Young People’s Health Event 13 August 2015

Evaluations Summary

Evaluation forms were available to all stakeholders attending the Young People’s Health event. A total of 85 people attended and were asked to complete an evaluation form. A total of 35 completed evaluation forms were returned.

Stakeholders were asked to identify their own personal objectives for the event and to conclude if those objectives were met. They were also askedto rate the content of the presentations and table discussions, and were given an opportunity to suggest subjects or issues for future meetings.

The overall feedback from the Young People’s Healthevent was very positive.

What are your objectives for this meeting? / Response
To offer your views, experiences and suggestions as a young person accessing health services in Nottinghamshire. / 19
To learn more about the local and national context around young people’s health. / 20
To take part in a discussion about what young people perceive as important to health and wellbeing and what they require from health services. / 30
To offer information and advice about services currently being offered in Nottinghamshire / 15
How would you rate the content and subject matter of the following? / Excellent / Very Good / Fair / Poor
Information provided by the range of stalls around the room. / 9 / 18 / 7 / 0
Summary of the Mystery Shopper work (Presentation and Q&A with Young People) / 25 / 10 / 0 / 0
Summary of the Young People’s Health Survey and Consultation. / 22 / 12 / 0 / 0
Understanding of the National Context / 12 / 17 / 4 / 0
Additional Comments: /
  • Services should be informed of the outcome of the Mystery Shopper exercise if they were visited.
  • The young people doing the presentation were excellent.
  • The messages really hit home – more services need this.
  • Excellent presenters – all great and not too long. The young people were the best though!

Table discussion you attended (please select) / Excellent / Very Good / Fair / Poor
Range of Topics Discussed / 12 / 22 / 1 / 0
Impact of input from professionals and young people during the discussion / 16 / 18 / 1 / 0
Content of the Young People’s Health Strategy / 10 / 18 / 4 / 0
Significance of the Young People’s Health Strategy in the future / 17 / 14 / 2 / 0
Do you have any comments on the choice of venue? Feedback from this question will be passed onto colleagues within the Youth Service
Overall the venue was viewed as excellent. A large proportion of respondents stated that it was appropriate for the event to be held in a young people friendly space and the facility itself is superb.
Notable comments include:
-‘Good venue, nice to be in a youth area. Group work was a little hard in a small room’
-‘It was an excellent choice, really relevant to be held where it matters to young people’
-‘I think the venue worked well, but group work was sometimes difficult due to the noise of other groups’
-Car parking was an issue for some attendees and it was suggested that a map from Tesco would have been appropriate.
-One young person stated that the venue made them feel more at ease
-‘Excellent venue, meeting people in a ‘young people friendly environment’ is entirely appropriate and should be commended’
Are there any speakers or stakeholders that you would like to see present at future network meetings?
Yes / 15 responses:
-Youth Mayor for Mansfield
-Health Services for Looked After Children and Young People
-Dr Damian Wood/Andy Fox
-School Nursing
-Teachers/GPs and Practice Managers
-Young People
-Professor Russell Viner
Are there any subjects or issues you would like to discuss at future network meetings?
Yes / 13 responses:
-Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing. Specific suggestions within this subject include
-Referral procedures
-How services supporting emotional health can be coordinated
-The impact of education – e.g. how can the curriculum support young people’s emotional health and wellbeing?
-Domestic Violence
-Children and Young People’s Inpatient Wards
-Looked after Children/Young People and Care Leaver’s Health Outcomes
-Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health
-Health and Wellbeing for families with children under the age of 5.
-How will the work of young people and the strategy be rolled out and what will the impact be for workers and young people going forward?
Are you happy with the structure of the meeting including the presentations and table discussions?
Yes / 32
No / 1
Comment / I feel the table discussions could have been longer – we only had time to cover 2 questions
Did the event meet your objectives?
Yes / 33
Question specific to Young People – Would you be interested in attending future H&WB events?
Yes / 14
Do you have any additional comments?
Yes / -It would have been good to have some of the mystery shoppers from Mansfield at the event.
-Would like to have seen the NHS logo on the presentations to reflect a partnership approach.
-List of attendees and contents for referral to be distributed for future reference.