Specific Requirements for Professional ExperienceEDEC355:Young children as Mathematicians PrEx10days

Specific Requirements for Professional Experience

EDEC355:Young children as Mathematicians PrEx10days

Thisprofessionalexperienceplacementisa10dayblockprofessional experiencewith3to8yearolds.The placement can occur in your current service.Duringthis10 dayprofessional experienceyouareexpectedtoimmerseyourselfinthelifeoftheearlychildhoodserviceanddevelopyourunderstandingnotonlyofteachingandlearningintheearlychildhoodcontext,butalsoofthewidercontextoftheservice.YourprofessionalexperienceisalignedwiththegoalsandintentoftheEarlyYearsLearningFrameworkandtheAustralianChildren’sEducationCareQualityAuthority.


  1. identify and demonstrate how theory, research and practice can lead to a better comprehension of children's problem solving skills;
  2. plan for young children's mathematical thinking across a variety of environments and contexts;
  3. support children's problem solving and mathematical learning using a play based integrated curriculum focus and using available technology;
  4. plan, implement and evaluate relevant curriculum and guidelines;
  5. demonstrate autonomy and judgement to professional standards of communication, modelling skills applicable in a professional career; and
  6. demonstrate the ability to act professionally when working with young children.

Duringtheprofessional experience,whileyouwillbeassignedtoasupervisingteacherandhis/hergroup,youarealsoexpectedtoseekopportunitiestovisitothergroups,withtheagreementofbothyoursupervisingteacherandtheotherroomleader(s),inordertoobservearangeofstrategies. Check that your supervising teacher has received the professional experience documents via email.

Duringthefirstfewdaysthefocusisonwatchingandinteractingwithchildreninordertobuildrelationships.Thisextendedperiodofobservationisnecessaryforyoutoobservemodellingofactivities,interactionsandteacherresponsespriortocommencinganyteachingofyourown.In thisprofessional experienceyoushould be ready,withyoursupervisingteacher’sguidance,totakegroupactivitiesinthesecondweek.

Thespecifictasksforthisprofessional experienceareoutlinedinthenextsection.

NostudentmayCOMMENCEaprofessional experienceplacementpriorto the beginning date which has been allocated for Trimester1.

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Specific Requirements for Professional ExperienceEDEC355:Young children as Mathematicians PrEx10days

Week1ofprofessional experience / Discuss your assignment with your supervising teacher. You may complete your placement in relation to the first or second assignment.
You should complete the Survey of Instructional practices in early mathematics during the first week of placement.
Please practice the levels of engagement (it does not just have to be related to mathematics) under the guidance of your supervising educator. The levels of engagement descriptions are available on the Moodle site.
Spend most of the first week observing, collecting information and building relationships with the children and families.
If you will be taking photos of children please make sure to get written permission from parents first.
Week2ofprofessional experience / Continue to work on your assignment and to build relationships with children.
Please plan an intentional play based mathematics experience related to your observation of an incidental event in your placement. Please use the form below to reflect your experience.
Complete a reflection of your experience.
The Final Report needs to be submitted to the Office for Professional Learning by your supervising teacher. This must be completed on the final day of professional experience by your supervising teacher and then emailed to the Office for Professional Learning .

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Specific Requirements for Professional ExperienceEDEC355:Young children as Mathematicians PrEx10days






Describe the incidental event that initiated the intentional play experience.







Preparation:Whatdoyouneedtoprepareforasafeand engaging environment?

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Specific Requirements for Professional ExperienceEDEC355:Young children as Mathematicians PrEx10days







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