Mapleton City Council Minutes & Public Hearings
April 1, 2014
Pledge of Allegiance – call to order 6:00pm
Present: Mayor Hillman, Council Members Lund, Dietz, Johnson, & Pederson
Absent: Doug S
Also present: Ohnstad Twichell –John Shockley, Park Board - Jerry V., Chuck Thompson, Eugene Cross, Cody B, & Mary H.
Open PUBLIC Hearings:
Motion Johnson, MG First Addition, Street Imp Dist 2014-1 - “insufficient protests filed”, 2nd Lund. RCV/MC Technically done to set up Imp Dist, does not necessarily have to be done.
Motion Dietz, Levee Imp Dist. 2012-1 - “insufficient protests filed” 2nd Peterson. RCV/MC
Motion Lund, close Public Hearing, 2nd Johnson.
Motion Peterson, agenda approval, 2nd Johnson.
Motion Lund , consent agenda including: Minutes Feb 4, 2014, bills paid Feb, bills to be paid March: Ameripride $164.17; BCBS $1727.01; C Blada $100.00; CP Realty $1604.00; CC Sheriff $1,604.00; CRW $5046.40; Charlie & Sons E $452.00; City of Fargo $28.00; CRA Payment C $445.97; Cross, Eugene $27.71; Electric Pump $209.12; Fargo H2O $5859.59; Gordy’s $383.57; Hawkins $42.61; Job Service $50.05, J Liebelt $100.00; K Pokrzywiski $100.00; Lund, B $96.97; M Hinschberger $23.77; McCoy, Patrick $27.71; Metro Disposal $3697.50; Moore Eng $1,920.00; Motion Industries $54.23; NDCS $213.50,NDPERS $1,408.00; ND Tax C $333.00; Neil Anderson $100.00; NW Tire$2.78; Otter Tail $2,683.65; Peterson, T. $96.97; Reardon $167.78; Ryan C Jonson $100.00; Ryan, Jon $27.71; Team $811.80; Toni or Logan Hegland $100.00; US Treasury 2837.12; Xcel $922.22. Reg. checking to forestry & MM to checking. Financials prior to accountant review, 2nd Dietz. RCV/MC
Forestry: Cemetery - Jean will meet with Brandon for tree planting & hauling in fill.
Police Report: Hedin reported
P & Z:
1st Street access formal complaint by Ryan C Johnson concerning Sprechers access (blocks water drainage), P & Z asked Ryan C Johnson to bring written complaint to city.
Johnson -don’t have a written complaint, but doesn’t believe access was grandfathered, also questioned garden on city property. Johnson got letter to remove his access. Shockley - By ordinance when going onto boulevard (non-platted area) access can be requested from city council. Sprecher did not get a letter, as was in contact with auditor concerning research of prior minutes. A letter will be sent to Sprecher, as minutes do not reflect permission.
James Wells accessing Park Board road from the north of his lot - permission not requested or granted. Letter will be sent to Wells to remove.
Recommendation to city - Accesses for Integrity Steel be approved, (Moerke opposed turning radius off of Carl Olsen for north most access into oncoming traffic).
Special Meeting for commercial signs scheduled for 4/22/2014 @ 7pm.
I94 lift station (from storm drains) pumping onto Thompsons land – why wasn’t drainage done on west side to 136th? Brandon – flow is outside part of city levee system. Requesting better flow & fix berm. Council will investigate correcting flow & berm.
City Engineer:
Cty Hwy 11 #2009-1 no response to letters, will send letter with limited time.
Levee Recert. #2012-1 – SWC approved $718,941.00 towards base, no funding for Alternates 1 or 2. Will request additional funding from Cass County Flood Reduction for Alternates 1 and 2.
I94 Dvlpmnt Prk 1st Add, Swr & Wtr Imp Dist– #2012-2 – Gene Cross concern city discharge and his road flooding drains are frozen. Motion Peterson, Moore Inv #7411, $926.81, 2nd Johnson. RCV/MC
I94 Dvlpmnt Prk Add Strt Imp Dist– #2012-3 – Motion Dietz, Moore Inv # 7410, $1667.50, 2nd Lund. RCV/MC
Strm Swr - Lift Station Imp Dist 2012-4 – Motion Lund, Key PP #6, $28,544.52 2nd Peterson. RCV/MC
1st Ave SE Extension Swr, Wtr, & Str Imp Dist– #2012-5 – Motion Johnson, Moore Inv #7409- $611.45, 2nd Dietz. RCV/MC
Meridian Grove 2nd 2013-1 – Potential movement from new buyer.
I94 Dvlpmnt Prk 2nd Swr & Wtr Imp Dist– #2013-2 - Motion Lund, Moore Inv #7413- $197.50, 2nd Johnson. RCV/MC
Merdian Grove 2nd Street Imp Dist– #2014-1 –Alternate price on bid, if wanting to proceed.
Lagoon Expansion: $830,000. Preliminary cost, changing discharge slightly.
City Attorney:
MPB “no parking” on one side of street – set up meeting to discuss with residents.
Significant savings to refunding bonds, $60,000.00 plus savings - meeting to be announced.
Existing sidewalk repairs to be reviewed by PW and reported to council
Kyle Scherweit rent agreement - $50.00 per acre city land – does weed control by farming. Estimated 14 acres. Motion Johnson eliminating $50.00 from rental agreement, 2nd Lund, RCV/MC
Motion Dietz, approval of Integrity Steel 3 access, 2nd Johnson, opposed Peterson, RCV/MC
System for water meter installation – letter sent to anyone given Building Permit to contact city for meter installment prior to use, also erosion control information. EPA= management control & storm sewer compliance. Johnson presented copy of West Fargo’s packet for review.
Burn pile – Call 24 hours prior for appointment on Saturday & Monday thru Friday during regular hours. Jerry Volk stated he could also be called.
Brodal, C. - 90 Personnel Review done by Lund& Dietz:
Motion Dietz, 2%, 2nd Johnson. RCV/MC
Motion Dietz, retro to 90 days 2nd Johnson, RCV/MC
Johnson - Smoking on city property & in city vehicles still issue. Auditor will get more stickers for vehicles and buildings.
Auditor requested council to view city for junk violations.
Leaking hydrants: 1 on Sequoia and at Hagge’s bar. Hagge’s is believed to be private, therefore Hagemeisters responsibility to maintain. Not metered & no gate valve on it – unmetered water if hydrant is being used. Auditor will send letter for options for city to fix and assess to property, or Hagge’s fix on their own. Also to address gate value.
Motion Lund, to adjourn 2nd Peterson.
Mayor, Eric Hillman City Auditor, Mary Hinschberger
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