Curricullum vitae: Prof. MVDr. Ivo Pavlik, CSc.

Born 1961, Married, 2 children, Nationality: Czech

Prof. MVDr. Ivo Pavlik, CSc.

Vice Dean for Science and Research

Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies

Mendel University in Brno

tridaGeneralaPiky 2005/7, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420545 136 319

Mobile: +420773491 836



1986Undergraduate studies at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (MVDr.).

1992Postgraduate scholarship at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (CSc., equivalent of Ph.D.).

2000Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases and Epizootiology.

2005Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Epizootiology.


1986-2003Veterinary Research Institute (VRI), Brno, Department of Bacteriology (research associate).

1995-2003Head of the Mycobacteriology unit.

2002-2013Head of the Accredited Laboratories (29 methods accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025).

2002-2013Head of the OIEReference Laboratory for Paratuberculosis.

Head of Authorised Laboratory of State Vet.Adm. for the Diagnostic of Mycobacterial Infections.

2003-2013Head of the Department of Food and Feed Safety (with 30 employees and 7 to 10 students).

2006-2013Head of the OIEReference Laboratory for Avian Tuberculosis.

2009-2014Executive director of project AdmireVet (Grant No. CZ 1.05/2.1.00/01.0006, EC Structural Founds).

2014-Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Department of Territorial Studies.

2014-Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Vice Dean for Science and Research.

Publications in Web of Science (2015-03-17):

Total number of publication in WOS: 220

Total sum of the citations:4137

Total sum of times cited without self-citations:2658

H index: 28

Book (co-editor) 1

Book (chapters) 5

Kazda, J., Pavlik, I., Falkinham, J., Hruska, K. (eds.): The ecology of mycobacteria: impact on animal’s and human’s health. 1. vydání, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-1-4020-9412-5, 520 pp.

Pavlik, I.: Control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis in central Europe. In: Mycobacterium bovis Infection in Animals and Humans, 2. vyd., Thoen, C.O., Steele, J.H., Gilsdor, M.J. (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-0919-9, p. 136-148, 329 pp.

Pavlik, I.: Bovine tuberculosis in Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union. Mycobacterium bovis Infection in Animals and Humans, 2.vyd., Thoen, C.O., Steele, J.H., Gilsdor, M.J. (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-0919-9, p. 173-198, 329 pp.

Pavlik, I.: Paratuberkulóza, p. 807-812. In: Nemoci skotu. Hofírek, Dvořák, Němeček, Doležel, Pospíšil a kol.: Brno: Noviko, 2009. ISBN 978-80-86542-19-5, 1149 pp.

Zinsstag, J., Borna, M., Pavlik, I.: Mycobacterioses. Chapter 15. In: Oxford Textbookof Zoonoses. Biology, ClinicalPractice and Public HealthControl. 2. vyd., Palmer, S.R., Soulsby, L., Torgerson, P.R., Brown, D.W.G.: Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-19-857002-8, p. 128-135, 884 pp.

Pavlik, I.: Status ofbovine tuberculosis control in countriesofCentralEurope and countriesoftheformerSoviet Union. Chapter 32. In: Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and OtherPathogenicMycobacteria, 3rd Edition, Thoen, C.O., Steele, J.H., Kaneene, J.B. (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-118-47429-7, p. 369-382, 432 pp.

Important appliedresults:

Plackov, K., Pavlas, M.,Pavlik, I.: IDETEST Ptb - a diagnostic set for paratuberculosis using an immunodifussion test. Bioveta, s.r.o. IvanovicenaHane, 1995.

Plackov, K.,Pavlik, I.: Set for the diagnosis of paratuberculosis for the complement fixation test (CFT). Bioveta, s.r.o. IvanovicenaHane, 1995.

Kralik, P., Tesinska, I., Pavlik, I.: Detection and quantification of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis by real time PCR method. Patent No. PV2007-295, 2007 for the Czech Republic, No. 08466007.5-2402 world patent.

Documented pedagogicalactivities andnumber of finished diploma/Ph.D. thesis:

In general epidemiology, infectious diseases and veterinary epidemiology (esp. tuberculosis, paratuberculosis and potentially pathogenic mycobacteria), food hygiene and processing technology of milk and milk products at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno.

Defended bachelor thesis (5), diplomants (14)and Ph.D.thesis (19).

Important awards and prizes:

Winner of the student’s activity competition at the COMECON level in Bulgaria (1985),First place at VIIth conference of young veterinary research workers, Kosice, Slovakia (1988); Memorial Plaque of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1989); Personality of veterinary medicine under 35 (1996).

Co-ordinator of Projects:National grants (39), international grants (11)

Invited speaker on 40 international conferences.

Brno, March 3rd, 2015