French dialogue 1 English with French

Sam and Sophie talk about the celebration of Mardi Gras in France and Belgium.

Sam: Salut!

Sophie: Salut! Comment ça va?

Sam: Ça va bien, even if it’s cold today! What are you doing tomorrow?

Sophie:-Oh, I’m very excited, tomorrow is Mardi Gras, my mère makes crêpes for the whole famille. Mardi Gras is my favourite festival in the year! My mère really makes the best crêpes, but it’s really easy to do. You just need eggs, milk, sugar and flour.

And you? Do you celebrate Mardi Gras in Belgium?

Sam:-Of course! We also eat crêpes and I usually spread chocolat on them!

Sophie:-Oh, I prefer crêpes with sucre and confiture! It’s delicious! And like every year, since it’s the tradition, we are going to se déguiser with my amis from the école! This year I will be a turtle!

Sam:-Oh that’s great. Me too, I am going to me déguiser ! I will be a Superman! And then I will go to see the carnaval with my famille. It’s in the city centre and there will be hundreds of people! Very happy to see the carnaval. I hope the weather will be nice, and that it will not snow too much! But I’m sure that we will have a lot of fun! Will you come with us?

Sophie: Oh yeah, I’d love to! I’ve never celebrated Mardi Gras in Belgium. I love to listen to the musique and the different groupes! And I also love dancing and throwing multicolour confettis with the enfants but also the adultes. They also like to have fun. And we are going to have fun.

Sam: We are going to s’amuser, I’m sure! I can’t wait till tomorrow! I will prepare through all the night this very fantastic day.

Sophie: Me too! So, I’ll see you tomorrow