December 8, 2010
The Scott County Commission met in a regular scheduled meeting Wednesday, December 8, 2010. Members present were Chairman Dylan Spencer, members Jack Frick and Larry Hoeme, and County Clerk Pam Faurot.
The Commission approved the monthly bills as presented by the County Clerk’s office.
1:05Glenn Holliday and Clayton Stambaugh representing Torch Energy, Inc. joined the meeting.
Jack Frick made a motion to approve the November 17, 2010, Commission Minutes as presented. Larry Hoeme seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
1:25John Shirley joined the meeting.
The group discussed a proposed wind project in northwest Scott County. Torch Energy, Inc. is hoping to move forward once the property leases are completed and a contract is completed to sell the energy generated by the wind project.
Dylan Spencer made a motion to approve the Torch Energy, Inc. Energy Memorandum of Easement and Lease Agreement, and the Grant of Wind Energy and Lease Agreement for the Zella Carpenter property located in Scott County at the NE4 of Section 33, Township 16S, and Range 33W. Larry Hoeme seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
1:50Glenn Holliday and Clayton Stambaugh left the meeting.
Jack Frick made a motion to pay the full amount of property taxes on the Zella Carpenter property in an amount of $4,938.82 paid by check # 527. Larry Hoeme seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission approved Zella Carpenter check #528 in an amount of $3,990.00 to Park Lane Nursing Home for November special assistance.
The Commission reviewed two letters from concerned tax payers that were sent to the Scott County Treasurer’s office. The concerns were discussed. No action was taken.
The Commission reviewed the final balance sheet for the 2009 tax roll as prepared by Scott County Treasurer Lark Speer. No action was taken.
The County Commission discussed a letter received from county treasurer Lark Speer regarding oil and gas royalties. Lark and John Reeder seem to have a difference of opinion in how these tax assessments are made. John Shirley reviewed the letter and agreed to contact John Reeder and discuss this matter. He will report back to the Commission at the next meeting. No action was taken.
2:10John Shirley left the meeting.
Due to the fact that Manatron, Inc. is no longer going to support the current trash billing program used in the County Clerk’s office, they have prepared a new program to meet the County’s needs at a cost of $578 for the program and $346 annual software support. Jack Frick made a motion to purchase the new program for $578 and approve the annual software support if Manatron, Inc. would be willing to guarantee the annual support cost of $346 for a period of ten years. Larry Hoeme seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
2:30Richard Cramer joined the meeting.
Larry Hoeme made a motion to go into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The Commission and Richard Cramer went into executive session.
2:45The Commission and Richard Cramer came out of executive session. Pam Faurot rejoined the meeting. The Commission awarded Richard Cramer 1.5 percent merit pay.
The Commission approved a road easement for HD Water Line, Inc. for a line to cross county road 280 at the S2 of S9, T16S, R34W and N2 of S16, T16S, R34W.
The Commission approved a road easement for Lario Oil and Gas Company for a line to cross county road 120 at SE4 of S31, T18S, R33W and NE4 of S6, T19S, R33W.
Larry Hoeme made a motion for the County to pay a set-up fee and $5.00 per shirt or other apparel items that include the Scott County logo. The additional cost for any apparel items ordered will be paid by the employee through a payroll deduction on the first payroll after the purchase. All apparel orders must be approved by the department head. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
3:05Ryan Roberts joined the meeting.
Richard and the Commission discussed possible road projects if the Torch Energy project became a reality. No action was taken.
3:10Jim Minnix joined the meeting. Richard Cramer left the meeting.
A brief discussion was held on the Veteran’s Memorial project. Larry Hoeme made a motion that the County would pay the monthly electric expense for lighting at the memorial once it is completed. The Veteran Memorial organization will be responsible for all costs involved in the installation of any electrical equipment and fixtures. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
4:00Ryan Roberts and Jim Minnix left the meeting. Karen Sattler joined the meeting.
Larry Hoeme made a motion to go into executive session for twenty minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Jack Frick seconded the motion. The Commission and Karen Sattler went into executive session. The Commission and Karen Sattler went into executive session.
4:20The Commission and Karen Sattler came out of executive session. Pam Faurot rejoined the meeting. The Commission awarded Karen Sattler 1.5 percent merit pay.
4:25 Karen Sattler left the meeting.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned.