………………………………..……………..……….Andre Williams
School Resource Officer (SRO)
Riverside County Sheriff’s Office……………………………………….…..TBA
Office Staff:
Office Manager ……………………………..…………………………Chris Ortiz
Secretary/Registrar.………………...……..………...…………...….Misty Smith
Attendance Clerk…………………………….…………………..Helena Albright
Office Clerk………………………………………….……….…..Yolanda Jordan
Activities Director ……………………….…………………..……..Stacy Grasso
Activities Assistant……………………………………...……...…Sandra Garcia
Health Technician …………………………………………….…Carol Simmons
Library Technician ……………………………………...... ……...Ruth Schwab
Head Custodian ……………………………………….....…….….Steve Ogden
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents, Families and Friends,
As I begin my first full year as Principal of Diamond Valley Middle School, I am energized and deeply committed to making a positive difference in the lives of your children. We will accomplish this by setting high expectations for all children and providing supportive systems to assure they are met. By addressing school culture, setting standards for teacher performance, increase academic expectations for all students and engaging the community, it is our goal at Diamond Valley Middle School that all students are college or career ready as they transition to high school.
I am pleases to share some of the exciting and outstanding programs at Diamond Valley Middle School. Diamond Valley offers a variety of academic offerings including AVID, Honors, Leadership. Performing Arts, and a variety of other elective course choices. In addition, the school will offer intervention programs and a full continuum of specialized academic instruction placements. Students will also have opportunities to become involved with the school and greater community through after school clubs and athletic programs.
We embrace the challenges of the future while we continue to cherish and celebrate the traditions of the past. Our remarkable staff, involved parents and committed students come together to make Diamond Valley Middle School a wonderful and unique place that is quickly becoming the “GEM of the Valley”. We hope that your visit to website will give you a quick snapshot of life at our school. Please explore our links to find out more about curriculum, programs, and daily events at Diamond Valley Middle School. If you would like to contact me, my email address is . You can also reach me by phone 951-925-2899.
I am looking forward to working with you and your student as we work toward an academically successful school year.
Robert Dominguez
Diamond Valley Middle School
Diamond Valley’s Expectations
Diamond Valley will provide challenging and engaging experiences placing high expectations on academic excellence. We will foster the social, emotional, and physical needs creating alliances with our Diamond Valley Families. Students will have access to high quality teachers, an appreciation of different cultures, and a positive school community. As a community of learners, staff, students, and parents will all be held accountable to our students reaching their greatest potential.
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Hemet Unified School District and Diamond Valley Middle School are committed to providing equal opportunities for both gender and handicapped persons in its educational programs and activities, and for employees/applicants as required by federal and state law. Employees must be sensitive in guarding against unconscious discrimination and stereotyping.
Civility Policy
Per Hemet USD administrative regulation AR 1313, it is the expectations of Hemet Unified School District and Diamond Valley MS that all personnel will be responsive to parents’ concerns and attempt to resolve problems at the most appropriate level, i.e., a parent concerned about a problem in the classroom or registration, is most desirably resolved between the teacher/coach/school staff and parent. Failing that, it should be referred to the principal or designee and, if necessary, subsequently to the superintendent or designee. It is neither required nor desirable that an employee face abusive language or behavior.
This policy promotes respect, civility, and orderly conduct amongHUSD employees, parents, and the public. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe harassment-free workplace for our students and staff. In the interest of presenting district employees as positive role models to the students of HUSD as well as the community, HUSD encourages positive communication and discourages volatile, hostile, or aggressive behavior.
Any individual who disrupts or threatens to disrupt school operations; threatens the health and safety of students or staff; willfully causes property damage; uses loud and/or offensive language; or who has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on school property, etc. will be directed to leave school property promptly. Individuals who fail or refuse to leave school grounds after being directed to do so by the school principal, designee, school security officers, or district official should be reported to the police.
In a situation in which an employee is involved with a parent or other individual who becomes verbally or physically abusive, it is the prerogative of that employee to, as politely as possible, terminate the conference or phone call and refer the complaint to the employee’s supervisor. In the case of physical threat, the police should be called.
If any individual abuses the privilege of communicating via voice mail/or e-mail, the privilege may be revoked by the superintendent or designee. Abuses are enumerated above, but also include inappropriate use of the “copy to:” feature, excessive size, or frequency of e-mail. The use of any electronic listening or recording devices without the prior consent of the teacher, school employed, and principal of the school or district site is prohibited, and any person who willfully violates this section shall be reported to the police. This section is not intended to prohibit or limit the use of electronic listening or recording devices to promote an educational purpose, such as Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and/or the expulsion hearings where allowed by law within identified legal parameters.
When violence is directed against an employee, employees shall promptly report the occurrence to their principal or supervisor. Employees and supervisors should report to law enforcement any attack, assault, or threat made against them on school/district premises or at school/district sponsored activities.
School Website
Information about Diamond Valley Middle School upcoming events, calendars, etc., is available on the school website. Additionally, Diamond Valley is using Aeries, which allows parents and students to check on-line course grades, see what homework is not turned in, etc.
The school website is at:
Grading Information
Fall 2014 Semester
First Progress Report; End of Triad 1September 12, 2014
Second Progress Report; End of Triad 2October 24, 2014
End of Fall Semester; First Report Card; Triad 3December 19, 2014
Spring 2015 Semester
First Progress Report; End of Triad 4February 27, 2015
Second Progress Report; End of Triad 5April 18, 2015
End of Spring Semester; Final Report Card; Triad 6May 29, 2015
Students are responsible to bring progress reports home. Semester report cards will be mailed home within two weeks after each semester.
2014-2015 Diamond Valley School Calendar
August 11, 2014 / First Day of SchoolAugust 14, 2014 / AVID/Title I Parent Meeting at 5:30
Back To School Night at 6:00
September 1, 2014 / Labor Day Holiday – No School
TBA / Make-Up School Photos
September 25, 2014 (minimum day) / Dismissal at 12:25 PM
Parent/Teacher Conferences
TBA / Make-Up School Photos
November 11, 2014 (observed) / Veteran’s Day – No School
November 24-28, 2014 / Thanksgiving Recess (1 week) – No School
December 19, 2014 / Non-Student Day – 1st Semester Ends
December 22, 2014 – January 2, 2015 / Winter Recess (2 weeks) – No School
January 19, 2015 / Martin Luther King Holiday– No School
January 15, 2015 / Honor Roll Evening
February 16-20, 2015 / Presidents’ Days Recess (1 week) – No School
TBA / Sports and Club Pictures
March 10, 2015 (minimum day) / Dismissal at 12:25 PM
TBA / Spring Pictures
March 30 – April 3, 2015 / Spring Recess (1 week) – No School
TBA / 8th Grade Pan Picture
May 22, 2015 / 8th Grade Dance
May 25, 2015 / Memorial Day Holiday – No School
May 27, 2015 (minimum day) / Dismissal at 1:21 PM
May 27, 2015 / Award Presentation
6th/7th Grade at 5:30
8th Grade at 6:45
May 28, 2015 (minimum day) / Dismissal at 1:21 PM
May 29, 2015 (minimum day) / Last Day of School, Dismissal at 1:21 PM
Diamond Valley Middle School Awards
- Citizenship Award- Students are nominated by any staff member that sees a student showing outstanding citizenship.
- Character Trait Award- Students are nominated by teachers that recognize students who show the character trait that is highlighted through the school in a positive way. (Ex. Honesty, Integrity, Trustworthy, Respect, etc.)
- Most Improved- Each teacher will give this award for each period to the most improved student.
- Attendance Awards – Students will be recognized multiple times throughout the year for perfect and outstanding attendance.
- Semester Honor Roll – Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0); Honor Roll with Distinction (3.5-3.9); and Honor Roll (3.0-3.4).
- MAP Awards- This will be awarded to students who have improved their MAP scores.
2-5 points increase- Bronze Metal
5-10 points increase- Silver Metal
11 and up points increase- Gold Metal
GEM – Students will be recognized by a teacher for achievements in the classroom.
The Emerald – Students must have a GPA of 3.6-4.0 (all 5 triads are averaged), outstanding citizenship and attendance. They must be a member of at least two competitive/extra-curricular groups, campus club, or qualifying club sport or community organization.
The Diamond Award- This award will be given to one boy and one girl each triad, awarded by a teacher from each department.
The “H” Award- This award will be given to one boy and one girl, each grade level at the end of the school year. Teachers will nominate students for their academics, citizenship and attendance.
Black Diamond Award– (8TH GRADE ONLY) – This award is the highest given at Diamond Valley Middle School. Qualifications include maintaining a 4.0 GPA (Semester grades and the 5th triad of the 8th grade year) for 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Have outstanding citizenship and attendance. In addition, students must be a participant/member of at least three competitive/extra-curricular groups, campus clubs, or qualifying club sport or community organization, and represent Diamond Valley in at least one academic competition (i.e. Math Counts, Spelling Bee, etc., or any local or regional competition or contest, which would require you to turn in your project.) during their 8th grade year.
Note: Students must be in attendance in the Hemet Unified School District for all three years to be eligible for the Black Diamond award
Parent and Community Support Groups
Watch Dogs–Dads of Great Students
PTSA (Parents/Teachers/Students/Association) – Memberships are $5.00 each and monies go directly to supporting PTSA, the school, and its students. PTSA meetings are held monthly. Everyone is encouraged to join!
SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL – Elected members represent students, staff, parents, and the community. The School Site Council monitors the site plan and expenditures of the Single Plan for Student Achievement budget (SPSA). Elections are held each year to replace parents and teachers who have concluded their two-year terms.
PARTNERS IN EDUCATION –Diamond Valley Middle School is seeking partners from the business community. If interested, contact Chris Ortiz at 951-925-2899
ENGLISH LEARNERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ELAC) – Acommittee composed of parents/guardians of students designated English Learners. Thiscommittee is dedicated to ensure that members have access to the school’s administration and a voice in the education of their children. ELAC meets four times per year.
Diamond Valley Student Activities
Students who demonstrate responsible behavior will be awarded special privileges to include the following:
Clean Campus– Earns the right to music, competitions, and other lunch activities.
Good Citizenship– Results in the right to participate in special school activities such as dances, assemblies and field trips. Additionally, students may receive “Diamond Dollar” tickets that are placed in a monthly raffle for prizes.
In addition, student clubs, sports teams, and other groups are active at Diamond Valley. Participation in all extracurricular activities at Diamond Valley requires at least a 2.0 GPA, a valid parent consent form, a current physical form, proper insurance, and the student is not on the Exclusion List. Students are notified on the daily announcements when tryouts are being held for the athletic teams. Students are eliminated from the sports program and other school activities during the time they are on the Exclusion List. Coaches may allow participants to practice; however, students may not compete while on the Exclusion List. Diamond Valley sponsors several clubs that meet during the school year. Some are open to all, and some (Spelling Bee, for example), are competitive. These are among the many clubs that are formed at Diamond Valley and will be announced to students on the morning announcements and also in the parent newsletters.
All students are required to attend school for a minimum of five class periods the day of an extra-curricular activity, sport event, or dance in order to participate in that event.
Eighth Grade End-of-the-Year Activities
- Any student who is on the Exclusion List at any time after April 10, 2015 is not eligible to attend the 8th grade dance.
- Students are required to have at least 2.0 GPA to attend any 8th Grade End-of-the-year-activities.
- All library materials, nutrition, and other charges/fines must be cleared in order to be eligible to attend the 8th grade dance.
Student Services and Policies
Aeries–Aeries allows parents and students to check on course grades, see what homework due or missing, and communicate with teachers via the internet. Parents can activate an account with a verification code and password. This information will be sent home at the beginning of the school year.
Associated Student Body (ASB) – ASB provides a number of services including a student store for P.E. clothes, school supplies, snacks, and yearbooks. In addition, the Student Council provides student government and plans many student activities throughout the school year.
AVID Binder – All teachers will align their organizational system and use AVID binders. These binders will be available in the ASB store for $10.00 and is highly recommended for all students. This binder will have necessary materials, supplies, and tools to assist students to be organized and successful.
Bicycles and Skateboard Racks– Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters are to be walked on all areas of the school campus. Students are required to secure their bicycles, skateboards and scooters in the bicycle rack with their own lock and it must be locked at all times. Diamond Valley Middle School will not be able to replace any damaged or stolen bicycles, skateboards or scooters. Locks, combinations, or keys should not be shared with other students.
Students are also expected to obey California’s Helmet Law. Please make sure your child is equipped with a helmet if riding a bicycle to school. More information is available at Students who do not have the proper headgear may not be able to take their bicycle home. The bicycle and skateboard rack will be supervised for a twenty-minute period both before and after school. They will remain locked from the beginning to the end of the school day.
At the end of each school day, students are expected to walk their bicycles, skateboards and scooters down the exit area toward Diamond Valley Street before getting on them. Bicycles, skateboards or scooters left in the bike rack for after school activities need to be picked up before the close of the after school program. Bicycles and skateboards must never be left in the racks unattended after hours.
Bus Transportation– Diamond Valley Middle School is predominantly a “walk to” school. Middle school students must live five miles from school to ride the bus. Contact the Transportation Department at 765-5100 for more information. Bus stop locations may be accessed through the HUSD web site.
Cafeteria–Students may purchase lunch for $2.75, which includes the basic entree, roll, side dish, and milk. Many a la carte items are also available. Free or reduced lunches are available for students who qualify; pick up a form from the front office if you do not have one. Breakfast is also served at Diamond Valley for $1.50 (available to everyone) beginning at 7:30 a.m. School meals may be pre-paid with a discount being given for the purchase of 20 or more lunches at one time. This pre-payment may also be done on line. Please see the District web site, , Nutrition Services, for more information. Questions may be directed to 765-5100, ext. 5302.
Code of Conduct– Diamond Valley students involved in co-curricular or extra-curricular and extra-curricular programs, such as ASB, Cross Country, academic teams, Peer Mediation, Choir, Band, Yearbook, are considered leaders and representatives of our student body. As leaders and representatives of Diamond Valley, they are required to meet and follow defined expectations of academic achievement and behavior. Two expectations are as follows:
- ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: If a student’s most recent report card reflects a GPA of less than 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, he/she is ineligible to represent Diamond Valley in any academic or athletic contest until the next formal grading period. Furthermore, he/she will be placed on the Exclusion List and may not attend any extracurricular activities. Students must not only achieve a 2.0, he she may not have any F’s or (2) D’s on their report card/triad grading. The Constitution for the Associated Student Body (ASB) specifies particular academic achievement standards for members and higher standards for officers.
- BEHAVIOR: A student on the Exclusion List may not participate in extracurricular activities. Any violation of Education Code 48900 may cause a student to be ineligible for a specified length of time, grading period or semester. All violations of Education Code 48900 involving students in ASB, academic or athletic teams, or performing groups will be reviewed by the parent, principal, assistant principal, or counselor and teacher/coach.
Counseling Services– Students may confer with a counselor by signing up for an appointment (forms located in the attendance office). The counselor calls students to the office periodically for various reasons. Special group counseling sessions are held periodically to include divorce, grief, peer relations, and anger management.