/ Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat1Sunday of the Man Born Blind & the Holy Martyr Justin Martyr
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy (ff. by Lesser Sanctification of Waters), 9:30am
Discussion, 6:00-8:00pm / 2Post-Feast of the Sun. of the Man Born Blind & Our Father among the Saints Nicephoros, Pari-arch of Constantinople. / 3Leave-Taking of the Sun. of the Man Born Blind & the Holy Martyr Lucillian & His Compan-ions / 4Leave-Taking of Pascha & Holy & Righteous Mary & Martha, Sisters of St. Lazarus, Friend of Christ
Paschal 9th Hour, 5:45pm
Vesperal Divine Liturgy, 6:00pm
No Fasting! / 5Feast of the Glorious Ascension of the Lord / 6 Post-Feast of Ascen-sion & the Our Venerable Father Hilarion the New, Abbot of Dalmatus
Paschal Abstinence! / 7Saturday after Ascen-sions & the Holy Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
8Sun. of the Holy Fathers of 1st Ecumenical Council (Nicaea, 325)
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30amParish Council
Discussion, 6:00-8:00pm / 9Post- Feast of Ascen-sion & the Holy Father Cyril, Archbishop of Alex-andria & Our Venerable Father Columba of Iona / 10Post- Feast of Ascen-sion & the Holy Martyrs of China During the Boxer Rebellion / 11Post- Feast of Ascen-sion & the Holy Apostles Bartholomew & Barnabas
Daily Vespers, 6:30pm
Paschal Abstinence! / 12Post- Feast of Ascen-sion & Our Venerable Fa-thers Onuphrius of Egypt & Peter of Mount Athos / 13Leave-Taking of As-cension & the Holy Martyr AquilinaVespers (followed by Memorial for all Faithful Departed), 6:30pm
Paschal Abstinence! / 14The Saturday of the Souls
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
15Feast of Pentecost
Orthros, 8:30am
Divine Liturgy, 9:30am (followed immediately by the Kneeling Vespers)Discussion, 6:00-8:00pm
Happy Fathers’ Day! / 16Synaxis of the Holy Spirit / 17Post-Feast of Pente-cost & the Holy Martyr Isaurus & His Companion Martyrs / 18Post-Feast of Pente-cost & the Holy Martyr Leontius
Diocese of Wichita Parish Life Conference,
Readers’Vespers, 6:30pm
No Fasting! / 19Post-Feast of Pente-cost &Holy Apostle Jude, Brother of the Lord & St. John Maximovich, Arch-bishop of San Francisco
Diocese of Wichita Parish Life Conference / 20Post-Feast of Pente-cost & Holy Sacred-Mar-tyr Methodius of Patara, Bishop of Olympus
Diocese of Wichita Parish Life Conference
No Fasting! / 21Leave-Taking of Pen-tecost & The Holy Martyr Julian of Tarsus
Diocese of Wichita Parish Life Conference,
Readers’ Great Vespers, 5:30pm
22The Sun. of All Saints
Readers’ Orthros, 9:00am
Readers’ Typika, 9:30am / 23Holy Martyr Agrip-pinaStrict Fast! / 24Nativity of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner & Baptist John
Abstinence! / 25The Venerable-Martyr Febronia
Readers’ Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast!
/ 26Our Venerable Father David of ThessalonicaAbstinence! / 27The Holy Un-Mercen-ary Physician Sampson the Hospitable.
Strict Fast! / 28Sts.Sergius & Her-man, Founders of the Monastery of Valaam
Readers’ Great Vespers, 5:30pm
Abstinence (fish, wine & oil permitted)!
291stSun. of St. Matthew & Sts. Peter & Paul
Readers’ Orthros, 9:00am
Readers’ Typika, 9:30amHierarchical Divine Liturgy & Elevation of Fr. Joseph Longofono, Sts. Peter & Paul, Topeka, 10:00am / 30Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious, All-Laudable 12 Apostles
Daily Vespers, 6:30pm
/ July 1Holy Wonder-Working Un-Mercenaries Cosmas & Damian of RomeOrthros, 8:30am
Liturgy (ff. by Lesser Sanctification of Waters), 9:30am / 2Deposition of the Preci-ous Raiment of the Theo-tokos in Ger Shrine at Vlachernai
Daily Vespers, 6:30pm
Strict Fast! / 3Holy Martyr Hyacinth the Chamberlain / 4St. Andrew of Crete & the Holy Royal Passion- Bearers Nicholas II, His Wife Alexandra & 5 Daughters & 1 SonHave a Happy
& Safe 4th! / 5St. Athanasius the Atho-nite & the Holy Passion-Bearers the Grand Duch-ess Elizabeth & Barbara
Great Vespers, 5:30pm
Strict Fast: 1 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy, fish, wine & oil.
Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry, dairy & fish; but wine & oil (& on Sat. & Sun.: fish) are permitted
Paschal Abstinence: 2 meal & abstinence from meat, poultry & dairy; but fish, wine & oil are permitted.
Your prayers and presence are requested when
His Grace, Right Rev. Bishop BASIL
Bishop of Wichita and the Diocese of Mid-America
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
will elevate Fr. Joseph Longofono to the dignity of Archpriest
Sunday, June 29, 2008
during Hierarchial Divine Liturgy at 10A.M. at
Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Christian Church.
The joyous celebration continues immediately following Divine Liturgy at the Emerald Ballroom, Capital Plaza Hotel, 1717 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, Kansas66612
We also invite you to contribute to the souvenir journal that will commemorate this event. Your entry could include images or text that relate directly to your relationship with Father Joseph, or could simply be a general sentiment congratulating him on this honor. Details about how to purchase an entry and submit artwork for the souvenir journal are enclosed. Proceeds from the journal will help support the parish.
Registration Form
Name______Please indicate the number of meals
Address______you are paying for:
City______Grilled Flank Steak - $20 per meal
State______Bourbon Street Chicken - $20 per meal
Zip code______
Telephone ______Children’s menu-$12 per meal
Please mail the completed registration form along with your check payable to
Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church before June 15, 2008. Should you have any questions, please contact Sonja Woynick at (785) 478-0368,