Readings and lecture topics:

Week One (Sept. 15):


-McCormick, chs. 1 & 2: ______

Exodus, chapter 18, verses 13-27 (an early historical example of an issue

in judicial administration – everyone read and be prepared)

Roscoe Pound, “The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice” (1906): ______


Millar and Baar, chs. 1-2: ______

Week Two (Sept. 22):Judicial Independence: Established Principles and Current Issues


-Peter McCormick, “New Questions about and Old Concept: The

Supreme Court of Canada’s Judicial Independence Decisions,” v. 37/4 Canadian Journal of Political Science 839-862. _____JudyVerbeeten_

-McCormick, ch 4. __Guy Brownlee ______

-Millar and Baar, ch. 3. ): ______

-Hamilton, Number 78, The Federalist Papers. ____Rob Stokes____

-“Brutus,” Essay XV, from The Anti-Federalist Papers. _Pam Hillen__

-Kirk Makin, “Judicial panel finds Matlow guilty of misconduct,” The -Globe and Mail, May 30, 2008, p. A7; James Rusk, “A shame to remove judge, lawyer says,” The Globe and Mail, Jan. 11, 2008, p. A11; Tim Naumetz, “Ottawa criticized for using tax records in judges’ salary talks,” The Globe and Mail, June 23, 2008, p. A6 (all 3 readings):

_____Diane Therrien______


-Baar, “The Emergence of the Judiciary as an Institution” (1999). ______

-McCormick, Ch. 8. : ______

-Martin L. Friedland, A Place Apart: Judicial Independence and Accountability in Canada, Chapter on Judicial Independence(Ottawa: Canadian Judicial Council, 1995)

(not in course kit). : ______

Week Three (Sept. 29): Court Organization: Trial Court Reform and the Nature of Adjudication


-Millar and Baar, ch. 4: : ____Karey Lunau______

-McCormick, ch. 3: : ____Melissa Lara______

-Baar, “Trial Court Reorganization in Canada: Alternative Futures for

Criminal Courts” (2003): : ____Denise de Sousa______

-Cornelius M. Kerwin, Thomas Henderson and Carl Baar, “Adjudicatory

Processes and the Organization of Trial Courts,” 70 Judicature 99-

106 (1986) : _____Nadya Tymochenko______


Peter H. Russell, ed., Canada’s Trial Courts: Two Tiers or One? (University of Toronto Press, 2007): ______

Week Four (October 6): Court Delay and Caseflow Management


-Church, Justice Delayed, ch. 4: ___Robyn Ryan Bell______

-Baar, “Social Facts, Court Delay and the Charter” from Morton, Law, Politics and the Judicial Process (expanded version in Canadian Bar Review [1993]. __Alia Ahmed_____

-Millar and Baar, ch. 8.___Katherine Weaver______

-David Steelman, Caseflow Management: A Brief Guide (NationalCenter for State Courts, 2006).______

-Jane Gadd, “Judge speaks out against court delays”.

______Trudy McCormick____

-Kirk Makin, “Ontario sets targets to reduce court delays,” The Globe and Mail, June 4, 2008, p. A9. ___Andrew Hayes_____

-Baar [Barr], “Delays in the Administration of Justice,” 16 Commonwealth Judicial Journal 11-17 (2005).____Glikeria Demos______


Prior to this class it is worth reviewing the headnotes for R. v. Askov,

[1990] 2 S.C.R. 1199 at:

Millar and Baar, ch 5 ______.

Blair and Lang, Ontario Civil Justice Review, excerpts
(1995 and 1996). ______

Week Five: (Oct. 20) Civil and Appellate Litigation in an Empirical and Sociolegal Framework


-Greene et al., Final Appeal, chs. 3 and 8.______

-McCormick, ch. 10.

-Cowper, “A Canadian Litigator Looks at the American System”.

______Fatima Ul-Haq______

-Olson, “How AmericaGot Its Litigation Explosion”

______Pauline Giovannetti______

-Baar, “The Business of the Courts”. ____David Rudoler______

-Twohig et al., “Empirical Analyses of Civil Cases … in Toronto,” 110-134, & 141-147.____Patricia Pledge______


-McCormick, chs. 5, 6 and 9.______

-Twohig et al., “Empirical Analyses of Civil Cases … in Toronto,” 77-87, 89-104.______

Week Six: (Oct. 27) Alternative Dispute Resolution and Civil Case Management


-Carl Baar and Robert G. Hann, “Mandatory Mediation in Civil Cases: Purposes and Consequences,” paper prepared for presentation to Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, London, England, June 26, 2001.Donna Riddell____

-The Hon. Chief Justice Warren K.Winkler, Evaluation of Civil Case Management in the Toronto Region (Feb. 2008).______

-Richard Messick et al., “Reducing Court Delays: Five Lessons from the United States,” World Bank Premnotes, 34 (1999). ______


-Robert G. Hann and Carl Baar, Evaluation of the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program, Executive Summary.______

-Canadian Judicial Council, Access to Justice: Report on Selected Reform Initiatives in Canada, prepared by the Subcommittee on Access to Justice (Trial Courts) of the Administration of Justice Committee, June 2008. (Especially useful for placing Ontario developments in broader Canadian context).______