Danville Board of Education

May 18, 2015

Family and Consumer Science Room

Members present: Norman Jones, Kim Sullivan, Jeff Gilkey, Robert Redfern, and Susan Wilkins

Others Present: Gregg Grant, Nancy Barrick, Kim Foster, Randy Isely,

  1. President Robert Redfern called the meeting to order at 5:30.

2.Principal Awards:

Elementary---Mrs. Barrick:

  1. 5th Grade Science Fair Winners were recognized: Kimberly

Flores, Ethan Ellis, Lydia Stanley

b. Outstanding Reader K-5: Hadyn Johnston

c. Chess Tournament Winners: Ethan Ellis, Lawson Wilkins

d. Recognized John Shewmake (Chess Club Volunteer) and Becky Shewmake

(Activities Volunteer of the Year)

e. Recognized Yraima Newman (S.C. Tucker Library volunteer of the Year)

f. Stock Market Team Members: Skylar Graves, Lawson Wilkins, Ethan Ellis

g. Recognized Tara Sanders for being published in “Children’s Mathematic

Middle School--- Mr. Sanders:

  1. Recognized students in Coding Club: Daniel Chavez, YelsonParda, Nathaly

Ayala, Gabe Lopez, Allen Scallon, Ty Chavez, Robert Hale, Juan Facoo,

Jonah Graves, Jordan Wade, Sarah Iracheta, Micheal Gill, Dillon Farmer

b. Top Reader: Kylie Smiddy

  1. Old Business: none
  1. Motion by Kim Sullivan, 2ndJeff Gilkey to approve April 20, 2015 and April 30, 2015



  1. Motion by Jeff Gilkey, KimSullivan 2nd to accept financial statements.


  1. Principal’s Reports:

Mrs. Barrick: field trips, “Digging Up Arkansas,” closed out PARCC testing, awards

assemblies coming up, committee meet to change award procedure in the future,

applying for 21st Century Grant

Mr. Sanders: praised technology department during testing, closed out PARCC testing,

Math and Science Night, AR Field Trip next Friday, Coding Club Field Trip, Middle

School Awards Assembly Tuesday

Mrs. Foster: great graduation, Soccer Finals Friday at noon in Fayetteville, ATU

president on campus this week, Student Council election, Powder Puff Game for

electronic sign, Green and White Game upcoming, working with teachers on their PGPs.

  1. Superintendent's Report:

a. 95% of construction is complete, the building will be turned back to school in

about 2 weeks

b. plan on community event as open house

c. basketball court is resurfaced on elementary playground

d. Soccer Team update

e. Legislative Session: Act 950 panic button in response to active shooter is a funded

mandate but there is no funding at this time

f. Dr. Bowen: ATU president, visited regard to what ATU can do for our school,

visited 11th grade English classroom

  1. Motion made by Gilkey, seconded by Wilkins to accept Superintendent's Freedom of

Choice recommendations. See attachment # 1


  1. Motion by Sullivan, 2nd Wilkins to accept the resignations of LaShania Bettis, Brittany

Blankenship, Devon Brown, and Nancy Mulvaney as recommended by the



  1. Motion by Sullivan, 2nd Jones to hire Faye Hendrickson, Courtney Hatfield, and

Kadra Ladd as recommended by the Superintendent.


  1. Motion by Wilkins, 2nd Jones to increase the Superintendent’s salary by $2,875.


  1. Motion by Jeff Gilkey, 2nd by Susan Wilkins to adjourn.


______Robert Redfern Kim Sullivan

President Secretary / Treasurer