Curricukum vitAE

Name : Hussein Mohamed Aly Ragheb

Occupation : Professor of Soil Science, Soils and Water Department,

Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

Major : Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition.

Minor : Water and Nutrients Management

Permanent Address : Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture,

Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

Date of Birth : June 10,1949

Place of Birth : Cairo, Egypt

Email :

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Phone : Home 0882310262

Work 0882412915

Cell Phone : 01001857042

Education and Professional qualifications:

● Ph.D. Crop and Soil Science Department , Michigan State University, East Lansing USA, 1987. Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

● M.Sc. Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut Universit, Assiut, Egypt, 1979. Soil Fertility, Water and Nutrient Management

● B.Sc. Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 1971. Soil Science Major.

● Member of the Egyptian Society of Soil Science.

● Member of the Soil Science Society of America till 2001

● Member of American Society of Agronomy till 2001

● Member of the International Society of Soil Science till 2001

Academic Positions Held:

● Nov.1972- Mar.1979: Laboratory Instructor, Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

● Mar.1979- Nov.1981: Lecturer Assistant, , Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

● Nov.1981- Oct.1985 : Graduate student, Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

● Oct. 1985- Oct.1987 : Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

● Feb. 1988- Aug.1994: Assistant Professor, Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

● Aug.1994- Nov.2001: Associat Professor, Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

● Nov. 2001- Present : Professor, Soils and Water Department, College of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

Experiences and Professionals:

1997-2007, Agricultural consaltant, Assiut Busieness Mane Association. Particcipated in design and construaction of 2000 Feddane (8000 Acre) desert farme located in El-Wadi-El-Assiuti using the drip and sprikler irrigation system. Managerial and technical responsibilities including design of irrigation and fertilization management system and assessement of the impact of using the low quality irrigation water on soil and crop production.

1998-2001, Agricultural consaltant, Assiut Governorate. Participated in design and construction of drip and sprinkler irrigation system for 1000 Feddane (4000 Acre) desert farm located at El-Wadi El-Assiuti, Assiut. Responcipilities included selecting the type of croping system (fruit trees, field crops vegetaples and medicinal plants) based on the soil and irrigation water properties, and constructing the irrigation and fertilization management system.

1997-2005, Scientific supervisor of Experimental Desert Farm of College of Agriculture, Assiut Uinversity at El-Ghoraeib 20 Km south of Assiut city. Responcipilities included supervising the fertigation research worke using the drip and sprinkler irrigation system.

1988-Present, Scientific director of the Assiut University Soil Testing Lab and Technical Consultation.

  • 1988-Present, Scientific director of the experimental farm of the Soil and Water Sciences Department at Assiut.
  • 2011-Present. Vis President of the Assiut University Center for Desert Agriculture.
  • 2013-PresentAgricultural consaltant, Assiut Governorate

Participated in the following research projects (member of the research team or Co-directors of the project):

- Use of N-fixing bacteria and foliar fertilization to increase yield of grain sorghum in upper Egypt, 1991-1994.

- NARP, AT SW 098 SW 16: On farm management of water from wells in Assiut and Sohag Governorate, 1990-1994

- Ground water resources assessment and land evaluation of Wadi El-Assiuti, Assiut, Egypt, 1993-1999

- Ground water resources assessment and land evaluation of Wadi Qena, Qena Egypt, 1993-1997

- Ground water resources assessment and land evaluation of Wadi El-Nuqra, Kom Ombo, Aswan, Egypt, 1994-1997

- Appling the drip and sprikler fertigation in the New Valley. Assiut University, Egypt, 1993-1997

- Recycling the drainage water for the irrigation in the New Valley, Assiut University, Egypt, 1993-1997

- Sugar 10, Maximization of sugar cane yield using the new irrigation systems (drip and sprinkler irrigation) and balanced fertilization management. Institute of Ssugar Technology, Assiut University, 1992-1998

- Sugar 53, Producing a compressed organic fertilizer from some by-products (Filter mud cack and Venas) of sugar industry, Ssugar Technology, Assiut University, 1996-1999.

- Soil Survey, Classification and Land Use Capability for Irrigation and Land Suitability for Crops for 30,000 Feddane in the Developing Area of the South Valley (Toushka), Soil Science Department, Assiut University, 2000-2003.

- Soil and Irrigation Management in New Valley

- Development of Desert Research Center in Assiut University (2012-Now)

- Best Management od saline Soils and Water in New Valley (2012-Now)

● Receiving the following advanced training programs:

-Trace elements : Detection and determination

-New irrigation systems : Design and management

-Organic Farming

-Management of fertilization and irrigation in arid zones

-GIS : Using in management the agricultural resources.

Thesis Supervising:

-Kamal, K.A. 1994. Response of some Halophytes and Salinity Tolerant Plants to Fertilization in Upper Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Hala, H.G. 1996. Studies on Certain Heavy Metals in Some Plants and Soils. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Ahmed Omar, A.O. 1998. Effect of Variety and Planting Date on the Yield and Quality of Peas. Ph.D. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Adel, R.A. 1998. Studies on Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems on The Soils of the New Valley. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Yaser, S. A. 2000. Response of Seedlings of Pomegranate vs. to Salinity. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Mohamed, M. M. A. 2001. Response of Some Fruit Trees Grown on the Desert Soils of Wadi El-Assiuti to Fertilization Using Certain Sugar Industry By-products. Ph.D. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Hala, H.G. 2001. Assessmant and Evaluation of Certain Heavy Metals in Soils and Plants in Assiut Governorate. Ph.D. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Abo-Eldahabe, A.S.M 2001. Studies on Potassium Status in Some Soils of Assiut Governorate. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Nahla, A.H. 2003. Water Regime of Some Crops Grown Under Drip Irrigation at El-Kharga Oasis. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt

-Mamdouh, A.E. Management of Drip Irrigation and Phosphorus Fertilization of Some Field Crops grown on Sandy Calcareous Soils. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Mohamed M.H.R. 2007. Effects of Long Term Application of Crop Residues and P Fertilization on P Forms and Availability in Soil. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Shaimaa, M.K.M. 2008. Extractability and Availability of Some Nutrients in Contaminated Soils of Assiut. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Ahmed Abd-Elqawee. 2009. Water and Fertilization Management of Surge Flow Irrigation System. PhD.Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Nageeb Abo-Elregal. 2010. Irrigation Strategies for Saving Water and Maximizing the Productivity With Modern Irrigation Systems. Ph.D.Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Ayman M.A.H. 2010 Modeling the impact of climate changes on evapotranspiration and crop yield under arid climatic conditions Ph.D.Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Ahmed D. 2012. Determination of ET0, ETc and ETc Adj for some crops growin in Toshka. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.

-Mostafa A.A. 2012. Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Partial Root zone Drying in Maize for Use With Surface- and Sub-surface irrigation System.

List of publications during the last 20 years:

1-H.M.Ragheb, R.Dawood and K.A.Kheiraalla. 1993. Nitrogen uptake and utilization by wheat cultivars grown under salinity stresses. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24(1):97-117

2-M.M. El-Defrawy, H.M.A. Ragheb and K.A. Kheiralla. Inheritance of macro- and micro-elements concentrations in flag leaf of spring wheat grown in sandy calcareous aaand clay loam soils. The Egyptian Society of Genetics. (In Press).

3-H.M.A. Ragheb, K.A. Kheiralla and M.M. El-Defrawy. Inheritance of the uptaake of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in spring wheat grown in sandy calcareous and clay loam soils. The Egyptian Society of Genetics. (In Press).

4-Ragheb, H.M. 1993. Screening of some wheat ccultivars for tolerance to P stress. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24(3):32-49

5-El-Desoky, M.A. and H.M. Ragheb. 1993. Availability of P in sandy calcareous soils: I. Kinetic studies. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24(1)120-135.

6-El-Desoky, M.A. and H.M. Ragheb. 1993. Availability of P in sandy calcareous soils: II. Effects of organic matter and added P. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24(1):137-153.

7-Ragheb, H.M.A. 1997. Irrigation and fertilization management for yield maximization of drip-irrigated potato grown on sandy calcareous soil. Proceeding of The First Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agric. Assiut Univ., Assiut. December 13-14 Vol. 1: 391-410

8-El-Farach, E.M. and H.M.A. Ragheb. 1998. In vitro selection of Fe-deficient and Fe-efficient genotypes in tomato. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science. 29(4): 59-74.

9-El-Enany, A.E., E.M. El-Farash and H.M. Ragheb. 1995. Genotypic differences in Pb-binding proteins and shoot organogenesis in tomato tissue. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26(4): 261-276.

10-Ragheb, H.M.A. and M.H. Aboul-Nasr. 2001. N-K fertilization balance affects the productivity of drip irrigated potato in sandy calcareous soil. The Fifth Arabian Horticulture Conference, Ismailia, Egypt, March 24-28. Vol. 2:237-249.

11-Abdalla, M.M.A. and H.M.A. Ragheb. 2001. Response of some potato cultivars to late season foliar application of compound liquid fertilizers. The Fifth Arabian Horticulture Conference, Ismailia, Egypt, March 24-28. Vol. 2: 147-163.

12-Ghoneim, M.F., H.M.A. Ragheb, G.S. El-Gharably and H.H. Gomah. 1997. Growth of corn and faba bean plants in different soils as influenced by Ni addition and its residual effects. Proceeding of The First Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agric. Assiut Univ. , Assiut. December 13-14 Vol. 1:377-390.

13-Ghoneim, M.F., H.M.A. Ragheb, G.S. El-Gharably and H.H. Gomah. 1997. Growth of corn and faba bean plants in Cd-contaminated soils. Assiut Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 28(2): 174-187.

14-Gameh, M.A., H.M. Ragheb, M.H. Nafady and A.R. Ahmed.1999. Introducing trickle and sprinkler irrigation into the New Valley: II Heat, moisture, and salt distribution in mulched soils under drip irrigation. Assiut Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 30(5): 149-176.

15-Ragheb, H.M., M.A. Gameh, M.H. Nafady and A.R. Ahmed.2000. Growth, yield and water use efficiency and nutrient contents of two bean varieties under trickle and sprinkler irrigation regimes in the New Valley. Assiut Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 31(2): 89-117.

13-Farida, H. Badawy, G.A.S. El-Gharably, M.A.Gammea, H. Ragheb and M.A. El-Desoky. 1997. Azospirillum inoculation of cereal crops in upper Egypt. Egypt. J. Microbiol. 32(1) 17-40

14-Mostafa M. Ahmed and H.M. Ragheb. 1998. Field study on magnitude of some heavy metals in shallow wells (hand-pumps) in rural areas at Assiut governorate. Assiut Med. J. 22(1):45-54.

15- Ragheb, H.M.A. and G. Elnagar. 1997. Response of grain sorghum to nitrogen fertilization and irrigation intervals. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science 28(2):145-157.

16-K.K. Attia and H.M.A. Ragheb. 2002. Influence of soil moisture stress, nitrogen and some micronutrients fertilization on yield and nutrient content of onion grown on sandy calcareous soil amended with nile sediments. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science 33(1): 227-240

17-Ahmed Amin, K.I., H.M.A.Ragheb, H.A.Abdel-Galil and Y.S.Ali. 2002. Effect of salinity of irrigation water on elemental composition of some cultivars of pomegranate seedlings. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science 33(2): 1-24

18-Amin, K.I.A, H.M.A.Ragheb, H.A.Abdel-Galil and Y.S.Ali. 2002. Differential tolerance of seedlings of some pomegranate cultivars to salinity. Assiut Journal of Agricultural Science 33(2): 43-57

19-Saleh, M.I. and H.M.A. Ragheb. 2006. Improvement of Irrigation efficiency and water use productivity by surge flow irrigation in short furrows. International Soil Conservation Organization (ISCO) 14-19 May, 2006. Marrakech, Morocco.

20- Ghoneim M. F., Ragheb, H. M., Gomah Hala H.*, and Raslan M. H. 2007. Long-Term Utilization of Crop Residues for Improving P Status in Soil. El-Mansoura Anals of Agric. Research. In press.

21- Ragheb H. M., Gomah Hala H*., Ghoneim M. F. and Raslan M. H. 2007. Effect of Long -Term Applications of P Fertilizers and Crop Residues on P Adsorption and P Balance in Soils under Corn-Clover Cropping System. El-Mansoura Anals of Agric. Research. In press.

22- Ragheb, H. M., Gomah Hala H*., Ghoneim M. F. and Raslan M. H. 2007. Distribution and transformation of P forms in soil after long term applications of P fertilizers and crop residues. El-Mansoura Anals of Agric. Research. In press.

23- Elgharably, G.A., M.F. Ghoneim, H.M. Ragheb andHala.H. Gomah 2007.Nutrients distribution in soils of Assiut as affected by long-term water and soil pollution: case study. National conference for environment between protection and pollution, 25-28 Feb. 2007, Elkassem, UKS.

24- Raghib, H. M., Gameh, M.H , Saleh, M.I. and Abo-Elregal, N.A. 2009. Water Distribution Patterns of Drip Irrigation in Sandy Calcareous Soil As Affected by Discharge Rate and Amount of Irrigation Water. The international Water conservation in arid regions 12-14 Oct, 2009

25-Hassan, A.M.A., H.M.A. Ragheb, M.M.M.Ahmed and H.G. Hassanein. Anitrogen fertilization program to minimize N use for some aromatic fruit crops. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci. 40 Special Issue (3nd Conference of Young Scientists, Fac. Of Agric. Assiut Univ., April 28, 2009, 179-207

26- Ragheb, H.M.A, K.K. Attia, H.H. Gomah and A.E. Hussein. 2010. Response of cotton to foliar application of boron as affected by phosphorous fertilization and crop residues incorporation in soil. The 5th Scientific Conference for Agricultural Sciences Fac. Agric. Assiut Univ. Oct. 16-17 (278-296).

27- Gomah, H.H., H.M.A. Ragheb, K.K. Attia and A.E. Hussein. 2012. Respnse of cotton to boron side dressing as affected by phosphorous fertilization and crop residues incorporation in soil. 8th International Soil Science Congress on “ Land Degradation and Challenges in Sustainable Soil Management” May 15-17, 2012, Vol.5:448-455.

28- Ragheb, H.M.A, Saffan, M.M. , Yeyia, Y.I.Fekry,M.I. Response of sugar beet grown on different soils to anhydrous Ammonia injection. In Press. Egyptian Sugar Journal.

29- Abou Al-Rejal, N.A.A., H.M.A. Ragheb, M.A. Game, and E.M. Ahmed. 2014. Influence of deficit irrigation on water use efficiency and potato production with different irrigation system. The 7th Int. Conf for Develop. And the Env. In the Arab World, March 23-25, 2014.

30-Ragheb, H.M.A., Gomah H.H., Hassanein M.K. and Hassan A.M.A. 2015.Validation of reference evapotranspiration models using lysimeters under arid climatic conditions. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci.