Number and the title of the measure: / 3.2.1. / PROMOTION OF ACCESSIBILITY AND TRANSPORT SYSTEM
Number and the title of the activity: / / TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENT IN POPULATED AREAS AND RIGA
Number and the title of the sub-activity: / / TRAFFIC SAFETY IMPROVEMENT IN POPULATED AREAS OUTSIDE RIGA
1. QUALITY CRITERIA / System of appraisal / Specific weight of criteria
1. / Evaluation of traffic safety level in specific location (evaluation by expert committee, where the following aspects will be considered:
-number of traffic accidents , number of perished, number of injured, number of accidents without victims, costs of accidents,
-analyses of reasons of traffic accidents, comparison with other streets of analogous significance and load
-traffic intensity and composition (current and perspective), number of pedestrians and cyclists,
-risk factors of traffic delays or congestions
-shortages in current traffic organization,
-condition of infrastructure,
-other specific parameters for characterizing traffic safety.) / 5- significant necessity for traffic safety improvements
0- no necessity for traffic safety improvements / 5-0 / 15%
2. / Traffic safety improvement in case of project implementation (evaluation by expert committee, where the following aspects will be considered:
-impact on number of accidents and degree of severity;
-reduction of transport system maintenance costs, benefits for users;
-proportion of innovations insolution of traffic organization (new road elements, other organization of a traffic etc., except maintenance and renovation solutions)
-other specific parameters for characterizing traffic safety.) / 5- in case of project implementation traffic safety will improve significantly
0- in case of project implementation traffic safety will not improve / 5-0 / 20%
3. / Requested European Reconstruction and Development Fund co-financing: 25%
3.1. / Municipalities of the Republic cities and districts with a total number of inhabitants 15000 or more (according to data of Central Statistical bureau for year 2009) / up to 200 000 Ls
200 001-300 000 Ls
300 001-400 000 Ls
400 001-500 000 Ls
500 001-600 000 Ls
more than 600 000 Ls / 5
3.2. / Municipalities of the districts with a total number of inhabitants less than 15000 (according to data of Central Statistical bureau for year 2009) / up to 100000 Ls
100001-150000 Ls
150001-200000 Ls
200001-250000 Ls
250001-300000 Ls
more than300000 Ls / 5
4. / Amount of national co-financing / above 35%
15% / 5
0 / 10%
5. / Degree of project maturity / Full amount construction design for all foreseen types of works and procurement documentation have been elaborated.
Full amount construction design for all foreseen types of works.
Feasibility study and sketch design have been elaborated.
Sketch designand construction design for one type of works, for example, electricity works, has been elaborated.
None of the above mentioned documents has been elaborated / 5
0 / 10%
6. / Territory development index of (municipality) project implementation place on the deadline day for submission of applications within project selection round. / - 2,000 or less
from – 1,999 to – 1,000
from – 0,999 to 0
from 0,001 to 1,000
1,001 or higher / 2
0 / 5%
7. / Hac or crossroads through-put capacity improvement or time delay decrease / Yes
No / 2
0 / 10%
8. / Assurance of territorial accessibility for persons with functional disorders / In elaboration of construction design, the requirements of legislative acts regulating construction concerning territorial accessibility for persons with functional disorders will be taken in consideration and additional specific measures facilitating territorial accessibility for persons with functional disorders are included in project (for example, relief surface, contrastive painting at level change, protective railing, traffic lights equipped with sound signal and others)
In elaboration of construction design, the requirements of legislative acts regulating construction will be taken in consideration, but in project there are no specific measures foreseen facilitating territorial accessibility for persons with functional disorders / 1
0 / 5%
2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA / System of appraisal
Yes/ No
9 / Project applicant is a municipality (except Rigacity municipality) / N
10 / Amount of European Reconstruction and Development Fund co-financing requested by project applicant does not exceed maximum and is not less than minimum amount stipulated in Cabinet of Ministers’ regulations on activity’s implementation. / N
11. / Project applicant does not have outstanding payments of taxes and state social security obligatory payments. / N
12 / Project applicant has sufficient and stable financial resources at his disposal to ensure cash flow during project implementation. / P
13 / Project applicant has undertaken to ensure national co-financing from his resources in case of increase in project costs / N
14 / Project application contains description of project management, implementation and monitoring scheme / P
15 / Project application contains description of all necessary resources required for implementation of project activities. / P
16 / Project management team possesses relevant experience and sufficient project management capacity, professional and technical knowledge.In project management team at least the following experts are included:
1) one project manager with at least 3 years experience in the management of transport infrastructure projects;
2) one accountant – financier with at least 3 years experience in financial accounting) at the same time / P
17. / Project applicant has not attempted to gain at his disposal confidential information or to influence evaluation committee or Responsible authority in evaluation of this structural funds project application or other structural funds project applications / N
18. / Project corresponds to the aim of the subactivity- to improve traffic safety in populated areas by eliminating the so-called “black spots”-locations dangerous to traffic safety: not only ones with large number of traffic accidents and perished, but also potentially dangerous spots, by implementing different transport infrastructure improvement and traffic organization measures, in order to reach improvement in traffic safety level with utmost smaller resources. For example, rearrangement of crossings and energy-effective lighting of streets, installation of traffic lights, establishing of pedestrian tracks and passages. / N
19. / Infrastructure object where investments are planed is a project submitter property or project submitter has signed or received an understanding with the owner of the land according Law of construction Article 3. / P
20. / Expenditures included in project’s budget correspond to the average forecasted market prices in the timeof implementation and are necessary for reaching the project goals and implementing the planned activities / N
21. / Monitoring indicators planned in project application are precisely defined and measurable / N
22. / Sustainability of the results of the project will be ensured- at least 5 years after project accomplishment. / N
23. / Publicity and visual identity measures planned within project correspond to requirements set in legislative acts concerning provision of European Union funds publicity and visual identity minimal requirements / P
24. / Project is not being or has not been financed or co-financed from other European Union financial sources or state and municipality budget resources, as well as actions planned within project do not overlap with actions, which are financed within other European Unionfunds activities and other financial instruments / N
25. / Project implementation will be completed in time of 2 years from agreement signing moment, but no later than 31st of August 2015 / N
3. ADMINISTRATIVE CRITERIA / System of appraisal
Yes/ No
26. / Project application has been submitted in due time stipulated in Cabinet of Ministers’ regulations on activity’s implementation / N
27. / Project application is prepared in printed form / N
28. / Project application is prepared in Latvian language / N
29. / The original of submitted project application is bound together (sewn together) (not referable to the project application which is submitted in the form of electronic document) / N
30. / One original and one copy of project application has been submitted (not referable to the project application which is submitted in the form of electronic document) / P
31. / Electronic version of project application is attached to project application (attachments are not obligatory)(not referable to the project application which is submitted in the form of electronic document) / P
32. / Project application corresponds to laws and regulations requirements for document preparation / P
33. / Project application copies match project application original (not referable to the project application which is submitted in the form of electronic document) / P
34. / Project application is prepared according to project application form of the respective activity / P
35. / Project application is filled out fully, incl. attached annexes and accompanying documents stipulated in Cabinet of Ministers’ regulations on activity’ s implementation / P
36. / Project application financial plan and summary of budget does not contain arithmetical mistakes and is correctly filled out / P
37. / The requested amount of European Reconstruction and Development Fund co-financing and state budget subsidy to municipalities has been calculated arithmetically correctly, European Reconstruction and Development Fund co-financing amount corresponds to the limits set in Cabinet of Ministers Regulation on implementation of the activity and European Reconstruction and Development Fund co-financing proportion does not exceed the maximum allowed amount / P
38. / Project application does not contain unfinished corrections- deletions, highlights and additions(criterion does not apply on project application submitted in electronic form). / N
39. / Project application has been signed by head of the project applicant institution or authorized person. / N
40. / Financial calculation of project application is done in lats / N
41. / Cost positions and their amount shown in project application correspond to defined costs and their amount in Cabinet of Ministers regulations on activity’s implementation / P
4. FINANCING ALLOCATION CRITERIA / System of appraisal / Rejectable / correctable
42. / If projectapplication complies with criteria No. 9,10, 11, 13, 17,18,20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 38, 39and 40 and has received at least 165 points for quality criteria No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, then ranking project applications in decrescent order, beginning with project application which has received most number of points, there is enough financing for project which is allocated for Project selection round. / N
N – Project application is rejected in case of negative evaluation.
P – In case of negative evaluation, decision is taken about the acceptance of the project with the condition (project applicant has to ensure compliance to criteria in the time-limit set in the decision).