Phil B37: World Religions
Course Calendar(Tentative)
All assignments on a given day are to be completed BEFORE coming to class
Any portion of this syllabus is subject to change – always verify w/ instructor
1 / 23-Aug / Introductions and syllabus / Buy textbook & Download Mircea Eliade reading25-Aug / What is Religion? What is Sacred?
/ Start reading Mircea Eliade
1stArticle Summary DUE
2 / 30-Aug / Lecture on Sacred & Sacrifice; /
Read Handout (Mircea Eliade)
1-Sept / Eliade on “The Nature of Religion” /Re-read Handout (Mircea Eliade)2ndArticle Summary DUE
3 / 6-Sept / Labor Day Holiday /No Class
8-Sept / Eliade on “The Nature of Religion /Start reading Tu Weiming’s article3rd Article Summary DUE
4 / 13-Sept / East Asian ReligionsConfucianism: The root, Confucius, Mencius, sincerity, self-cultivation /
Quiz on EliadeRd article (Tu Weiming)
15-Sept / Confucianism (continued)/
Start Chapter 4 + Readings 4.1-4.34th Article Summary DUE
5 / 20-Sept / South Asian ReligionsHinduism, Intro, Ancient Period (Vedas) /
Quiz on ConfucianismChp. 4 + Readings 4.3-4.4
22-Sept / Ancient Period (Vedas & Upanishads) / Chapter 4 + Readings 4.45th Article Summary DUE
6 / 27-Sept / Classical Hinduism (Bhagavad-Gita) / Chapter 4
29-Sept / Classical Hinduism (Bhagavad-Gita) / Chapter 4
6thArticle Summary DUE
7 / 4-Oct / Classical & Modern Hinduism
/ Finish Chapter 4 & start on Chapter 5,
6-Oct / Finish Hinduism/Buddhism, The Buddha / Quiz on Hinduism
Chapter 5 + Readings 5.3-5.4(Film)
8 / 11-Oct / Buddhism, Buddha /
Chapter 5 + Readings 5.3-5.6
13-Oct / Buddhism, Dharma/ Chapter 5 + Readings 5.7-5.8
7th Article Summary DUE
9 / 18-Oct /
Buddhism, Dharma
/Chapter 5, Readings 5.7-5.8
20-Oct / EXAM #1 Eliade, Confucianism, Hinduism & Buddhism /EXAM #1
10 / 25-Oct / Judaism Ancient /Chapter 8 + Readings 8.1-8.3
27-Oct / Ancient Judaism /Chapter 8 + Readings 8.4
11 / 1-Nov / Classical Judaism /Chapter 8 + Readings 8.4
3-Nov / Modern Judaism /Chapter 8Research/Visitation Proposal DUE
12 / 8-Nov / Christianity: Life of Jesus /Chapter 9 + Readings 9.1-9.2, 9.4
10-Nov / Jesus & Paul, early church /Chapter 9 + Readings 9.6-9.78thArticle Summary DUE
13 / 15-Nov / Early Church and the trinity /Chapter 9 + Readings 9.6-9.7
17-Nov / Protestant & Catholic Reformations14 / 22-Nov / Islam Life of Muhammad and his predecessors /
Chapter 10 + Readings 10.1-10.3
24-Nov / Islam, Scripture & Law /Chapter 10 + Readings 10.5Research/Visitation Project DUE
15 / 29-Nov / Islam: 5 Pillars /Chapter 10 & (Handout + RDS 10.4)
1-Dec / Islam: TBA (Mystical Islam and Muslim women)& Review /
Chapter 10 & (Handout + RDS 10.4)
16 / 6- Dec /TIME CHANGE
9-11: Tues., from 10:00-11:50am
/EXAM #2
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Important Dates
- Sep. 1 - Sep. 2
Assessment Center Closed for Testing - Sep. 3
Last day for refunds for semester length classes - Sep. 6
Labor Day Holiday - Sep. 20
Last day to drop from semester length classes without receiving "W" grades - Nov. 1
Last day to file for graduation - Nov. 1
Last day to withdraw from semester length classes and receive "W" grades - Nov. 11
Veterans Day Holiday - Nov. 24
Classes starting at 5:30 p.m. and after will not be held - Nov. 25 - Nov. 26
Thanksgiving Holidays - Dec. 6
Final Examinations
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