D5 – Dissemination Plan TRUSTCOM – 01945 25/10/2018
Deliverable datasheet
Project acronym: TrustCoM
Project full title: A trust and Contract Management framework enabling secure collaborative business processing in on-demand created, self-managed, scalable, and highly dynamic Virtual Organisations
Action Line:4 – Leadership, Dissemination and Standards
Work Package:14 Dissemination
Document title:Dissemination Plan
Document reference:
Official delivery date:01/08/2004
Actual publication date:01/09/2004
File name:TrustCoM D5 Dissemination
Type of document:Report
Authors:Emil Lupu
Reviewers: CCLRC (Michael Wilson), Atos Origin
Approved by:MDW
Version / Date / Sections AffectedV.01 / 30/03/04 / All – Initial Structure
V.02 / 30/04/04 / All – Content and revisions
V.03 / 22/07/04 / Updated after report from partners
V.04 / 24/08/04 / All
V.05 / 31/08/04 / All – updated as QA review (MDW)
Table of Content
2Dissemination Strategy
3Internet Presence
3.1Document Publication Policy
3.2Software Publication Policy
4Dissemination to peers in research
5Dissemination to other industrial and commercial organisations
6Liaison with other EU Projects and the Commission
6.1Links with other EU projects
6.2Co-Location of meetings and workshops with other projects
7Dissemination to the General Public
9ANNEX I - Dissemination to peers in research
9.1.1Journal and Magazine research papers
9.1.2Conference Papers
9.2Conference Tutorials
9.3Presentations and Seminars Given
9.4Conference Panel appearances
9.5Organisation of Workshops and Conferences
9.6Forums of technical Expertise
10ANNEX II –Dissemination to other industrial and commercial organisations
10.1Technical Press Coverage
11ANNEX III – Liaison with other EU Projects and the Commission
12ANNEX IV – Dissemination to the General Public
12.1General Press Coverage
Dissemination is recognized as one of the central activities within the TrustCoM project and all partners are contributing to the achievement of its tasks. The objectives of the dissemination activity are:
- To ensure the dissemination of the project results to a wide reaching audience to make the community aware of the results of Trustcom and encourage the research community to refine them;
- To establish TrustCom’s presence as the leading technical project on Virtual Organisations to encourage adoption of the results of Trustcom;
- To influence decision-making bodies and improve the development of the market sector through the adoption of the results of Trustcom;
- To inform and promote activities with the public at large to encourage end users to have requirements for the services they use to conform to the results of Trustcom.
Dissemination draws upon the results in all technical workpackages and informs the strategic exploitation plans of the consortium by ensuring maximum uptake of the consortium results and maximising the benefit to the IT community at large. However, commercial exploitation and standardisation activities are addressed in separate workpackages and are outside the scope of this deliverable.
The dissemination activities have been organised according to the intended target audience namely:
- Dissemination to peers in research
- Dissemination to other industrial and commercial organisations
- Liaison with other EU projects and the Commission
- Dissemination to the General Public
The structure of this document reflects this organisation. After outlining the overall strategy for dissemination (Section 2) and describing the efforts undertaken towards establishing the Internet presence of the TrustCoM project (Section 3) each of the above mentioned areas are described in their own sections (Sections 3-6). Only an overview summary of the activities undertaken to date and the plans for future activities is given in these sections. A detailed record of all the activities undertaken by the consortium in each of these areas is given in annexes I-IV.
2Dissemination Strategy
A coordinated dissemination strategy is required in order to maximise the impact of the project in the IT community whilst maintaining the overall costs of the dissemination effort at reasonable levels and avoid overburdening the development effort. Traditionally thought of as a predominantly academic activity (commercial exploitation and standardisation are addressed in separate workpackages), the TrustCoM consortium aims to maximise the existing dissemination channels of all partners and aims to innovate in its dissemination plans as well as in its technical work.
Although, the emphasis of this deliverable is on the “dissemination plans”, it is equally important to observe that many dissemination activities are opportunistic. Co-location with meetings of other FP6 projects, organisation of workshops co-located with major conferences as well as invited talks given at international conferences or participation in conference panels are only a few examples of dissemination related activities for which opportunities may arise at any moment during the life-time of the consortium. Consequently, the consortium is developing the ability to provide a rapid response to arising opportunities through internal sharing of dissemination material and by identifying well-defined representatives in each of its technical areas of expertise.
“Dissemination” indicates an overall effort to promote the results of the project to the target audience. However, we believe that it is equally important for the consortium to act as a source of information and technical expertise when solicited by external organisations. We have therefore established forums of technical expertise and initial contacts for each of the target audiences that we aim to reach and interact with.
Although a number of dissemination activities will take place during the first 18 months of the project, it is anticipated that the most significant dissemination tasks will occur during the second part of the project as technical results become progressively available. TrustCoM is a very ambitious project within a technical area overwhelmed with promises that have not materialised. Furthermore, the TrustCoM consortium comprises some of the leading academic experts and industry organisations. Timely disclosure and dissemination of results is therefore of essence and every publication needs to be backed by concrete results.
We have identified the following strategic areas of dissemination corresponding to the categories of target audience the dissemination effort is attempting to reach:
- Dissemination to peers in research. Within this context the aim of the dissemination effort is to make known the technical results of the project within the traditional research forums. The main instruments for dissemination here are publications in technical journals and magazines, participation and organisation of international conferences as well as presentation of seminars and tutorials within the research community. In addition to the above the TrustCoM consortium is establishing forums of technical expertise that will be available to the research community at large.
- Dissemination to other industrial and commercial organisations. Within this context the aim is to promote the technical achievements of the TrustCoM consortium to other commercial organisations in order to influence the market sector and develop collaborations for future exploitation and use of the results. The main instruments for dissemination here are promotion material summarising the main results and developments, attendance at trade-fairs and major vendor events, demonstrations given to external organisations and organisation of specific tracks devoted to industry participants at the workshops organised. In addition to the above, it is desirable for the TrustCoM consortium to develop a shared network of contacts and new strategic partnerships with external organisations. Note that many of these activities are more appropriate during the second phase of the project.
- Liaison with other projects and the Commission. Within this context the aim is to share technical results (even at a partial stage) with other FP6 projects in order to allow these projects to leverage the efforts of the TrustCoM consortium and to enable the use of successful results from other projects within TrustCoM. The main instruments for dissemination here are the establishment of on-going links for sharing information between the projects, the co-location of workshops and meetings with other projects and the organisation of workshops or special sessions at IST eChallenge events. In addition, we expect to establish within this context strategic partnerships for future research projects.
- Dissemination to the general public. Within this context the aim is to publicise the results of the TrustCoM project to a non-computing literate audience. In particular, the aim is to explain the impact that the project achievements will have on the business landscape and to provide contacts for media and strategic research journals in all countries where the project is represented.
Details of the plans and activities undertaken for each of the strategic areas above are given in the next sections.
Activities to explicitly ensure that Trustcom results influence the development of IT Standards and to ensure that Trustcom results are compatible with the commercial plans of partners and the wider ICT business community are not addressed in this deliverable but in the Standardisation and Exploitation workpackages respectively.
3Internet Presence
The TrustCoM web-site is one of the main vectors for disseminating information about the consortium and its achievements. Hosted by Atos Origin and deployed at the web-site was developed after an extensive review of similar sites in existence to date. Its structure aims to provide easily accessible information without sacrificing important detail. The design of the web-site also allows to prominently display news and events organised by the consortium while at the same time acting as a repository of information.
Figure 1 Home Page outline
The figure above shows a sub-section of the home page of the TrustCoM web-site which in addition to the information on the TrustCoM project shows news, main events as well as providing access to the main categories of information. The overall organisation of the web-site is shown in the figure below.
In order to facilitate the fast distribution of information, a subset of the visible site of TrustCoM is connected to the Intranet site. Consortium members can therefore easily upload information for in any of the following categories: news, main events, download area, dissemination. The download area allows bulk download of large documentation while the dissemination area focuses on publicity material for the consortium.
Figure 2 Web-site Structure
We anticipate the web-site to be periodically updated as new information becomes available and new achievements are reached within the consortium. The structure of the site itself is not expected to vary considerably but will be periodically reassessed in order to preserve orderly categorisation of material.
3.1Document Publication Policy
Publications and Public Deliverables are published on the external web site through a simple process of project members depositing documents on the internal web site, these are reviewed for public dissemination by partners in accordance with the IPR limitations stated in the Consortium Agreement, and after the agreed time limit, if all objections that have been raised (if any) have been addressed, either the Dissemination Manager, or the Atos Origin Web Site Manager will transfer the documents to the external site.
3.2Software Publication Policy
The current software publication policy is that software shall be published on the public web site following the release procedure and license arrangements as stated in the consortium agreement.
Partners are encouraged to place links in visible web sites to this source of the code. Once code becomes available the project will investigate whether parallel publication on partner sites such as IBM’s Alphaworks site is possible to encourage broader visibility for the TrustCom results.
4Dissemination to peers in research
Dissemination to peers in research is achieved through the usual publication and presentation means namely:
- Publications in conferences, journals, technical magazines etc.
- Presentation of conference tutorials
- Presentations given as seminars in external academic organisations and research institutes
- The organisation of public workshops and conferences.
- The organisation of forums of technical expertise
The project includes several academic groups who traditionally deliver their results through these publication routes. It is important for the project to ensure that all research communities related to the project are informed of results. The identified communities include:
Trust – Int. Conf. on Trust Management, trust workshops at AAMAS
Security - IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (eDoc)
Contract and Policy – IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
Web and Grid Technologies – GGF quarterly meetings, Annual Web Conferences
e-business – e-challenges conference
general ICT researchers – IFIP World Computer Congress (Formal Aspects in Security and Trust.), IST conference
So far in the project a limited number of press releases to the technical press have been made. A list of press releases and press coverage achieved is presented in Annex II.
To date, a number of technical articles have been published or submitted for publication and tutorials have been presented. As we are still at an early stage of the project most of the articles and tutorials relate to work that was already on-going at the various partners site. The following table summarises the main forums where articles have been published according to their thematic area. A detailed list of all the activities to date is given in Section 9 (Annex I).
Trust and Contract Management FrameworkseChallenges 2003
Distributed Collaborations in Grid enabled VOs
eChallenges 2003, eChallenges 2004
Across Grid Conference 2004
UK Workshop on Grid Security Practice
Workflow and Business Process Specification and Enforcement
23rd IEEE Int. Performance Computing and Communications Conference
Trust Management
2nd Int. Conf. on Trust Management
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing within the 2nd Pervasive Computing Conference
eChallenges TrustCoM workshop
7th Int. Conf. On Electronic Commerce Research
FAST2004 – Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust. In association with the IFIP World Computing Congress.
Security and Security Management
Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technology
eChallenges TrustCoM workshop
FAST2004 – Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust. In association with the IFIP World Computing Congress.
Formal Specifications
7th International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science
FAST2004 – Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust. In association with the IFIP World Computing Congress.
Forthcoming dates, locations and deadlines for events identified for Trustcom dissemination in 2005 are:
6th IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
6-8 June 2005
Stockholm, Sweden
Web page:
Submission deadline: 10 December 2004
iTrust 2005 Third International Conference on Trust Management
May 23 - 26, 2005
Rocquencourt - France
Web page:
Submission deadline: November 25, 2004
The 14th International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)
May 10-14, 2005
Chiba, Japan
Web page:
Submission deadline: November 8, 2004
Utrecht University, Netherlands
25 - 29 July 2005
Web page:
Submission deadline: December 10, 2004
5Dissemination to other industrial and commercial organisations
The aim is to promote the technical achievements of the TrustCoM consortium to other commercial organisations in order to influence the market sector and develop collaborations with these organisations for future exploitation and use of the results. Note that this would normally comprise standardisation activities comprising participating and influencing international standards. However, given the importance of these standardisation activities for the TrustCoM project they have been grouped within their own Activity in Action Line 4. The tasks to be undertaken for the promotion of the technical results obtained by the consortium include:
- Development of promotion material summarising the main results and developments of the project.
- Dissemination of material and attendance at trade-fairs and major vendor events eg. Cebit
- Giving demonstrations at the various events
- Giving seminars and demonstrations to external organisations
- Developing a network of contacts and new strategic partnerships
- Organising specific tracks devoted to industry participants at the workshops organised
The responsibilities of partners in this area are as follows:
- Development of promotion material [Atos Origin, CCLRC, BT, BAE]
- Attendance at trade-fairs and major vendor events eg. Cebit [opportunistically when commercial partners attend. ]
- Giving demonstrations at the various events [to be decided later]
- Giving seminars and demonstrations to external organisations [All as opportunities arise]
- Developing a network of contacts and new strategic partnerships [executive board]
- Organising specific tracks devoted to industry participants at the workshops organised [to be decided]
6Liaison with other EU Projects and the Commission
The aim of this direction for dissemination is to foster close links and exchange of technical information, expertise and results with the other projects funded in the IST programme as well as to provide expert advice to the commission with regards to future research challenges and opportunities for integration. The main areas of activity are:
- Creating links with other FW6 projects, networks of excellence and FP5 thematic networks.
- Co-locating meetings with other projects to share expertise
6.1Links with other EU projects
In addition to co-locating workshops and meetings in order to share knowledge and results with the other projects we have adopted an approach which aims at actively tracking the developments in other projects in order to identify opportunities for leveraging existing work. To this end responsible partners have been assigned for liaison with each of the other projects. Annex 3 summarises the main projects and the partners responsible for tracking that project and liaising with its participants.
6.2Co-Location of meetings and workshops with other projects
It is planned to hold Trustcom meetings adjacent to technical conferences and workshops in order to reduce travel costs.
Members of other projects attending those technical meetings will be invited to attend the Trustcom technical meetings when their expertise can be beneficial, and there are no IPR concerns.
7Dissemination to the General Public
The aim of this initiative is to illustrate, explain and describe to the general public the vision that underpins the TrustCoM project and its achievements to date. The benefits of this task are two fold: firstly, it enables members of the general public to relate to the opportunities that future virtual organisations will provide and to understand how such virtual organisations are formed and function, and secondly it enables SMEs and future potential users of the virtual organisation framework to perceive how the results of the TrustCoM project will shape the future e-Commerce environment.