2016-17 VolunteerApplication Form
Role you are applying for:…………………………………………………………………
Full Name –Date of Birth – / Nationality-
Home Address –
Post Code –
University email -
Alternative Email Address –
Contact telephone number –
What is your current status? (please tick below)
Northumbria University Applicant / Northumbria University Student / If a student, which year are you in?
Student User ID:
Please state your education history:
From/ to
Month / Year / Institution name / Qualification and grade
Please list any other qualifications held & date gained:
Please state your previous work experience (including any voluntary, paid work and academic placements):
Month/year / Organisation’s name / Brief outline of role/duties
Have you volunteered/ had an internship previously on the Northumbria Sport Volunteer programme?
Yes…….. Please specify what your role was…………………………………………………………
Do you currently volunteer in sport? If so, please give details:
Please detail why you feel you would be the best candidate for this role & explain why you are applying for it
How would youhope to impact University Sport in this volunteer role and what specific skills and attributes could you bring?
How will your volunteer role impact your personal and professional development?
Please outline any other additional information you feel is relevant to your application:
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence in the last 5 years?
Do you have any criminal proceedings pending?
Have you ever been dismissed from any employment?
Please provide the names and contact details of two people who have agreed to act as referees for you:
Referee Name –
Position –
Organisation –
Address –
Tel no –
Email address – / Referee Name –
Position –
Organisation –
Address –
Tel no –
Email address –
Applicant Signature - / Date -
Please email your completed application form to
or send to:
Northumbria Sport Volunteer,Sport Central, Northumbria City Campus, NE1 8ST
Important information:
We will inform you via email with a decision about your application, please ensure the email addresses you have submitted are correct and checked regularly
Closing date is Midnight 5th October
If successful you will be invited to an Induction on Tuesday 18th October 4pm