
Romford Road

Pembury, Tunbridge Wells



Tel: 01892 822188

Mobile: 07899 678247

E-mail: October 2004


Date of birth: May 4th 1975, age 29

GMC Reference number: 6070323 (PLAB 2, August 3rd, 2004)

Immigration status: Awaiting Permit-free Training visa

Languages: Fluent in English, Italian and Albanian

Nationality: Albanian

Marital status: Single


2000 – 2003 Faculty of Medicine/ Haematology Department, University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa”, Tirana.

1993 – 1999 Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana.

1989 – 1993 High school “Ali Demi”, average grade 9.6 (max. grade 10).


1. July 1999 Medical Doctor, average grade 9.2 (max. grade 10).

2. February 2000 Haematology Resident (SHO equivalent).

3. February 2001 Doctors’ Training Course for Medical Emergency Services Certificate (equivalent to ALS course).

4. April 2003 Haematology Specialist (SpR equivalent), average grade 9.6 (max. grade 10).



University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa”, Tirana, Albania

April 2000 – February 2001, Resident in Haematology

Rotating through: Statistics, Genetics, Imaging, Pathology, Histology, Transfusion Services, and Laboratory Services.

February 2001 – April 2003, Department of Haematology

This is the main haematology department in the country. It sees approximately 2000 patients a year with haematological malignancies, haemoglobinopathies, G-6-PD and pyruvate kinase deficiencies and aplastic anaemias. My responsibilities were:

·  Outpatient clinics seeing new and follow-up patients under supervision.

·  Inpatient care, 6 – 8 patients at any given time, under supervision.

·  Data collection for departmental research in International Prognostic Index of Non – Hodgkin Malignant Lymphomas.

·  Database design for departmental research for Malignant Lymphomas (1985 – 2002).

·  Interpreting and summarising research articles from the recent medical literature for the senior departmental staff.

·  On call duties, managing ward and acute medical emergencies, initially under supervision and later first on-call.


Working in an Italian commercial company with 100 workers. My responsibilities were:

·  Dealing with the emergencies in the work place.

·  Giving psychological help when needed.

·  Preparation of the necessary insurance documents for workers.

January – April 2000, GENERAL PRACTITIONER

Working in two villages of Vlora district, caring for 1700 inhabitants. My responsibilities were:

·  Consultation of new and follow-up patients.

·  Practice management including the supervision of 4 nursing staff and negotiation with the local government for the practice needs.

·  Health education and promotion.

·  Detection and notification of cases of infectious disease.

·  Supervising the vaccination of children up to 14 years old.

·  Preparing the statistics for acute and chronic patient consultations.

·  Preparing and keeping the medical records and documents.

·  Setting up the health care register for the area of my responsibility.

June – July 2000 and June – July 2001, GENERAL PHYSICIAN

Working as the only doctor in a Christian project, caring for the health of 50 – 250

participants, including emergencies, acute and chronic illnesses, and minor complaints.


§  Three weeks as an medical observer, learning about the practice of Palliative Care in the UK (St. Michael’s Hospice, Hastings, St. Wilfred’s Hospice, Eastbourne, Hospice in the Weald, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells), April 2002. During the visit I learned about the home service, day care, fundraising, educational activities. I also took part in the ward rounds and attended home visits.

§  Two weeks as a medical observer in St. Christopher’s Hospice, February 2003. During the visit I learned more about symptom control and pain management. I participated in case conferences and business ward rounds.

§  Eight weeks as a clinical observer in Royal Sussex County University Hospital, Brighton General Hospital and Hove Polyclinic, May – July 2004, 4 weeks with the Department of Respiratory Medicine in Brighton General Hospital, 3 weeks with Digestive Diseases Centre and 1 week with the Department of Cardiology in Royal Sussex County University Hospital. During the clinical attachment I took part in the outpatient clinics, in business ward rounds, and in admissions and post-take ward rounds.


§  Enabling student learning, by Partnership in International Medical Education (PRIME) and University of Brighton, Tirana, April 2003

§  Chronic disease management, by PRIME and University of Brighton, Tirana, June 2002

§  Cardiology in the interface between Primary and Secondary Care, by PRIME and University of Brighton, Tirana, April 2002

§  Teaching clinical skills, by PRIME and University of Brighton, Tirana, January 2002

§  Spirituality and Ethics in Medical Practice, by PRIME and University of Brighton, Tirana, 24th November 2001

§  Communication and Ethics in Family Practice, by PRIME and University of Brighton, Tirana, November 2001

§  The development of Clinical Skills and the Principles and Practice of Family Medicine, by PRIME and University of Brighton, May 2001

§  Doctors’ Training Course for Medical Emergencies Services (equivalent to ALS course), by American International Health Alliance/USAID/Ministry of Health/University Hospital Centre/Faculty of Medicine, Tirana, Albania, February 2001.


March – 2002 & 2003 Teaching final year students the differential diagnosis of anaemia and of lymphadenopathy, ABC Health Centre, Tirana.

March 2002 Teaching Basic Clinical Skills to undergraduate students in a course organised by Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) in cooperation with ABC Health Centre, Tirana.

January 2002 Learning and teaching a Basic Clinical Skills under supervision, ABC Health Centre, Tirana. The course was organised by Partnership in International Medical Education and CMF.


December 2003, Interpreter (English Language)

Simultaneous translation from English language in the International Conference of Paediatrics, Tirana.

Sept. 2000 – 2003, Facilitator

As a member of Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) I have been involved:

·  As an interpreter from English language, in the Annual Albanian National Medical and Surgical Conference organised by Albanian Health Fund.

·  As a local co-ordinator for PRIME, a British medical educational charity. I was responsible for the correspondence with visiting lecturers, translating materials, cultural guidance and interpreting.

·  Preparing medical and ethical papers for the meetings of CMF in Albania.

March – June 1999, Physician

Volunteer medical and social aid during Kosovo refugee crisis.


CLINICAL Fully competent: venepuncture and intravenous cannulation, bone marrow aspiration, lumbar puncture and thoracocentesis.

Competent under supervision: urinary catheterisation and fine – needle aspiration cytology.

LABORATORY Fully competent: blood grouping, cross-matching.

Competent under supervision: haematological cytological diagnosis, coagulation and haemostasis studies.

COMPUTER SKILLS: Familiar with MS – DOS and Windows environments.

Microsoft Office, very good.


1.  Fico Z., Harizaj E, et al. A general overview of the incidence and causes of death in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome in Albania. Accepted for the European Congress of Haematology, Florence, Italy, June 2002.

2.  Ruka I., Harizaj E, et al. Ascitic syndrome in patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia, published in Albania, 2002.

3.  Ivanaj, A., Harizaj E., et al. The application of International Prognostic Index for Malignant non – Hodgkin Lymphomas in Albania, National Medical and Surgical Conference, Tirana, October 2001.


Palliative Care:

This is my main career focus and the reason for coming in the UK. My experience as a haematologist in Albania prompted me to think about the necessity of terminal care and symptom control. The Albanian Sue Ryder Foundation needs a fully trained physician in Terminal and Palliative care. They selected me as a suitable person for such training on the understanding that I am fully committed to return to Albania after such training to take up employment within this Hospice Movement.

Internal Medicine:

Effective Palliative Care requires wide experience in Internal Medicine and care of the whole person. This is not currently available in Albania, where medical care is speciality led.

Medical Education:

In my country there is an assumption that a good doctor is also a good teacher. As a consequence of that there is no tradition in training medical teachers, which is a major barrier in the improvement of medical education. It is important that I am a good teacher of Palliative Care and Internal Medicine when I return to Albania.


People, the observation and understanding of human nature is endlessly fascinating.

Photography, as a means of discovery and remembrance of beauty.

Literature and visual arts, music.


Prof. Richard Vincent, Consultant Cardiologist, Professor of Medicine, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Sussex Cardiac Centre, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5BE, Tel.: 01273 664603, Fax.: 01273 684554 (for the attention of Jackie Paris), e-mail: .

Dr. Victor Pace, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St. Christopher’s Hospice, 51 – 59 Lawrie Park Road, Sydenham, London, SE26 6DZ, Tel.: 0208768 4500, Fax.: 02086515051, e-mail: .

Dr. Polikron Pulluqi M.D., PhD, Consultant Haematologist, University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa”, Rruga e Dibres, Nr. 372, Tirane, Tel.: 00355 42 36867, Mob.: 00355 6821 63833, e-mail: .