Annual Convention

August 3-6, 2005

McConnellsburg, Pa.

Thursday Morning, August 4, 2005

The 2005 Convention meeting of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association was called to order by President Allen Brennan at 9:00 am. Invocation was given by Chaplain Charles Barnhart followed by the presentation of colors by the Fulton Honor Guard and the Pledge to the Flag led by President Brennen. President Brennen thanked the Honor Guard

for their presentation.

Guests were introduced by the President:

Pennsylvania Fire Commissioner, Ed Mann. He welcomed everyone to Pennsylvania in behalf of Governor Randell. He spoke on the purpose of the vest he was given and an incident he used it. He announced that he was elected for a 1-year term on the Board of Directors of the Volunteer Combination officer section of the IAFC. A partnership program with the NVFA he is working on is called “Courage to be safe so everyone goes home.” A bit of advice he left was: Reduce line of duty deaths, get physicals, no alcohol on calls, use of seat belts on equipment, and when driving, slow down when responding to calls.

Other guests introduced were the Commissioners of Fulton County: Dan Swayne, Bonnie Mallott Keefer, and Ellis Yingling. The Commissioners welcomed everyone and thanked them for all they do. Sue Yeager, representing the Honorable Dick Hess presented citations to the McConnellsburg Fire Company for the 75 years of service to the community. President of McConnellsburg Volunteer Fire Company, Mike Chilcote welcomed everyone and offered their help throughout the day.

Bobby Balta, 1st Vice President of the Maryland State Firemens’ Association was introduced along with Delaware’s 1st Vice President, Ken Pyle and the state of Pennsylvania alternate Director to NVFC Robert Timko.

Vice President Steve Flickinger introduced his Convention committee and welcomed the Convention chairman David Hoover from McConnellsburg. He explained the activities for the Convention. Steve Austin introduced the Chief, Mr. Jack Jones and son firefighter Jon Jones from Massachusetts.

President Brennan announced his Special Convention Committees;

Sergeant of Arms -

Election Committee – Harry Alt, Bob Cumberland, and Dean Simpson.

Installing Officer – Steve Austin.

Roll was called by Acting Secretary, Gene Worthington. Roll was answered by 10 Officers, 8 Directors and 13 Past Presidents.

Officers answering roll call were:

Allen Brennen President

Gene Worthington First Vice President

Steven Flickinger Third Vice President

Marvin Sharp Fourth Vice President

Stephen McBee Financial Secretary

George Dove Treasurer

Stephen Heefner Home Office Manager

Charles Barnhart Chaplain

James Wharry Assistant Chaplain

Howard Cohen Attorney

Board of Directors:

Gerald Holtry (PA)Harry Alt (WV)

Richard Jones (PA)Larry Smallwood (VA)

Robert Cumberland (MD)Stephen Austin (DE)

Wayne Baker (MD)Dean Simpson (

Past Presidents:

George Dove Larry Smallwood

Wayne Baker Harry Alt

Charles Myers Stephen Austin

Robert Cumberland Ray Mowen

Joseph Bukowski Lee Holler

Stephen Heefner Stephen McBee

Dean Simpson

There were 72 members and 25 guests, for a total of 97 individuals representing 30 companies present.

Officer reports were ask for at this time with only 6 reports handed in for recording. These reports are attached to the minutes for review. The Presidents report of activities for the year was in the Convention book.

The President added information to his report that was not in the book. He attended the MSFA Convention in Ocean City in June and in July he went to Bethesda, Md. to the Department Homeland Security Capability workshop.

His total travel miles will be 3,356.

The Board of Directors reports that were handed in will be attached to the minutes for review.

At 10:30 am the meeting was recessed for everyone to proceed to the Memorial service at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in McConnellsburg. A very inspiring service was held by Chaplain Charles Barnhart, Assisting Chaplain James Wharry and the host Pastor, Pastor Alan Reed of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. A special tribute was given in the memory of Louise Dell who had been Secretary of the CVVFA for 17 years. There were 30 other deceased members memorialized at the service.

The meeting reconvened at 1;00 p.m. after a delicious lunch was served.

The President ask Steve Austin to introduce other guests that came in after the morning session. Larry Curl who is Chairman of the Volunteer/Combination Officers chiefs of the IAFC was introduced. Larry will be heard from later in the program.

Nomination of Officers for 2005-2006 was called for by the President.

PresidentGene Worthington (MD)

First Vice PresidentMarshall Younker (WV)

Second Vice President Steven Flickinger (PA)

Third Vice President Marvin Sharp (DE)

Fourth Vice President Hugh Harris (VA)

TreasurerGeorge Dove

Financial SecretaryStephen McBee

Recording SecretaryJoan Cumberland

Home Office ManagerStephen Heefner

Publicity ManagerRobert Timko

ChaplainCharles Barnhart

Assistant ChaplainJames Wharry

AttorneyHarold Cohen


PennsylvaniaSteve Haines

MarylandWayne Baker

VirginiaWalter Robertson

West Virginia Harry Alt

DelawareRobert Ahn

Pennsylvania DelegateCharles Myers

The Acting Secretary cast the ballot for the 2005-2006 Officers all unopposed positions.


Archives – No report

Audit – Gerald Holtry reported books have been audited.

Budget- George Dove reported everything set for the coming year.

Constitution & By-Laws- Bob Cumberland reported a change in a by-law.

Convention Committee- Steve Flickinger reported everything going well.

Credential- No report.

Fire person of the year – George Dove will have presentation at Banquet.

Fire Prevention – No report.

Legislative – No report.

Membership - Dean Simpson reported it was a very successful year for


Memorial – Charles Barnhart, Chaplain, said he thought everything went

well at the service.

National Emergency Responder Institute – Steve Austin presented a power

Point presentation of the status of the current project and a review of the grants that begin on September 1. A copy of the power point is available for any member who would like to have one. The Association closed out last year’s grant and has received a total of $110,000 for the next 18 months

Parliamentarian – No report.

Pennsylvania Delegate, Charles Myers, thanked McConnellsburg for hosting the Convention and congratulated them on their 75 years of service. He announced the PA. Convention will be in Greensboro. He gave a list of activities for the year.

Public Relations – No report.

Resolutions – Joe Burkowski ask to submit your resolutions ASAP!

Scholarship – Harry Alt reported the Scholar J.R.Haines is attending

University of Maryland Fire Technology.

Topics and Web Page – The committee arranged for keynote speaker, Jon

Jones to speak on line manual and other documents he will be producing from FEMA/USFA. The Banquet speaker will be Mr.

Bill Troup from the USFA who is the Federal Manager of our grants.

Steve continues to power the web site free for us. At the request of the Association he is posting training opportunities on the page. The committee encourages all members to regularly visit the web site. New articles will be posted shortly after the annual convention.


A point of interest was brought up reference to the Audit fiscal year.

Suggested the Audit be done August 31st as the Audit report is last years Audit report. This will be brought up at the Booster meeting to be discussed and a decision made as how this will be handled.

Steve Heefner reported on the purchase of the decals. This can turn into a costly project. He is waiting for a possible special decal program that he can get reduced prices. Anyone hearing of any specials let him know.

By-Law vote—The By-Law change presented by the committee was voted on. A motion was made to change the wording only –“ advertising “ to “ Publicity manager”. Motion carried.


Howard Cohen made a motion that the 104th Annual Convention of the CVVFA be dedicated in honor of the late CVVFA Secretary Emeritus Louise Dell, who contributed so much for so many years to this organization. Motion was seconded and passed by the members.

A discussion was held followed by a motion being made to buy a Brick for Louise Dell and Charles Ringer at the Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, Md., total cost $200.00. Motion carried.

Steve Austin introduced Mr. John Tucker who is with FASNY and he gave a presentation about the Federal Credit Union for the members and the organization.

After much discussion a motion was made by Steve Austin that we join FASNY and FASNY’s Credit union. The amount to be deposited will be determined by the officers and treasurer. There was a second to the motion and motion was carried.

After a 5 minute break called by the President, Steve Austin introduced a slide presentation on the 2nd main project of the CVVFA, Emergency Safety Institute with R& D person David Orange from New York. He spoke on information for promoting Fire Safety with training and assistance . This was a very informative program.


Bob Cumberland shared some disturbing news with the group that was just passed on to him. A young lady fell into the Flame at the Fallen Fighters Memorial in Emmitsburg. He did not know the outcome of the situation at this time.

Bob Timko asked for everyone to get their ads in asap.


AUGUST 6, 2005

The Banquet and Installation was held at the American Legion and hosted by the McConnellsburg VFC.

President Brennan welcomed everyone to the Banquet at 6:30 p.m.

Blessing was given by Chaplain, Charles Barnhart.

Welcome was given by Dave Hoover from McConnellsburg.

Following a delicious dinner, Steve Austin introduced the Keynote speaker for the evening Mr. Bill Troup who is with the USFA.

President Brennan read and distributed some of 19 resolutions.

Those persons not present will have them sent to them. These were for 50 years of service in the CVVFA.

There were six nominees for the Fire Person of the Year. The winner of this award was Robert Romig. His awards will be ordered.

Installation of Officers for 2005-2006 was held with installing officer

Steve Austin administering the oaths.

Officers installed were:

President Gene Worthington

First Vice President Marshall Younker

Second Vice President Steve Flickinger

Third Vice President Marvin Sharp

Fourth Vice President Hugh Harris

Treasurer George Dove

Financial Secretary Stephen McBee

Recording Secretary Joan Cumberland

Home Office Manager Steve Heefner

Publicity Manager Robert Timko

Chaplain Charles Barnhart

Assistant Chaplain James Wharry

Attorney Howard Cohen


Steve Haines, PA.

Wayne Baker, MD.

Walter Robertson, VA.

Harry Alt, WV.

Robert Ahn, DE.

Charles Myers, PA. Delegate.

Past President Brennan presented the gavel to the newly elected President Gene Worthington. President Gene presented Past President with his Past Presidents pin. President Worthington made an acceptance speech with some goals for the year.

The banquet ended about 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Cumberland,

Recording Secretary CVVFA