David Mayes
Curriculum Vitae
David Mayes
Private and Confidential
MA (Oxon), PhD (Bristol)
ADDRESS 24 Esslin Road
Waiheke Island
Auckland 1081
New Zealand
TELEPHONE tel. 09 372 3681
Mobile 021811400
Department of Accounting and Finance
(Europe Institute)
University of Auckland
Level 5 (level 6)
Owen G Glenn Building
12 Grafton Road
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre 1142
tel 09 373 7599 x 87618/87930
Current position : BNZ Professor of Finance University of Auckland; Director, Europe Institute University of Auckland, Adjunct Professor University of Canterbury, Visiting Professor University of Buckingham, Co-director NZ Governance Centre, University of Auckland.
Previous employment: Advisor to the Board, Bank of Finland 1997-2008, Professor of Economics, London South Bank University 1997-2007, Visiting Fellow, CESifo, Munich, 2009, Adjunct Professor University of Auckland, 2007-2010.
Adjunct Professor, National Centre for Research on Europe, University of Canterbury, 2000-3, Honorary Professor of Banking and Financial Institutions, University of Stirling, 2003-6. Visiting Fellow, University of Paris, Nanterre, 2008, Visiting Professor University of Auckland, 2006-7.
Chief Manager (now relabelled Assistant Governor), Economics Department, Reserve Bank of New Zealand 1994-7, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London 1989-94. Honorary Professor University of St Andrews. Coordinator Economic Social Research Council Single European Market Programme, 1990-1994, Adjunct Professor of Economics University of Waikato, 1996-9.
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, 1988-9
Group Head of Industrial Economics, Statistics and Computing, National Economic Development Office, London 1982-9
Director and Chief Research Economist, NZ Institute of Economic Research, Wellington, 1985-6.
Senior Lecturer in Economic and Social Statistics, University of Exeter 1981-2 (Lecturer 1971-9).
Editor, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London 1979-81 (the Editor runs the forecasting team and produces the National Institute Economic Review).
Visiting Professor University of Tilburg, Netherlands 1980, University of Fukuoka, Japan 1989.
Related responsibilities
Editor of the Economic Journal since 1976
Specialist Advisor House of Lords Select Committee on Overseas Trade 1984-5, European Communities Committee, 1989-90
Director COST A7 Program, 1991-4
Director ESRC Single European Market Programme 1990-4
Member ‘Maas Group’ European Communities Working Group on Problems of Implementing the Single European Currency, 1994-5.
Monetary Policy Committee, European Central Bank, 2002-5
Co chair EUSA Economics section (USA) 2003-2013
Joint Australia and New Zealand Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, 2008-
Two current PhD students
Consultancy/research contracts since 2006
European Commission (RECON, $300,000)
IMF (5)
European Parliament
Suomen Pankki
Norges Bank
Eesti Pank (2)
Asian Development Bank Institute
Central Banking
Andrew Schonfield Association
Central banks advised
Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Libya, Maldives, Montenegro, Nigeria, Norway, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, UK
International courses in Estonia, Montenegro, Spain, South Korea, UK
Recent Teaching
Monetary Economics (Canterbury, level 3)
Economics of the EU (Auckland, level 3)
International Finance (London, level 3)
Banking (Stirling, Masters)
Banking regulation (Portugal, Spain, Estonia, post experience)
Central banking (UK, post experience)
EUCN lecturer (Lincoln, 2008)
Editorial Boards
North American Journal of Finance and Economics
Journal of Financial Stability
Journal of Banking Regulation
Seminar/Conference presentations 2008-9
University of Lille – keynote address
University of Paris, Nanterre – keynote address
Estonian Economic Association Annual conference – keynote address
Goethe University – ECB, Frankfurt
University of Auckland (3)
University of Canterbury
Lincoln University (2)
Bank of Finland (2)
Bank of Estonia
Norges Bank
EUSA biennial meeting, Los Angeles (2)
WEAI Vancouver and Hawaii
University of Warwick
University of Loughborough
Bocconi University (2)
Bank of England
Cass Business School (2)
University of Cambridge
Melbourne Financial Forum
Wilfrid Laurier University (2)
Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis
National Bank of Belarus
Czech National Bank
Asymmetry and Aggregation in the Euro Area, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (with M Viren) 2011.
Towards a New Framework for Financial Regulation Central Banking Publications (with R Pringle and M Taylor), 2009
Designing Central Banks Routledge (with Geoffrey Wood), 2009
The Microfoundations of Economic Success: Lessons from Estonia, Edward-Elgar 2009
Problems of Governance in the European Union: Migration, Monetary Integration, Socio-Economic Change and Trade, Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press (edited), 2008
The Varieties of Linguistic, Religious and Geographical Identities in Europe: Essays on the Problem of European Integration, Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press (edited), 2008
Deposit Insurance Palgrave Macmillan, (with A Campbell, R LaBrosse and D Singh, eds.), 2007.
Open Market Operations Routledge, (with J Toporowski), Routledge, 2007.
Prospects for Financial Markets Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006.
The Structure of Financial Regulation Routledge, (with G Wood), 2007
Adjusting to EMU Palgrave-Macmillan (with B Ardy, I Begg, D Hodson and I Maher), 2005
New Zealand and Europe: Connections and Comparisons, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004 (with B Luciano).
Who Pays for Bank Insolvency? Palgrave-Macmillan, (with A Liuksila) 2003
Social Exclusion in European Welfare States, Edward Elgar (with R Muffels and P Tsakloglou) 2002.
Social Exclusion and European Policy, Edward Elgar (with R Salais and J Berghman) 2001
Improving Banking Supervision, Palgrave (with L Halme and A Liuksila) 2001
The Evolution of the Single European Market, Edward Elgar, 1997
Sources of Productivity Growth, Cambridge University Press, 1996
The Single Market Programme as a Stimulus to Change: Comparisons between Britain and Germany (with P E Hart) Cambridge University Press, 1995
Inefficiency in Industry (with C Harris and M Lansbury) Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1994
The Evolution of Rules for a Single European Market:
Vol 1 Industry and Finance
Vol 2 Rules Democracy and the Environment
Vol 3 Social and International Issues
Luxembourg/Brussels: European Commission (ed.) 1995
Foreign Direct Investment and Transition: the case of the Visegrad Countries (with G Csaki and G Foti, eds) Budapest: Institute of World Economics Trends in World Economy no 78.
The External Implications of European Integration (with others) Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1993
Public Interest and Market Pressures: Problems for the 1992 Programme (with W Hager, A Knight and W Streeck) Macmillan, 1993
Achieving Monetary Union (with A Britton) Sage, 1992 (also in French and German)
A New Strategy for Social and Economic Cohesion after 1992 (with I Begg) European Parliament (in all EU languages) 1991
The European Challenge: Industry’s Response to the 1992 Programme Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1991
A Strategy for the ECU (with A Britton and Ernst and Young) Kogan Page, 1990 (also in French, German and Italian)
Sharpbenders: the Secrets of Unleashing Corporate Potential, (with P Grinyer and P McKiernan), Blackwell, 1988.
Integration and European Industry (with M Macmillen and P van Veen) Tilburg University Press, 1987
The Exchange Rate Environment (with S Brooks and K Cuthbertson) Croom-Helm 1986
Modern Portfolio Theory and Financial Institutions (with D C Corner) Macmillan, 1983
Applications of Econometrics Prentice Hall, 1981
The Property Boom Martin Robertson, 1979
Introductory Economic Statistics (with A C Mayes) Wiley, 1976 (also in Spanish and Chinese)
Editor European Planning Studies Special issue on Decentralised Industrial Policy vol 8 no1 pp 149-236, 2000.
Editor North American Journal of Finance and Economics Special issue on Globalization and Integration, 2009
Selected Recent Articles, Reports, Chapters
‘Estimating the Effects of Integration’, ch.13 in M N Jovanovic (ed.) International Handbook of the Economics of Integration, Vol.III, pp.259-284, Edward Elgar (with Nigel Grimwade and Jiao Wang), 2011.
‘The Future of Financial Markets: financial crisis avoidance’, Empirica, vol.38(1), pp.77-101, 2011.
‘Central Banks in the Age of the Euro: Europeanization, Convergence and Power’, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol 48(3), pp.765-6.
‘The Future for Deposit Insurance’, Jassa, 2010(3), pp.35-8.
‘The United Kingdom’ in Regulatory Reform for Recovery: Lessons from Implementation During Crises, pp.181-259, Paris: OECD.
‘Can Economic Integration Be Democratic? The Case of Taxes’, pp.509-517, in R Letelier and A.J. Menendez eds) The Sinews of European Peace, RECON Report no. 10, Oslo: ARENA.
‘The Quality of Monetary Policy and Inflation Performance: Globalization and its Aftermath’, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper 31/2009
‘Banking Crisis Resolution Policy – Different Country Experiences’, Norges Bank Staff Memo, no.10, 2009. A revised and shortened version has been published as ‘Bank Crisis Resolution Policy’, CESifo Working Paper, no 2823, October 2009.
‘The Role of Central Banks in Financial Supervision and Regulation’, Economic Affairs, vol.29(3), pp.40-46.
‘The Implications of Integration for Globalisation’, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol.20(2), pp. 83-90 (with Sven Arndt and Patrick Crowley)
‘Resolution Methods for Cross-Border Banks in the Present Crisis’, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, vol.17(3), pp.210-239.
‘How Much Have the Financial Crises in the Nordic Countries Helped Them Cope with the Current Financial Turmoil’, Journal of Common Market Studies,vol.47 (5), pp. 995-1013
‘Early Intervention and Prompt Corrective Action in Europe’, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper 17/2009
‘A New Standard for Deposit Insurance and Government Guarantees After the Crisis’ Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (forthcoming) (with Andrew Campbell, John Raymond LaBrosse, and Dalvinder Singh)
‘National Central Banks in a Multi-national System’ in M Bohl and P Siklos (eds) Modernising the Central Bank, Cambridge University Press (with Geoffrey Wood). (forthcoming).
‘The Northern Rock Crisis in the UK’, pp.35-47 in F Bruni and DT Llewellyn, eds, The Failure of Northern Rock: a multidimensional case study, Vienna: SUERF.
‘Comparison of Monetary Policy Strategies in Major Central Banks’, Report for the European Parliament, March, 2009 (with Juan Casteneda, Pedro Schwartz, Anne Sibert and Geoffrey Wood).
‘Optimal Structures for Financial Regulation and Supervision’, CESIfo DICE Report, 2/2009, pp.7-12.
‘Some Rules for Cross-Border Banks in Europe’, European Business Organisation Law Review, vol.10, pp.213-231.
‘Organising the Economists in a Central Bank’, chapter 18 in John Mendzela and Nick Carver (eds.) Central Bank Management, London: Central Banking, 2009.
‘The Impact of Asset Prices and Their Information Value for Monetary Policy’, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, vol.5(2) (December), pp.1-26 (with Matti Viren), 2008
‘Explaining Bank Distress in European Transition Economies’, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.33(2), pp.244-53 (with Kadri Mannasoo), 2008.
‘Lessons from the Northern Rock Episode’, Economie Internationale, vol.114, pp.5-27 (with Geoffrey Wood), 2008.
‘Avoiding the Next Crisis’, Cesifo-Forum, 4/2008, pp.44-50.
'Meeting the Challenge of Monetary Union: Lessons from the Finnish Experience', Bank i Kredyt, 2007 (with Antti Suvanto)
'Monetary Policy Strategy and Practice in Australia, Canada and New Zealand: Some Current issues', BoFOnline, 2007, no.12.
'Multiple Safety Net Regulators and Agency Problems in the EU: Is Prompt Corrective Action Partly the Solution?', Journal of Financial Stability, 2007 ( Maria Nieto and Larry Wall) earlier version in Harald Benink, Charles Goodhart and Rosa Lastra, eds., Prompt Corrective Action & Cross-Border Supervisory Issues in Europe, pp.62-88, London School of Economics, Financial Markets GroupSpecial Paper 171 (April), 2007.
'Promoting Financial Stability through Effective Depositor Protection: the Case for Explicit Limited Deposit Insurance', in A Campbell, R Labrosse, D Mayes and D Singh, Deposit Insurance, pp.1-39, Abingdon: Routledge (with Raymond Labrosse), 2007.
'The SGP and the ECB: an exercise in asymmetry', Journal of Financial Transformation, vol.19, pp.159-175 (with Matti Virén), 2007.
'Asymmetry and Inflation Dynamics in Different Specifications of the Phillips Curve for the Euro Area', Current Politics and Economics of Europe, vol.19(3-4), pp.203-232, 2008, (with M Paloviita).
'The Relation between Inflation and Regional Unemployment and Sectoral Income Growth Dispersion: Evidence from EU Countries' Journal of Economic Asymmetries, vol. 3(2). pp.83-102, 2007 (with Matti Viren)
‘The CIS: Does the Regional Hegemony Facilitate Monetary Integration?’, Economie Internationale, vol.107, pp.173-196, 2007 (with Vesa Korhonen)
‘Contributions from Economics’, in K E Jorgensen, M A Pollack and B Rosamund, eds) Handbook of European Union Politics, pp.114-137, London: Sage (with Patrick Crowley).
Round Table: Inflation Targeting 2, 'A tentative roadmap for implementing inflation targeting', pp.51-57, 'A macroeconometric model approach for Albania', pp.87-94, 'The future of the Monetary Policy Report within an inflation targeting framework', pp.291-298, Bank of Albania, 2007.
Financial Stability In A World Of Cross-Border Banking: Nordic And Antipodean Solutions To The Problem Of Responsibility Without Power, Journal of Banking Regulation, 2006 also in A Campbell, R Labrosse, D Mayes and D Singh, Deposit Insurance, pp.267-287, Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.
'Investigating the early signals of banking sector vulnerabilities in Central and East European emerging markets' pp 385-413 in Klaus Liebscher, Josef Christl, Peter Mooslechner and Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald, eds., Financial Development, Integration and Stability: Evidence from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006.
'Rola systemu bexpieczenstwa przy rozwiazaniach dla duzych instytucji finansowych' pp.25-48 in l Pawlowicz ed Polska Wobec Integracji Rynku Finansowego W Unii Europejsjiej Gdansk: Finance Institute Papers 112, 2006.
'The Use of Real Time Information in Transmission of Monetary Policy', pp.37-50 of Conference Proceedings, Minsk: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (in Belorussian), 2006.
Cross-border financial supervision in Europe: goals and transition paths Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review, 2/2006, pp.58-89.
'Differences in the euro area: a wavelet approach', Bank of Finland Bulletin, vol.79(4), pp.21-35, 2005 (with P Crowley).
'The Use Real Time Information in Phillips Curves for the Euro Area', North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol.16(3), 2005 (with M Paloviita).
'The European Central Bank in 2004', Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.43, pp.85-8.
'The Role of the Safety Net in Resolving Large Financial Institutions', in D Evanoff and G Kaufman eds., Systemic Bank Crises: Resolving Large Bank Insolvencies, pp.275-306, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.
'Monetary Policy Assumptions in Central Bank Forecasts', Bank of Finland Bulletin, vol.78(4), pp.28-35, 2004 (with J Kontulainen and J Tarkka).
'Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy', Modelling Economies in Transition, pp.85-108, 2004 (with M Virén).
‘Monetary Policy Problems for Currency Unions’, Economic Modelling, 2004, vol.22, pp.219-251 (with M Viren).
'Cross-border Banks and the Next Crisis', The Financial Regulator, 2004,vol. 9(3), pp.21-25 and editor special feature pp. 21-49.
'Pressures on the stability and Growth Pact from asymmetry in policy', Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 11(5), pp.781-797, 2004.