Curriculum Plan Spring Term 1st Half 2017 Year R and Year 1 Ruby Class Learning Theme: Amazing Us!

Please note that the planned learning activities will be different for Year 1 and EYFS (Year R) but are based on the same curriculum topic.

Communication and Language
Communication and Language opportunities are developed across the curriculum in all areas, at every opportunity, for example
  • Taking turns to speak when in a group
  • Listening carefully to stories/Fred Time learning
  • Joining in with songs and rhymes
  • Asking and answering questions linked to our learning theme
  • News Time
  • Working together as a class and in smaller groups
/ Physical Development
  • PE
  • Daily ‘Activate’ sessions each morning as a class.
  • Outdoor activities - children have access to these on a regular basis during each day/week. Specific outdoor activities such as a ‘senses walk’ around the school grounds.
  • Creative activities to develop physical skills such as construction; playdough; painting; sticking; cutting; making.
/ Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Learning theme - ‘Good To be Me!’ Thinking about feelings; things we enjoy doing; things we would like to improve at and how we can do so. ‘Growth Mindset’ learning to continue this term.
  • Healthy Eating theme.

  • Fred Time in groups
  • Sharing stories and non-fiction books linked to theme of Amazing Us! (including books about the human body; our senses; healthy eating; feelings; things that make each of us special.)
  • Handwriting
  • Writing opportunities on a daily basis in activities chosen by children – indoors and outdoors; writing in roleplay activities
  • Writing activities including writing about ourselves; our senses; labelling parts of the body.
/ Mathematics
Number, including:
counting; ordering numbers; calculation strategies; number bonds; solving number problems including ‘missing number’ problems;
place value
Use everyday language related to time; use language relating to days of the week and months of the year; solve problems involving time; sequence events in chronological order; measure and begin to record time;
tell the time to the hour and half hour. / Understanding The World
  • Science - ‘Humans’
Parts of the body; focus on theme of ‘our senses’ - enquiry based approach to our learning theme, asking and answering questions.
Think about the ways in which we have changed/grown.
  • RE – Judaism - How do Jews worship God?
  • Computing- e-safety; creating and storing information.
/ Expressive Arts and Design
  • Art – pictures of ourselves; self portraits; texture collages linked to theme of ‘senses;’ colour mixing.
  • Role Play create role play areas with the children, for them to imagine and recreate roles and experiences linked to our theme. Develop writing and maths learning opportunities through role play.
  • Music - ‘Machines’ (exploring beat)
  • Design and Technology
Food – Healthy Eating theme. Plan and prepare a range of healthy foods for example; a fruit salad; fruit smoothies; make bread and prepare healthy sandwich fillings.Continue to learn about why healthy eating is important.