An e-mail newsletter from Agapé Athletics Club

Editor: Marieta Bortoli 082 466 7031 6 March 2017



Next league race – Pretoria Bobbies 11 March

Agapé race (Jacaranda City Challenge) – 14 October Members to assist. PLEASE DIARIZE !!!!!!


I have a problem with sending out the weekly newsletter. Of the 800+ that are sent out weekly more than 540 are returned with messages that the mails are blocked. Not the same are returned weekly. We are currently investigating the situation. Please bear with me whilst trying to sort the problem.

This coming Saturday is a league race. Please remember to fill out your entry slip in full, i.e. name, surname, gender, age category and province (AGN).

There is a person looking for an Om die Dam 21.1km entry – please refer to “In the mailbox”.

Athletes please be aware of the newest way of theft of personal items – please refer to “In the mailbox”


# Birthday greetings

# Personalia

# Welcome new and former members

# Congratulations

# Thank you’s

# In the mailbox

# General

# Race reports / upcoming race information

# Race results

# Training/Health snippets

# Thought of the week

# Your smile for the week

# Something to ponder over / something spiritual

# AGN league logs

# Races cancelled

# Notice Board

# Photo corner

Notice Board Additions

● Budget Insurance rub

● Denel road race

● Modern Athlete Irene ultra


● Comrades – March training programme

Birthday Greetings

May the Lord bless you and send from above the peace of His presence, the joy of His love. May He grant you happiness in everything you do! Happy birthday!

Harry Baker 03 March / Daniel Salzwedel 03 March
Hanlie Ungerer 15 March / Marius v d Westhuizen 17 March
Annalie du Plessis 18 March / Johnathon Nordengen 22 March


Welcome new and former members

Malissa Koch Sewata Masedi Licia Roberts Janet van Niekerk


Congratulations to the following members:

Mini Monster 10km

Ken Nurden 1st 80+

Thank you’s

Thank you for the new addition of cold drinks at the trailer. The cold drinks are sold at R5.00 each

In the mailbox

Om Die Dam 21.1km

Ek is opsoek na 'n 21 km inskrywing vir Om die dam wat beskikbaar is asseblief

Baie dankie.

Stephan Badenhorst



{Fit 2000} Des Robins is retiring

Hi everyone,

Des Robins is turning 88 on 20 July this year. He has decided not to take his beloved running license number (997) this year as he feels he cannot continue running road races anymore. The committee asked Des to run one more race, his favourite easy 10 Km event. Des has nominated the Benoni Northerns Robor Scaffolding 10 km taking place on 23 April 2017, the day after Loskop.

I invite each and every one of you to join us on that day to run/walk with Des on the day he officially retires from road running. We want to make a big bus with a banner and bring Des into the finish area in style.

The Benoni Northerns committee and on-field announcer have pledged their support and will make a big fuss of Des as he finishes.

I will remind you closer to the time.



Diefstal by wedlope

Ek hoop dit gaan goed met julle.

Graag wil ek iets onder jou aandag bring. ‘n Nuwe gier steek sy kop uit by races.

Vanessa het gisteraand die Irene 5km gehardloop. Na die race sien sy haar selfoon is uit haar sak uit. Dis nou die blou Agapé sak.

Toe sy mooi kyk sien sy die sak het n sny in. Hulle loop met n lem agter jou en sny daai dra sakkie van jou oop. En steel terwyl jy loop.

Hulle het tot haar baadtjie raakgesny. Daar was blykbaar meer as een soortgelyke geval gisteraand.

Ek wil graag hê dat jy ander klub lede net waarsky. Dalk kan jy dit na ander klubs toe ook stuur.

Vriendelike Groete



Inligting oor verblyf te Loskop:

Daar is 5 staanplekke bespreek by De Villa Lodge en hulle sal dit hou tot 15 Maart 2017. Lede kan self met hulle bespreek. Kontak persoon is Petro. Kontaknommers : 0839268466 of 013 2624716

Staanplekke is R400.00 per dag m.a.w. R800.00 vir die naweek, daar kan 6 persone op 'n staanplek staan.



Rek No: 4071486007

Takkode 632005


Clothing available:

Buffs @ R100

Ladies skirts @ R200

Second skins @ R170

Please contact Marietjie if you wish to purchase some of the items:

Cell: 072 541 7268 E-mail:

The items will also be available at races, please visit our gazebo


Golf t-hempies

Bestellings word geneem vir golf hemde, betaling met bestelling asseblief. Voorbeelde sal by die gazebo wees om aan te pas. Dit is in dames en mans grotes. Die logo van die klub gaan op die hemde borduur word. Kostes: R180.00

Stuur jou bestelling na ek kan ook gekontak word op 072541 7268


2017 Club fees:

First member R350.00

Second member/pensioner/student R300.00

Junior (under 19) R 90.00 Copy of ID required

Social member R100.00

Please complete the attached ASA and Agapé registration forms and return to Hennie Venter at:


Race reports/Upcoming race information

Race results

Correctional Services Nite - 10km race - 2017-02-22

Position / Initials / Surname / Sex / Age / Finish Time
225 / E / Loubser / M / 60 / 1:38:22

Deloitte Pretoria - 10km race - 2017-02-26

Position / Initials / Surname / Sex / Age / Finish Time
316 / W / Focaraccio / F / 34 / 00:56:06
423 / A / Kluge / M / 69 / 00:59:06
1274 / D / Frost / M / 60 / 01:13:52
1373 / J / Murray / F / 65 / 01:16:37
2293 / Mia / F / 41 / 01:40:32
2303 / G / Visser / M / 01:41:36
2317 / M / Greeff / F / 52 / 01:42:06

Deloitte Pretoria - 21km race - 2017-02-26

Position / Initials / Surname / Sex / Age / Finish Time
353 / F / Schunke / M / 59 / 01:57:59
378 / A / Dicks / F / 38 / 01:58:46
379 / Rynhardt / M / 31 / 01:58:47
445 / M / Malan / F / 58 / 02:01:16
475 / E / Fourie / F / 49 / 02:01:59
771 / W / Reinecke / M / 42 / 02:11:04
920 / J / Erasmus / F / 37 / 02:14:27
976 / W / Weder / M / 68 / 02:15:38
1573 / Alison / F / 45 / 02:28:57
1574 / W / Meyer / M / 48 / 02:28:58
1653 / L / Matome / M / 49 / 02:30:31
1893 / L / Van Wyk / F / 41 / 02:36:34
2204 / A / Te Reh / M / 67 / 02:46:30
2362 / M / Venter / F / 57 / 02:53:20
2363 / H / Venter / M / 57 / 02:53:25
2605 / C / Mouton / F / 60 / 03:07:25
2756 / E / Loubser / M / 60 / 03:25:55

Deloitte Pretoria (AGN) 42km race - 2017-02-26

Position / Initials / Surname / Sex / Age / Finish Time
402 / K / Imrie / M / 45 / 03:46:05
1899 / H / Baker / M / 43 / 04:55:15
1900 / P / Kennedy / M / 40 / 04:55:16
1901 / M / Atkins / F / 47 / 04:55:16
1902 / K / Kennedy / F / 36 / 04:55:18
2157 / M / Boesenberg / F / 60 / 05:04:15
2166 / A / Lenoge / F / 44 / 05:04:28
2184 / T / Lenoge / M / 47 / 05:05:43
2611 / P / Bortoli / M / 64 / 05:30:39

Training/Health snippets

Imperial to metric conversion

Converting Pounds (lbs) to kg

Divide your current weight in pounds by 2.2 Example 160 pounds male is (160/2.2) = 72.7kg

Converting Miles to km

Times number miles by 1.6 Example 50 miles (50*1.6) = 80km

Rest – it’s not optional!

For the last 30 years since the running boom the magazines, newspapers and running coaches have been doing their darndest to get us to do more and faster and better and stronger. Not too much focus has been on the restoration part of things. With Comrades training getting into gear and the roads buzzing with eager feet, please don’t underestimate the need for rest, which brings with it recovery and the much sought-after adaptation. During sleep we are able to restore, regenerate and grow. Most people need about 8 hours of good sleep to survive and thrive. The body sleeps generally in 90min cycles, where it drifts deep into REM sleep and we get the best rest. In order to not interrupt one of your 90 min cycles, you should work backwards from the time you wake up and determine when you have to go to bed in order to wake up at the end of a 90min cycle. This will leave you rested and fresh and not groaning at the alarm clock.

As a refresher course, this is what sports nutritionist Dr Douglas Graham has to say:

To exercise when tired goes against all logic, like eating when full, or sun tanning with a sunburn. Listen to your body! Your body will tell you when you need sleep. We rely more on our feelings than we realize. E.g. when hungry, thirsty, when we need to use the toilet, etc.

When you wake up in the morning, enthusiastic to start the day, you probably had enough sleep. If you’d rather roll over than out, maybe you should. If you use an alarm clock to arise, you are systematically cutting your sleep short. To get enough sleep, one must go to bed earlier, much earlier.

To recover completely, we need to rest completely, in all areas of rest:

1.  Physical rest (lying down in a comfortable position)

2.  Physiological rest (the slowing of basal metabolism, i.e. during sleep)

3.  Sensory rest (closing eyes and ears)

4.  Emotional rest (through practice in a state of detached awareness)

Energy is accumulated during sleep. We go to bed at about the time that we run out of energy and wake up in the morning with enough for another day. If you don’t have enough energy to start the day, you need more sleep. If you need stimulants (e.g. coffee, cigarettes, tea, coke, chocolate, meat and amphetamine type drugs) to make it through the day, you need more sleep. If you fall asleep when you don’t mean to, feel tired or lethargic during the day, or just don’t have energy to go full speed in sports, you need more sleep. The ability to output energy comes with conditioning, overload and recovery. If the overload is too great, recovery is delayed by days, and conditioning is impeded.

Energy is measured in calories or kilojoules. The energy obtained from food is not kinetic energy, but potential energy, i.e. not so much energy as fuel for energy. In a cup of black coffee, there is zero calories, i.e. zero energy. However, as a result of the stimulation of the chemicals in the coffee, some of the stored energy in the body is released. The coffee supplied none; we used more, there for we are left with less. The only way to refill the stores of energy is to sleep! Why whip a tired horse?

Anytime we try to increase physical limits, we require extra time in bed. During maintenance training, you will find less sleep is needed. Like a growing child, increased training requires extra sleep. Walking around tired for days and weeks, invites injury, enervation and sickness.

You can’t sleep too much. If you can sleep, your body is saying you need to.

Millions of processes take place in our bodies. These can be categorized under anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is the construction of cells and structures. It’s used by the body for growth and repair.

Catabolism is the opposite and defined as any destructive process. It tends to happen at the fastest rate when we’re awake. Both processes are beneficial to the body and is collectively referred to as metabolism. When they are in balance the conditions is known as homeostasis.

When anabolism outpaces catabolism, we experience growth. This happens mostly during rest and sleep. Growth represents a tremendous amount of work being done by the body, and is accompanied by an increased need for sleep. Babies sleep more than children, children more than adults, and accordingly active adults also require more sleep.

The rate of catabolism also increases relative to the rate of anabolism when sufficient sleep and/or nutrients are not supplied for normal anabolic flow.

Ageing is suggested to be a result of excessive catabolism.

Physiological ageing can be slowed, by providing good nutrition plus sufficient rest and sleep for proper anabolism to occur. To the athlete this translates to a longer career, reduced risk of injuries (especially over-use), and better rehabilitation after injuries, and a healthier life after competition ceases to be primary focus.

Your thought for the week

Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier

Your smile for the week

Dear Sir/Madam
I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1 November in which for the third time, you request that I pay the monies owed to you. I first want you to know that by no means do I dispute my debt and I intend to reimburse you as soon as possible.
However, I bring to your attention that I have many more creditors, quite as honourable as you, and whom I wish to reimburse too. That is why, each month, I throw all the names of my creditors into a hat and draw one randomly whom I hasten to refund immediately. I hope that yours will come out shortly.
Sincerely Yours,