Easter Programme – Draft 1
Friday 6th April 2012
09:00-11:00 Breakfast available Cafe
10:00-16:00 Crafts and stalls Island Warehouse
10:00-10:45 Stories, games and songs for the under sixes* Island Warehouse
10:00-16:00 Rope Making, knot society, Face painter,
figurehead carver crafts and stalls Boat Hall
11:00-12:30 Jim Saville Lecture: Poems of C Fox Smith Rolt Classroom
11:00-11:45 Singing for children (over 5s)* Island Warehouse
11:00-11:45 Craft Activities for under 5s* Island Warehouse
11:00-17:00 Shanty Singers Rolt Foyer, Stables, Bigmere, Porters Row Marquee
11:00-close IW bar Island Warehouse
11:00-16:00 Music Sessions followed by Singaround sessions Island Warehouse
12:00-18:00 BBQ Stables/Middens
12:00, 13:00, 14:00 Trip Boat Tickets from Reception
13:00-14:30 Hans Weehuizen : Play the Bones Workshop Rolt Classroom
13:00-16:00 Origami for children* Island Warehouse
14:00-14:45 Craft Activities for all ages* Island Warehouse
15:00-16:30 Chris Roche Lecture: The Cape Horn Road Rolt Classroom
15:00-15:45 Craft Activities for the under 5s* Island Warehouse
* Children must be accompanied by an Adult
Saturday 7th April 2012
09:00-11:00 Breakfast available Cafe
10:00-16:00 Crafts and stalls Island Warehouse
10:00-10:45 Maritime Horrible Histories (Stories for children 6+)* Island Warehouse
10:00-10:45 Craft Activities for the Under 6s * Island Warehouse
10:00-16:00 Rope Making, knot society, Face painter,
figurehead carver crafts and stalls Boat Hall
11:00-11:45 Storytelling Workshop; for families (Children 6+) * Island Warehouse
11:00-11:45 Craft Activities for children under 6* Island Warehouse
11:00-17:00 Shanty Singers Rolt Foyer, Stables, Bigmere, Porters Row Marquee
11:00-close IW bar Island Warehouse
11:00-16:30 Music Sessions followed by Singaround sessions Island Warehouse
12:00-12:45 Maritime Horrible Histories (Stories for children 6+)* Island Warehouse
12:00-18:00 BBQ Stables/Middens
12:00, 13:00, 14:00 Trip Boat Tickets from Reception
13:00-16:00 Origami for children* Island Warehouse
13:00-13:45 Traditional seafarers yarns – for families (children 6+)* Island warehouse
13:00-14:30 Red Duster: Farewell to the Clan line (Merchant Navy Songs) Rolt Classroom
14:00-14:45 Stories, games and songs for the under sixes* Island warehouse
14:30-15:30 Derek Gifford: A brief History of Sea Shanties Rolt Classroom
15:00-15:45 Maritime Horrible Histories (Stories for children 6+)* Island Warehouse
15:30-17:00 Chris Roche Lecture: Pitcairn Island, Home of the Mutineers Rolt Classroom
* Children must be accompanied by an Adult
Sunday 8th April 2012
09:00-11:00 Breakfast available Cafe
10:00-16:00 Crafts and stalls Island Warehouse
10:00-10:45 Stories, games and songs for the under sixes* Island Warehouse
10:00-16:00 Rope Making, knot society, Face painter,
figurehead carver crafts and stalls Boat Hall
Time tbc 10:30-12:00 ? Boaters Games
11:00-11:45 Singing for children (over 5s)* Island Warehouse
11:00-11:45 Craft Activities for under 5s* Island Warehouse
11:00-17:00 Shanty Singers Rolt Foyer, Stables, Bigmere, Porters Row Marquee
11:00-close IW bar Island Warehouse
11:00-16:30 Music Sessions followed by Singaround sessions Island Warehouse
12:00-18:00 BBQ Stables/Middens
12:00, 13:00, 14:00 Trip Boat Tickets from Reception
13:00-16:00 Origami for children* Island Warehouse
13:00-14:30 Hans Weehuizen : Play the Bones Workshop Rolt Classroom
14:00-14:45 Craft Activities for all ages* Island Warehouse
15:00-16:30 Red Duster: Fleetwood and Fishing, Songs of the Trawling Trade Rolt Classroom
15:00-15:45 Craft Activities for the under 5s* Island Warehouse
* Children must be accompanied by an Adult
Monday 9th April 2012
09:00-11:00 Breakfast available Cafe
10:00-16:00 Crafts and stalls Island Warehouse
10:00-16:00 Rope Making, knot society, figurehead carver crafts and stalls Boat Hall ?
11:00-15:00 IW bar Island Warehouse
12:00-18:00 BBQ Stables/Middens
12:00, 13:00, 14:00 Trip Boat Tickets from Reception
14:00 Jasmine Parsons Premiere Rolt Theatre and bar
* Children must be accompanied by an Adult