Unit 4: Population and Human Ecology

Essential Questions: How do we study populations? How is the human population changing and affecting the world?


  • SEV3. Students will describe stability and change in ecosystems.

d. Explain how biotic and abiotic factors affect populations.

  • SEV5. Students will recognize that human beings are part of the global ecosystem and will evaluate the effects of human activities and technology on ecosystems.
  • Describe factors affecting population growth of all organisms, including humans. Relate these to factors affecting growth rates and carrying capacity of the environment.
  • Describe the effects of population growth, demographic transitions, cultural differences, emergent diseases, etc. on society stability.
  • Explain how human activities affect global and local sustainability.
  1. Describe how political, legal, social, and economic decisions may affect global and local ecosystems.

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  • Define population and the three traits used to describe populations: size, density, and dispersion
  • Explain how populations change in size and apply the formula for growth rate
  • Differentiate between the two types of population growth
  • Describe and give examples of density-dependent and density-independent factors that limit population growth
  • Define reproductive potential and list traits of organisms that have high and low reproductive potential
  • Contrast r-selected and K-selected species and give examples for each
  • Compare and contrast developed versus developing countries and give examples for each
  • Explain factors that affect a country’s population growth
  • Apply the use of age structure diagrams to predict changes in population size
  • Define doubling time and apply the Rule of 70 formula to actual populations
  • Describe the Demographic Transition Model
  • List and explain problems with human population growth
  • Identify and debate possible solutions for slowing human population growth

Unit 4: Vocabulary

Instructions: Define using the definitions found in our Global Science textbook. Remember to complete a Vocab Menu Option as part of the vocabulary assignment.

  1. Carrying capacity
  2. Demography
  3. Demographic transition

(write entire definition)

  1. Developed countries

(write entire definition)

  1. Developing countries

(write entire definition)

  1. Exponential growth
  2. Family planning
  3. Growth rate
  4. Human ecology
  5. Population
  6. Population histogram