CrookstonCastlePrimary School

Primary 5Newsletter Term 3Jan- Apr 2017

Welcome back to school Primary 5!
We hope you had happy holidays and are ready to start another busy term!

Language. Literacy work will be based around unseen text, group texts and other pieces relating to their topics. Pupils will be answering and creating questions to demonstrate their understanding, using decoding strategies and creating informative and persuasive pieces. /
/ MathsChildren will be learning about 12hour & 24 hour time, duration of time, reading timetables and solving problems relating to time. They will also be learning about fractions and decimals. Children should still be practising their times tables and mental maths at home for quick mental recall.
Health and WellbeingThis term we are learning about the dangers of substance misuse, Food Groups and Healthy Eating.In PE we are focusing onFitness, (Wednesdays) and Football and Basketball (Mondays). Please note, children will not be allowed to take part without appropriate kit or if wearing jewellery. The last swimming block will begin on Monday 23rd January /
/ Environmental StudiesOur topics this term are ‘Titanic’ and ‘Water and Dams’. Children will learning the history of the Titanic and the class system in the 1900s relating to Titanic’s cabin segregation. They will then look at the importance of water in the world and the building of dams and it’s effects on the world.
Expressive ArtsChildren will have opportunities to use a variety of media to develop and communicate their ideas to recreate 3D cabins referring to knowledge learnt about the Titanic and select mediums to create it. They will be learning to sketch and use collage techniques to create effect. /
/ ICTMr Ramsay will be teaching ICT skills.
Technogies – Building 3D cabins.
FrenchMiss Friend will be teaching French.
Learning at home
Reading - Children will be given aclass reader and they should be reading for enjoyment at home most days.
Spelling - As usual weekly spelling work will be given.
Maths –EVERYNIGHT Children are asked to practise and learn their times tables! 
Other Information
  • Please make sure your child has a PE kit and they bring it on a Monday and Wednesday.
  • Please ensure your child has adequate indoor footwear to change into.
  • Look out for an unusual invitation towards the end of term.
  • Holidays – Feb Weekend Fri 10th –Wed 15thMon 15th & Tue 16th Feb. Easter Weekend begins 2.30pm Friday 31st March.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns at all please don’t hesitate to contact either of me.
Y.Friend & K.Lavery