The purpose of the final report is to provide the foundation with a written record of grant-related activities, accomplishments, and challenges that have been faced during the grant term. We use this report for grant management, results assessment, impact evaluation, and learning. When completing the final report, please include all significant accomplishments, challenges, and activities for the last reporting period of the grant, as well as those for the entire grant period. For purposes of this report, please refer to the definitions in the Glossary and Terminology document.
The report form has been designed for use by all Global Development Program grantees. As a result, it may be used in different ways, depending on the nature of the grant.
Note: If your program officer asks you for additional information, please follow those instructions.
Please submit the final report within 60 days of the end of the grant term, unless your grant agreement has specified a different due date.
The completed report form is typically no more than 5 to 10 pages excluding appendices, attachments, and financial report templates.
Please use U.S. letter page formatting (8.5 x 11.0 inches), 10-point font, and one-inch margins. Include your organization's name and foundation grant ID in the footer.
Submitting Your Final Report
You can submit your report electronically in one of two ways:
- If you received an email reminder for this report from your program coordinator through our internal database, there will be a “token” in the subject line of the e-mail (for example, BMGF:01000012345). Please submit your report by replying directly to this email message and attaching the completed progress report form, budget spreadsheets, and any additional documentation. Please do not change the subject line of the email message when responding this way.
- Alternatively, you may email the documents to your program officer and include “Progress Report – Enter Grant ID Number” in the subject line of your message.
Your feedback is important to us. The final report guidelines are designed to allow you to accurately report back to foundation staff on the results of your grant. In an effort to make sure that these guidelines are meeting the needs of our grantees, we encourage you to provide us with feedback, either directly to your program officer or to the feedback link below. We will review your comments so we can learn how to meet the needs of our grantees better, while providing our program officers with the information necessary to assess the status of each grant.
I. Summary Information
Grant Information
Project NameOrganization Name
Grant ID# / Foundation Program Officer
Date Grant Awarded / Month Year / Project End Date / Month Year
Grant Amount / In U.S. dollars / Project Duration / In months
Report Period from / Month Year / to / Month Year
Report Due / Month Year
Has this project been granted a no-cost extension? / Yes / No
Are there any unexpended funds remaining? / Yes/No / Amount
Principal Investigator/Project Director
Prefix / Email AddressSurname / Phone
First name / Fax
Suffix / Web Site
Mailing Address / Actual location of offices, not a post office box
Report Prepared by / Date Submitted / dd mm yyyy
II. Project Final Results
Please copy the most recently approved milestones from the Key Milestones tab ofthe Results Framework for the current reporting period and for the complete grant term. Please fill in actual key milestone results and identify any variance from predicted results.
Note: If you received your grant prior to July 2010 or used previous versions of Appendix A: Project Objectives and Appendix B: Timeline, please continue to use that format and terminology to report back to the foundation on the status of agreed-on milestones and related timeline, unless otherwise requested by your program officer.
Progress Narrative (1-2 pages)
In paragraphs or bullet points, please provide the following information:.
- General Results:Describe the general results of the project, including where the project results were achieved as expected, where they were not, and the reasons for both. In addition, please describe any unexpected results and their significance.
- Sustainability: If your organization intends for this project to be sustained after the grant period has ended, what actions have your organization and project partners taken and what actions will you be taking to facilitate sustainability, and how will the project be continued?
- Scalability: If your organization intends for this project to increase in scale after the grant period has ended, what actions have your organization and project partners taken and what actions will you be taking to facilitate that increase in scale?
- Challenges: Discuss how you addressed both anticipated and unanticipated challenges in the course of the project. Is there anything that the foundation could do to assist you with addressing these challenges, and was there anything in the past that the foundation could have done?
- Lessons Learned: What lessons have you learned during the course of this project that will help your organization and other organizations that may be involved in similar work?
III. Final Budget Report
Updated Budget Template
Unless otherwise directed by foundation staff, please use the Actual Costs & Expected Funding tab on the budget template to report total expenditures against the most recent foundation-approved budget. Provide the requested information regarding payments received, interest earned on grant funds, expenditure of interest earned, and unexpended balance. Also, provide updated information on the Geography & FX Estimates tab in the Reporting & Reforecasting section of the budget template for Location of Work, Geography Served, and Currencies. Please follow the instructions in the budget template carefully and let your program officer know if you have any questions.
Note:If you received your grant prior to July 2010 or used our old budget template to create your grant budget, please use the Total Budget page of the final budget spreadsheet provided in your proposal to specify actual expenditures for the period for each line item.Please insert a column for actual expenditures, variance, and percentage.For variances that exceed 10 percent in either direction in the Total Cost category (i.e. Total Personnel, Total Supplies, Total Equipment), please describe these in Section Seven of the narrative report. Also, please update the geographic information for your work using the Grantee Geography Reporting Request.
Budget Progress Narrative (1-2 pages)
In paragraphs or bullet points, please provide the following information.
- General Budget Progress: Describe the general progress of meeting budget expectations, including where the project progressed as forecasted (or reforecasted) and where it did not.
- Budget Variances: To the extent that this information is not yet reported, for variances that exceeded 10 percent in either direction in the Total Cost category (i.e., Direct FTE, Direct Travel, etc.) or if there are unexpended funds, please describe the variance, the reasons for the variance, and what corrective actions have been taken to address the variance.
- Budget or Financial Challenges: Discuss how you addressed both anticipated and unanticipated financial challenges in the course of the project. Was there anything in the past that the foundation could have done to assist you with addressing those challenges?
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