Customer Relationship Management – AMD Case Study

(How to Sustain Customer-Centricity by FindingOpportunities for Growth)

Professor Instructions:

  1. Pre-Case Study Analysis Mandatory Reading

 MUSTreadbefore main Case Study and APPLY the Customer Centricity conceptslearned to
answer case question!

a)How can your firm infuse customer-centricity into its R&D/Innovation processes?

  • Selden, L. and I.C. MacMillan (2006), “Manage Customer-Centric Innovation—Systematically”.

b)Where might you find untapped sources of customer value within your firm?

  • Zook, C. (2007), “Finding Your Next Core Business”.

c)Which customers (or segments) could be attractive if your firm’s business model
were to change?

  • Rosenblum, D., D.Tomlinson, L. Scott (2003), “Bottom-Feeding for Blockbuster Businesses”.

d)Roadmap to Customer Centricity vs. Product Centricity.

  • Fisk, Peter., “Roadmap to Customer Centricity”.(pp.5-6are very important Phases)
  1. AMD Case Study Article

Sustaining Returns on Customer-Centricity via Innovation: Technology Manufacturing Sector

  • “AMD: A Customer-Centric Approach to Innovation”,Jan. 31,2007.
  1. Submit a Response to the Following Question on Case Study Article

AMDdevelopedlaunched: i)Opteron, ii)“Reinventing the Commercial Client” initiative,
iii) “The Power Campaign” and iv)Torrenza initiative.
Think about the Torrenzainitiative and submit aresponse to following question:

“To what extent does the Torrenza initiative reflect the various dimensions of customer centricity at AMD?”

  • Make sure to study the pertinent case exhibits and touch upon if/how Torrenza should help increase Customer Lifetime Value (i.e. revenue/profitability & reduced churn) focusing on customer centricity versus a product
    centric approach. * Use an Appendix if necessary for custom Graphs/Tables.
  • Customize PowerPoint exhibits in slides 3,5 and 6included in the “Appendix – CRM Course Material Graphs for AMD Case Study.ppt”to highlight where AMD currently lies within each and points highlighting this. * Include them in your Case Study Appendix.
  1. Cast Study Response Requirements
  • Use the facts presented in the case and you MUSTapply the conceptsfrom the pre-case study reading to receive a passing grade.
  • DO NOTsummarize again what the case is about, as I know what it is about. Focus on answering the Case Study Question being asked using CRM concepts in the pre-case readings.
  • Your answer must be completeand comprehensiveusing complete paragraphs/sentence structure and English grammar.
  • Do Notuse any external reference/information sources other than what is provided inthe Pre-Case Study reading.
  1. Case Analysis Report - Formatting Requirements and Pagination

-1-page Maximum & Single-Spaced

  • Appendices may be included to expand upon exhibit analysis and graphs.
  • Include customized PowerPoint slides 3,5 & 6 as per instructions in Section III.

-12 pt. Times New Roman

-1-inch margins

  1. Grading & Evaluation

To evaluate your report, I will look at:

  1. How well you have appraised the situation and pulled it all together to guide
    your recommendations around Customer Centricity arguments.
  2. I will also look at how well use key CRM concepts in analyzing the problem.
  3. The thoughtfulness of your assessment of AMD’s Customer Centricity and connection to your analysis.