Sky, Water, Earth – Improve and connect your career competencies; meaningful connected learning

Participants included educators, graduate students, career counsellors, staff at the Science World/Vancouver Aquarium/Vancouver Space Centre (individuals who interact with learners who visit the sites and have science background)

Time / Activity / Material/Fac. / notes
(9:30-40) / Welcome+Intro’s
“Speed dating” (Find someone you don’t know, introduce yourselves:your role (at UBC), background in Science? how do I interact with youth age 17-24?) -> switch partners -> repeat / Serves as icebreaker (create a safe space) and intro -> participants can identify someone they would like to work with today
(9:40-10:00) / Project introduction (exploratory)
-Set up various stations that everyone visits in a random order (2-3 participants can be at 1 station at a time, order of visiting them not important)
-Each station covers a specific part of the project that has relevance for the hackathon/activity planning
-Participants answer 1-2 reflective questions for each station in a provided questionnaire
Station 1:watch a Connected Learning video
Station 2:visit the partner’s webpage -> check out various programs and initiatives available that could be incorporated into the playlists
Station 3 or 4:platform use and features
Station 4 or 5:read over NRC competencies (which anchors the playlists)
Do you have any burning questions? / Stations (timed) and questionnaire
If possible each Fac./expert is at/responsible for one station to help, explain more or to address questions / this is active and engages everyone right from the beginning -> allows participants to explore and discuss different areas of project -> reflective take away points and tips for planning an activity/ goals of project are filled in form (questionnaire=guidance)
(10:00-03) / Today’s hackathon goal
Create and refine 1-2 complete connected learning activities for the Sky, Water, Earth project
With a show of hands: Who has participated in a hackathon before? Who has developed lessons and rubrics before? (Have a look around you and remember those individuals.)
(10:00-20) / Example activity
Use an existing playlist, explain key components
Remind the principles of background design / To provide a possible example, many ideas possible, emphasize what would be important for everyone to watch out for
(10:20-11:10) / Hackathon part 1
Individually brainstorm learning activity ideas and which competencies you would like to work on
Find one partner to work with (preferably from a different field/role, try to partner with someone who has lessons or rubrics developed before if you have no experience in this area) -> create together 1-2 learning activities with the help of the paper development form
(50’) / On your own
(stickies/post its)
fac./experts circle around and are available for questions
(11:10-11:15) -Break-
(11:15-12:15) / Hackathon part 2
Pair groups of two together -> present created activities and provide constructive feedback/additional ideas to each other (15’ per activity) / An opportunity for each person to receive feedback on their playlist.[SH1]
(12:15-12:55) -Lunch and mingle-
(12:55-1:25) / Hackathon part 3
Additional discussions regarding an activity. What are the emerging themes? What are the gotchas? / Same small groups of 4 / In case additional ideas/discussions were held over lunch -> provide opportunity to incorporate
(1:25-2:00) / Hackathon part 4
What target audience does your activity currently have? Where and how could you modify it to address a different learner level? (Optional: create or complete together another activity or work on/refine rubrics/evaluations?)
-> help each other in groups and enter into online form / Own laptops?
(2:00-2:15) / Summary/Highlights from today
What activities have you created together or seen today that you think will be popular with young learners? Why? (explain briefly with 2-3 key phrases)
Or alternatively:
Post development form sketches onto walls and allow everyone to have a look / Provide an opportunity for everyone to hear what the other group/others have been working on; what were some emerging themes?;what kind of activities do we think will be successful and why?
(2:15-2:25) / Closing and feedback
Thank you’s for participating; request to invite contacts to participate in survey
Please provide feedback for us on the hackathon today / Links
FB forms / How can we improve for the second hackathon (structure, content, focus)?

[SH1]Ideally, there should be another work time (i.e., Part 1) after this so participants have more time to think this through.