B12 Identify and evaluate stakeholder, user, community and sustainable project requirements

B12.1 Investigate and evaluate sustainable development requirements

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a)identify goals and priorities for potential development, both currently and in the future
(b)investigate whether there is a justifiable need to undertake development and consider alternatives
(c)investigate and identify the design, function and performance requirements of the potential project
(d)investigate economic factors and resources, environmental and ecological factors, and social views that affect the future asset value and sustainability of potential development
(e)evaluate the best balance between the potential asset value and sustainability and project design, function, performance and return on investment
(f)decide whether and how to implement potential sustainable development projects so as to achieve key requirements / The Range...
[1]Goals and priorities:
• quantity;
• quality (including design];
• cost (including whole life costs);
• time;
• development;
• improvement;
• use;
• maintenance;
• low carbon design;
• environmental impact and sustainability;
• security;
• health and safety;
• logistics
• use of benchmarking tools;
• research;
• consultancy advice;
• regulatory advice;
• insurance risk
• new build;
• adaptation;
• alteration;
• refurbishment/upgrading;
• conservation;
• demolition/decommissioning;
• relocation
[4]Economic factors and resources:
• finance;
• fiscal policy (including carbon tax/incentives);
• water demand/supply/use minimisation;
• payback/return on investment;
• carbon trading schemes/carbon reduction credits;
• climate change levy agreements;
• workforce (skills);
• raw materials;
• manufactured systems and component/modular systems;
• energy use/demand minimisation;
• water demand/supply/use minimisation;
• brownfield development;
• land use;
• resource efficient low carbon urban design;
• market demands and social factors
[5]Environmental and ecological factors:
• natural resources;
• emissions (air, land, water);
• effluent;
• waste and recycling;
• access to environmentally sensitive areas
• effects of climate change;
• carbon use minimisation;
• water use;
• biodiversity;
• renewable energy technology;
• land use/contamination
• protect archaeological and historically valuable resources;
• transport impact minimisation
[6]Social views:
• client;
• funders/investors;
• workforce;
• suppliers;
• users;
• community (including public/private space)
[7]Asset value and sustainability:
• provide capital growth;
• location in relation to a stable economy and community;
• saleable revenue;
• minimising running costs (environmental and economic);
• minimising maintenance;
• location in relation to flooding/ground conditions;
• energy use/demand minimisation;
• decentralised district heating

B12 Identify and evaluate stakeholder, user, community and sustainable project requirements

B12.1 Investigate and evaluate sustainable development requirements

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1)Records of goals and priorities identified, investigations conducted and decisions made (all) [all]
Process Evidence:
None applicable / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1)What do you identify as goals and priorities for potential development? (understanding) (a) [1]
(2)How and why do you investigate whether there is a justifiable need to undertake development and consider alternatives? (analysis) (b) [2,3]
(3)What do you identify and the design, function and performance requirements of the potential project? (understanding) (c) [1,2]
(4)How and why do you investigate the design, function, and performance requirements of the potential project? (analysis) (c) [1,2]
(5)How and why do you investigate economic factors and resources, environmental and ecological factors, and social views that affect the future asset value and sustainability of potential development? (analysis) (d) [2,4,6,7]
(6)How and why do you evaluate the best balance between the potential asset value and sustainability and project design, function, performance and return on the investment? (evaluation) (e) [7]
(7)How and why do you decide whether and how to implement potential sustainable developments so as to achieve key requirements? (evaluation) (f) [1,7]