Mikko Kari Lagerspetz, born 1963 in Turku, Finland. Finnish citizen, resident of Estonia since 1989. Married, two children (born 1991 and 1994).


University of Turku, 1981-1989: studies in sociology and psychology; M.A. 1989, Dr. Rer. Pol. (sociology) 1996. Åbo Academy University, Turku: studies in musicology, 1985-1994. Conservatory of Tallinn (now Estonian Musical Academy): studies in musical composition, 1989-1992.

Research course “Institutions of New Democracies: Do They Matter?”, Central European University, Budapest, 1997.

Finnish State Examination in Excellent Knowledge of Swedish Language, 2005.


Estonian Institute of Humanities (from May 2005, Tallinn University): Lecturer, 1990-1997; Professor of Sociology, 1997- (re-elected 2003); Rector, 1998-2001. Tallinn Pedagogical Institute (later Pedagogical University, now Tallinn University): Lecturer (0.5), 1991; acting Professor of Sociology of Culture (0.5), Academic year 2004/2005. Nordic Council for Research on Alcohol and Drugs: Research Assistant, 1994. University of Turku: Docent (Adjunct associate professor) in Sociology, 1998- .

Has taught courses at the universities of Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Tartu and Uppsala, the Estonian Musical Academy and the Pedagogical University of Tallinn.

Research grants and scholarships during 2001-2005:

“Post-Socialist Civil Society, Identity and Democracy” (University of Turku Foundation, 2001); “Drug User Subcultures in Estonia” (Estonian Science Foundation, 2002-2005)

Doctoral dissertation supervised:

Elena Jurado (2002, University of Oxford): “Complying with ‘European’ Standards of Minority Protection: Estonia’s relations withe the European Union, OSCE and Council of Europe”

Duties as scientific expert

Expert assessing the competence of Henn Käärik for the position of Associate Professor of the Theory and History of Sociology at the University of Tartu, 1997.

Chairman of the Board of Experts assessing the competence of Paul Kenkmann for the position of Professor of Empirical Sociology at the University of Tartu, 1997.

Expert assessing the competence of Dagmar Kutsar for the position of Associate Professor of Empirical Sociology at the University of Tartu, 1997.

Expert assessing the competence of Veronika Kalmus for the position of Associate Professor of Media Studies at the University of Tartu, 2005.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of FM Päivi Rantanen at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Tampere, 1998.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of MA Mare Leino at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the Pedagogical University of Tallinn, 2002.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of MA Judit Strömpl at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tampere, 2002.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of MA Veronika Kalmus at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tartu, 2003.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of MA Katrin Paadam at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the Pedagogical University of Tallinn, 2003.

Opponent of the doctoral dissertation of VTM Kristi Raik at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Turku, 2003.

Memberships and awards:

Estonian Association of Sociologists: President, 1998-2003 (re-elected twice). Open Estonia Foundation: Member of the Board, 2001-2004. Estonian Science Foundation: Member of the Expert Committee of Social Sciences, 2003-. European Cultural Policy Research Award of the European Cultural Foundation: Member of the Jury, 2004-.

The Westermarck Society: Member, 1989-. Wind Orchestra of the University of Turku: Conductor, 1984-1989, Honorary Member, 1991.

Estonian Annual State Prize for research in social sciences, 2004.

Order of Pro Terra Mariana, 4th grade, 2005

Main areas of research:

Post-Socialist civil society, cultural policies, identity, social problems.

Scientific publications:

Around 70 publications (see attachment). Among them are, e.g., the following:

Mikko Lagerspetz & Rein Raud (1995): Estonian Cultural Policy and Its Impact, 1988-1995. National Report. Strasbourg: Council of Europe CC-Cult (95) 20 A. 155 pp. (Second printing in 1996, published in French and in Estonian 1996)

Mikko Lagerspetz (1996): Constructing Post-Communism. A Study in the Estonian Social Problems Discourse. Turku: Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B, Tom. 214. 155 pp. (Doctoral Thesis)

Mikko Lagerspetz (2001): “From ‘Parallel Polis’ to ‘The Time of the Tribes’: Post-socialism, social self-organization and post-modernity”. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 17, No. 2: 1-18

Airi-Alina Allaste & Mikko Lagerspetz (2002): “Recreational drug use in Estonia: The context of club culture”. Contemporary Drug Problems, Vol. 29, No. 1: 183-200

Mikko Lagerspetz (2003): “How many Nordic countries? The possibilities and limits of geopolitical identity construction”. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 38, No. 1: 48-60

Mikko Lagerspetz & Henri Vogt (2004): “Estonia”. In: Sten Berglund, Joakim Ekman & Frank Aarebrot (eds.): The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Second, revised edition. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar: 57-93

Mikko Lagerspetz & Sofia Joons (2004): Migrants, Minorities, Belonging and Citizenship. The case of Estonia. Bergen: University of Bergen

Tallinn, 2 October, 2005

Mikko Lagerspetz



(the ten most important are marked with an asterisk *)

A. Articles in peer-reviewed international journals

A1. (1993): “Social problems in Estonian mass media, 1985-1991”. Acta Sociologica, Vol. 36, No. 4: pp. 357-69

A2. (1998): “A constructionist approach to social problems in an East-West comparative setting”. Trames, Vol. 2(52/47), No. 1: pp. 5-18

*A3. (1999): “Post-socialism as a return: Notes on a discursive strategy.” Eastern European Politics and Societies, Vol. 13, No. 2: pp. 377-90

A4. Jussi Simpura; Christoffer Tigerstedt; Sari Hanhinen; Mikko Lagerspetz; Håkan Leifman; Jacek Moskalewicz & Jukka Törrönen (1999): “Alcohol misuse as a health and social issue in the Baltic Sea region. A summary of findings from the Baltica Study.” Alcohol & Alcoholism, Vol. 34, No. 6: pp. 805-23

*A5. (2001): “From ‘Parallel Polis’ to ‘The Time of the Tribes’: Post-socialism, social self-organization and post-modernity”. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 17, No. 2: 1-18

A6. (2001): “Consolidation as hegemonization: The case of Estonia”. Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. XXXII, No. 4: 402-420

*A7. (2002): “Utvecklingen av drogpolitiken i det åter självständiga Estland” [The development of drug control policy in re-independent Estonia]. Nordisk alkohol- och narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 19, No. 6: 398-410 (review article)

A8. - & Jacek Moskalewicz (2002): “Drugs in the postsocialist transitions of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland”. European Addiction Research, Vol. 8, No. 4: 177-183

*A9. - , Erle Rikmann & Rein Ruutsoo (2002): “The structure and resources of NGOs in Estonia”. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol. 13, No. 1: 73-87

A10. Airi-Alina Allaste & Mikko Lagerspetz (2002): “Recreational drug use in Estonia: The context of club culture”. Contemporary Drug Problems, Vol. 29, No. 1: 183-200

*A11. (2003): “How many Nordic countries? The possibilities and limits of geopolitical identity construction”. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 38, No. 1: 48-60

*(forthcoming 2005:) Airi-Alina Allaste & Mikko Lagerspetz: “Drugs and doublethink in a marginalized community”. Critical Criminology, 13, 3

B. Articles in peer-reviewed Finnish journals

B1. (1994): “Neuvostokampanjointi ja konstruktionismi” [with an English summary: Campaigning from above and constructionism]. Sosiologia, Vol. 31, No. 4: pp. 288-97

B2. (1998): “1989 - veturi vai hätäjarru? Keski- ja Itä-Euroopan vallankumousten modernistiset ja antimodernistiset elementit”. [with an English summary: “The revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: Modernist and antimodernist elements”] Sosiologia, Vol. 35, No. 1: pp. 43-52

B3. (1999): “Images of the past in post-socialist politics: An introduction.” Finnish Review of East European Studies, Vol. 6, Nos. 3-4: pp. 3-6

B4. (1999): “The Cross of Virgin Mary’s Land: A study in the construction of Estonia’s ‘Return to Europe’.” Finnish Review of East European Studies, Vol. 6, Nos. 3-4: pp. 17-28

B5. (1999): “Postsosialistinen identiteettikriisi ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan näköalat” [with an English summary: Post-socialist crisis of identity and the prospects of civil society]. Kosmopolis, Vol. 29, No. 3: 7-21

B6. (2000): “Viron murros ja sen sosiaalipoliittiset seuraukset” [with an English summary: “Estonia’s post-socialist transformation and its consequences for social policy”]. Janus, Vol. 8, No. 1: pp. 1-11

C. Separate publications

C1. (1994) (ed.): Social Problems in Newspapers: Studies around the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: Nordic Council of Alcohol and Drug Research. 133 pp.

C2. - & Rein Raud (1995): Estonian Cultural Policy and Its Impact, 1988-1995. National Report. Strasbourg: Council of Europe CC-Cult (95) 20 A. 155 pp. (Second printing in 1996, published in French and in Estonian 1996)

*C3. (1996): Constructing Post-Communism. A Study in the Estonian Social Problems Discourse. Turku: Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. B, Tom. 214. 155 pp. (Doctoral Thesis)

C4. Aire Trummal & Mikko Lagerspetz (2001): The Profile of Estonian Civil Society: A Preliminary Report on the Civicus Index on Civil Society Project in Estonia. Washington, DC: Civicus. 26 pp.

C5. -; Aire Trummal; Rein Ruutsoo; Erle Rikmann & Daimar Liiv (2003): Tuntud ja tundmatu kodanikeühiskond [Civil society – the familiar and the unknown]. Tallinn: Avatud Eesti Fond. 112 pp.

*C6. - & Sofia Joons (2004): Migrants, Minorities, Belonging and Citizenship. The case of Estonia. Bergen: University of Bergen. 78 pp.

C7. -; Aire Trummal; Rein Ruutsoo & Erle Rikmann (2004): Non-Profit Sector and the Consolidation of Democracy. Studies on the Development of Civil Society in Estonia. Tallinn: Baltic-American Partnership Programme. 104 pp.

D. Contributions in peer-reviewed international collections of articles

D1. - & Henri Vogt (1998): “Estonia”. In: Sten Berglund, Tomas Hellén & Frank H. Aarebrot (eds.): The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar: pp. 55-88

D2. - & Konrad Maier (2002; second edition 2003): “Das Politische System Estlands”. In: Wolfgang Ismayr (ed.): Die politischen Systeme Osteuropas. Opladen: Leske & Budrich: pp. 69-107

D3. - & Iris Pettai (2003): “Estonian Sociology of the 1990s: In Search of an Identity”. In: Mike F. Keen & Janusz Mucha (eds.): Sociology in Central and Eastern Europe at the Dawn of a New Millenium. Westport & London: Greenwood Press: 61-72

*D4. - & Henri Vogt (2004): “Estonia”. In: Sten Berglund, Joakim Ekman & Frank H. Aarebrot (eds.): The Handbook of Political Change in Eastern Europe. Second Edition. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar: 57-93

D5. (2004) - & Iris Pettai: “Socjologia estońska lat dziewięćdziesiątych. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości.” Janusz Mucha & Mike F. Keen (eds.): Pirwsze lata suwerenności. Socjologia Europy środkowo-wschodniej o krajach tego regionu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytytu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN: 251-265 [A Polish translation of D3]

D6. - with Erle Rikmann (forthcoming in 2005): “Roles and Visions of Foundations in Estonia”. In: Helmut K. Anheier & Siobhan Daly (eds.): The Politics of Foundations: Comparative Perspectives from Europe and Beyond. London etc.: Routledge

E. Other scientific publications

E1. (1992): “Estonia: Changing problems in a re-emerging state”, in: Jussi Simpura & Christoffer Tigerstedt (eds.): Social Problems around the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: Nordic Council of Alcohol and Drug Research: pp. 23-38

E2. (1993): “Perusteos Baltian tiedotusvälineistä” [A basic work on Baltic media. Review on Hųyer, Lauk & Vihalemm (eds.): Towards a Civic Society]. Sosiologia, Vol. 30, No. 4: p. 318

E3. (1993): “Alkoholi ja huumeet Virossa” [Alcohol and drugs in Estonia]. Alkoholipolitiikka, Vol. 58, No. 4: pp. 277-81

E4. (1994): “Estland: Frei und (noch) drogenfrei”. SuchtReport 1/1994: pp. 24-8

E5. (1994): “Introduction”, in: Lagerspetz 1994 (ed.)(C1): pp. 7-17

E6. (1994): “Social problems in newspapers: Concluding remarks”, in: Lagerspetz 1994 (ed.)(C1): pp. 121-31

E7. - & Sari Hanhinen (1994): “Changing world, changing problems: A comparison of Finnish and Estonian press materials”, in: Lagerspetz 1994 (ed.)(C1): pp. 19-53

E8. (1995): “(Re)constructing historical memory”, in: Mikhail Lotman (ed.): Acta Collegii Humaniorum Estoniensis, Vol. 2: pp. 269-86

E9. (1996): “Viva Zapata! Viva Tauno Palo! Undergroundkulttuuri diskurssijärjestyksen rajoja koettelemassa” [with an English summary: Viva Zapata! Viva Tauno Palo! Underground culture testing the limits of discursive order]. Kulttuuritutkimus, Vol. 13, No. 3: pp. 39-46.

E10. (1996): “Vladimir Tismaneanu (ed.): Political Culture and Civil Society in Russia and the New States of Eurasia”. [book review] Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol. xxvii, No. 2: pp. 167-8

E11. (1997): “Sociala problem och Estlands Sjungande revolution - ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv”. [Social problems and the Estonian Singing Revolution – a constructionist perpective] Nordisk Ųstforum, Vol. 11, No. 1: pp. 5-10

E12. (1997): “Estonia”, in: Annemoon van Hemel & Niki van der Wielen (eds.): Privatization/Desetatisation and Culture. Limitations or opportunities for cultural development in Europe? Amsterdam: Boekman Foundation/Twente University: pp. 116-8

E13. (1997): “’Oleneb, millisesse paati satun...’ Noorte eestlaste mustad stsenaariumid”. [with an English summary: “’It depends on which boat I manage to catch...’ Black scenarios of young Estonians”] Akadeemia, Vol. 9, No. 11: pp. 2243-58

E14. (1997): “Piir kui peegel. Soome ja Eesti ühiskonna võrdleva uurimuse perspektiive”. [same as E17, in Estonian] Vikerkaar, Vol. 11, No. 12: pp. 44-50

E15. (1998): “Estonian Culture Entering 21st Century: Between Identity-Building and Fragmentation”. Arsis, 1/1998: pp. 14-17

E16. (1998): “Estonian identity entering the post-modern world: The role of national culture”. in: Management of Change. Cultural Aspects of European Integration and the Enlargement of the EU. Conference Reader of the Expert Meeting during the Austrian EU-Presidency. Graz: Kulturkontakt: pp. 55-59

E17. (1998): “Raja peilinä. Suomen ja Viron yhteiskuntien vertailevan tutkimuksen näköaloja” [Border as a mirror. Perspectives for comparative research on Finnish and Estonian societies]. In: Kari Immonen & Tapio Onnela (eds.): Suomi ja Viro. Yhdessä ja erikseen. Turku: Turun yliopiston historian laitoksen julkaisuja 44: pp. 186-193

E18. -; Krista Loogma & Pille Kaselo (1998): “Waiting for the citizen. The views of Estonian influential groups on social problems”. in: Sari Hanhinen & Jukka Törrönen (ed.): Journalists, Administrators and Business People on Social Problems. A study around the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drugs Research, Report No. 35: pp. 33-58

E19. (1999): “Postsotsialism kui naasmine. Märkmeid ühest kõnestrateegiast” [an Estonian translation of A3]. Vikerkaar 1/1999: pp. 36-52

E20. (1999): “Postsotsialistlik identiteedikriis ja kodanikuühiskonna perspektiivid. Ettekanne festivali “Dionysia ‘99” ja Tartu ülikooli sotsiaalteaduskonna korraldatud konverentsil “Identiteedid” 27. mail 1999. a.” Sirp, 2 July 1999: pp. 3, 19 [Post-socialist crisis of identity and the perspectives of civil society]

E21. (2000): “Småtrollen och postmodernismens epistemologiska dilemma” [The Moomin Trolls and the dilemma of post-modern epistemology]. Kulturtidskriften Horisont, Vol. 47, No. 1: pp. 32-40