Department:Early Years and CareServicesJob Title: Curriculum Leader and HE Programme Leader (Early Years and Care)
Responsible to: Head of Curriculum Area / Date: June 2017
Responsible for:N/A
Purpose of job:
- To lead on the development of curriculum delivery within the area, with a specific focus on the development and delivery of early years HE programmes.
- Lead on the revalidation of the foundation degree and top up degree in early years.
ATeaching and Learning
- To teach in the curriculum area as directed by the Head of Curriculum Area, with a primary focus on HE teaching in early years.
- To maintain up to date knowledge of FE and HE quality procedures required for a successful curriculum
- To demonstrate quality teaching in early years, with willingness to teaching on health & social care programmes if required.
- To review teaching and learning strategies regularly in the context of changing needs of learners and programme requirements.
- To carry out appropriate learner assessments in accordance with course/programme requirements.
- To prepare and assemble suitable teaching materials and learning resources for the delivery of all courses/classes designated.
- To be responsible for the preparation of materials and data for exam boards, module boards and JBOS meetings
- To maintain up-to-date syllabi for all courses/classes taught.
- To have available and maintain schemes of work for all courses/classes, copies of each to be logged in the electronic course management file.
- To maintain and develop the HE Moodle areas for early years’ courses.
- To contribute to the organisation and administration of placements as required, including assessment in the workplace of HE students.
- To carry out learning and teaching observations and implement actions to address identified weaknesses.
- To carry out regular tutorials with learners and maintain individual learning plans.
- To observe and appraise staff.
- To contribute towards maintaining and improving the curriculum area.
BCurriculum Development
- To respond to new curriculum issues affecting programme delivery resulting from national development or local learner needs.
- To lead on the development of HE programmes in the area, specifically focusing on the revalidation of the foundation degree and top up in early years.
- To maintain current knowledge of study programmes and how it affects the curriculum
- To maintain current knowledge of foundation degree framework, subject benchmarks statements and QAA code of practice
- To develop, promote and review the learning programme portfolio within the curriculum area.
- To ensure a high level of experience in the use of ILT in curriculum delivery and to implement ILT initiatives relevant to the curriculum area.
- To maintain up to date knowledge of developments within the curriculum area
- To lead on and coordinate the management and delivery of the HE programmes in early years.
- To liaise with employers, placement providers and other external agencies as and when required.
- To liaise with the University of Hull quality contact in relation to HE quality processes.
- To maintain the course management file for all courses with course leadership responsibilities.
- To contribute to the marketing, promotions and enhancing of the profile of the curriculum area.
- To monitor attendance, retention and achievements against College targets and National Benchmarks.
- To carry out HE courses assessments of all courses with course leadership responsibilities according to the procedures in the College’s Quality Manual for learning programmes and HE procedures.
- To act as a mentor, giving support to new permanent and part time hourly staff in the curriculum area.
- To carry out the administrative duties associated with the post including programme coordination, registers and timetabling requirements.
- To organise and minute course team meetings where there is course leadership responsibility.
- To assist the Head of Curriculum Area in the preparation of course submissions and validations.
- To maintain links and parity across site.
- To encourage and facilitate innovation.
- To develop links with employers and lead on employer forums.
- To safeguard children and vulnerable adults from harm and to report concerns in accordance with the College’s internal referral arrangements.
- To foster good relationships and advance equality of opportunity between different groups and eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- To deal professionally with colleagues and external partners as required.
- To ensure the confidentiality and security of all the College’s documentation and information.
- To attend training/refresher courses and meetings as required by the Line Manager
- To co-operate and take part in the College’s appraisal scheme.
- To perform such other duties as reasonably correspond to the general characteristic of the post and are commensurate with the level of responsibility.
POST TITLE: Curriculum Leader and HE Programme Leader (Early Years and Care)
DATE: June 2017
Requirement / Essential /Desirable
/ ProposedSelection
- Current and relevant teaching experience within early years, preferably including HE teaching experience
- Experience of Course Management and College Procedures, preferably including HE courses management experience
- Mentoring experience
- Experience of designing HE programmes and validation/revalidation processes
Y / Y
Y / A/I
- Degree in relevant subject, preferably related to early years
- Teaching Qualification – Cert Ed/PGCE
- D32 / 33 & 34, A1/V1 award.
- Level 2 Literacy and Numeracy
- Recognised Teacher Status (through the University of Hull)
Y / Y
Y / A/I
Specialist Knowledge
- Knowledge of ILT/MOODLE in curriculum
- Able to implement initiatives and other developments relevant to the Curriculum Area
- Knowledge of a range of curriculum related qualifications
- Knowledge of HE quality processes and foundation degree frameworks
- Knowledge of QAA HE review processes
Y / Y / A/I
- Proven administrative skills
- Communication
- Ability to work as a team member
- Deal effectively with a new challenge
Y / A/I
- Flexibility
- Enthusiasm and Commitment
- Innovation
Y / I
Working arrangements and availability
- Willingness to travel and work unsociable hours
*A=Application FormI=InterviewT=Test
COMPLETED BY: Mark KeenSignature
APPROVED BY: Derek BrantonSignature