Proposal for collaboration management of forestry
Amur region
Dear Sirs!
The implementation of major energy projects, development of transport infrastructure and the development of modern industries and create conditions for dynamic development of the Amur region. Due to its favorable geographical position Amur region becomes a kind of gateway of Russia on the Asian continent. The regional government is interested in the fact that these doors were always wide open for an honest, practical and mutually beneficial partnership.
Priority for enhancing investment cooperation and external economic relations is primarily a deep wood processing and development of processing infrastructure.
I invite all interested parties to participate in the exciting and profitable investment projects in the Amur region.
Nicolai Savel'ev
Head of the Department of Forestry Amur region
675000, Blagoveshchensk, Zeyskaya str., 211,
tel. +7 (4162) 51-40-94,
fax. +7 (4162) 52-43-15,
The region is located in south-eastern Russia and is part of the Far Eastern federal district. Field is located in the south - east of Russia, in the Asian part of it, in the basin of the Amur River. It borders on the south by China and the west - the Chita region, in the north - with Yakutia and in the east of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and Khabarovsk Krai. From the warm Sea of Japan, the average area of removed more than 1200 km and fenced off by several mountain ranges - the Sikhote-Alin , Badzhalskim, Bureya and Turan. Distance to the capital of Russia - Moscow is 7982 miles by rail to the center of the city DFO Khabarovsk - 750 kilometers. The difference with Moscow time is six hours.
Maximum length of the region from north to south is 750 km and from north-west to south-east - 1150 km. Amur region lies in the moderate thermal zone. The length of the border region is 4300 km, of which 1,234 kilometers falls on the border with China. Blagoveshchensk, the only regional center in Russia, located in the border zone.
Area Amur region - 361,9 thousand square meters. km.
Amur region belongs to the-rich regions, forest cover is 64%. The total area of forest land is 30.5 million hectares, including 22.8 million hectares covered by forest Total timber reserves are estimated at 1.9 billion cubic meters (ripe and overripe 50,4%), including 1.5 billion cubic meters - Conifers.
Timber industry takes a leading position in the regional economy and has a significant influence on the development of other industries, transport and social services. It accounts for 4.3% of total industrial production in the area, more than 80% of regional exports to a monetary turnover of around 131 million dollars, number of employees - 1,1% of the total employed in the sectors of the economy.
Forestry enterprises of production carried out a wide range of wood products:
- Production of natural products Closed Joint Stock Company«Ametis»;
- Edge-timber natural moisture;
- Dry-edged lumber and parts industry;
- Dry and laminated wood moldings;
- Sets wooden houses from the usual, hollow, laminated and profiled timber and logs.
Rich Wood Raw Materials Database is a sound basis for the normal functioning of the multi-timber complex, largely determines the state of the regional economy. In order to attract potential investors should note that investment activity in the region is fixed by a number of normative legal acts.
The laws of the Amur region1 / Law Amur region "On investment activity in the Amur Region" from 05.09.2007 № 374-RL
2 / Law of the Amur region “on industrial policy in the Amur Region "from 28.02.2000 № 220-RL
3 / Law of the Amur region “on the procedure and conditions for granting concessions on taxes and duties in the Amur Region "from 28.11.2003 № 263-RL
4 / Law of the Amur region “on targeted tax reductions in the Amur region in 2009 "from 10.10.2008 № 107-RL
5 / Law of the Amur region “on the procedure for granting the state guarantees the Amur Region” from 30.06.2008 № 67-RL
6 / Law of the Amur region “on the integrated program "Economic and social development of the Amur Region for 2004-2010" from 31.10.2005 № 80-RL
Decisions and orders of the Government, the regional governor
7 / Resolution of the Head of region"On the financial and economic expertise of investment projects" from 10.08.1999№ 466
8 / Resolution of the Governor " About statement of methodical recommendations on investment policy of the municipal entity" from 20.08.2003 № 587
9 / Resolution of the Governor "On approval of provisions on the state register of investment projects of the Amur region and the list of investment projects of the Amur region, are eligible to receive state support through the regional budget” from 01.08.2005 № 447
10 / Resolution of the Governor on the activities of state and local authorities to promote investment activities of economic entities "from 02.08.2006 № 427
11 / Resolution of the Governor "On approval of provisions on the provision of budgetary funds to non-state organizations" from 26.06.2007 № 398 (the editorial. from 24.08.2007)
12 / Decision Government Amur region "On establishment of the Commission for priority investment projects under the Government of Amur Region" from 17.09.2007 № 6
13 / Resolution of the Government of the Amur region “On the priority investment projects in the field of development of forests of the Amur region "from 28.04.2008 № 102
14 / Disposal of the Governor "On approval of the plan preparation and submission of documents to attract the RF Investment Fund" from 21.07.2008 № 344-D
15 / Disposal of the Government of the Amur region "On approval of the plan of action to promote public-private partnership in the Amur Region" from 09.06.2006 № 4-D
In general, according to the rating of investment attractiveness of regions of Russia 2007-2008yy. agency "Expert", Amur region on the investment risk is 53 seats, the investment potential of the region occupies 46 seats. In general, the investment climate of the Amur region is characterized as minor.
Thus, the timber industry complex area has open and hidden perspectives on its further development. The presence of a rich base of renewable natural resources, transportation corridors, the diversification of products and a great desire to grow, opportunities for state support of enterprises, make the industry headed the list of priority sectors for development in the region. Availability of working capital invested in production, and competent marketing policies will further develop the industry as a sector of the economy.
We invite you to cooperate with potential investors and buyers!