The award of SSVAPS is given for exceptional service to promote the growth of and the advancement of photography in the State of Victoria for a period of not less than eight (8) years.

The award, which is presented at the Annual VAPS Convention consists of a Blue & Gold bar with the VAPS logo attached, an engraved Gold VAPS Medallion and a written citation.


All possible details must be stated on the application form, as this is the only information used by the VAPS Committee in deciding whether an award is to be granted.

  1. The nominee must be a financial member of a VAPS affiliated club; however life members may also be nominated for this award.
  2. The nominee must have had at least eight (8) years of membership, not concurrent, with one or more VAPS affiliated clubs and must have been actively involved in the club during that time.
  3. The nominee should be an active practicing photographer, exhibiting in club competitions.
  4. The nominee must have performed in at least four (4) of the criteria below for at least the periods stated whilst being a member of a VAPS affiliated club. Supply details for all categories.
  • Judging – at club (other than the nominee’s club), national or international photographic competitions and have judged on no less than 15 occasions as a minimum.
  • Lecturing/presenting on photography related matters – at club events, VAPS conventions, national conventions, commercial organizations or community lecturing events and have done so on at least six occasions
  • Organisation/administration of Exhibitions – assisting at international, national, state or major exhibitions that promote photography for a period of at least three years.(Supply details). This category does not include your monthly club competitions.
  • Writing on Photography Related Mattersfor readership in Australian publications, on line forums, VAPS Newsbrief, etc.
  • Working - in any field to promote photography within the community and/orto promote the membership of camera clubs for a period of at least three years.
  • Officiating at state level e.g. as a member of the VAPS committee or related national bodies for a period of at least threeyears.
  • Teaching - in Primary, Secondary or other schools or community facility, where it is done in avoluntary capacity, or other photographic organisations, for a period of at least three years.
  • Other – Some members perform in exceptional ways that don’t come within the categories above. List any such activities here. A few examples would be holding your own personal photographic exhibitions, publishing your own photography related books, organising photographic tours and workshops. These are suggestions only. Obviously the topics covered here will be unique to the person nominated.

In exceptional circumstances where a nominee has rendered outstanding service but does not come within the above criteria, the VAPS Committee reserves the right to accept an award nomination.

The VAPS Committee reserves the right to change or amend these award conditions or criteria. All clubs will be notified of any changes at the AGM preceding the closing date for nominations.


  1. Each nomination must be sponsored by two committee members of a VAPS affiliated club OR by two members of the VAPS Committee.
  2. All nominations are confidential.
  3. The VAPS Committee will advise sponsors whether nominations are successful or not prior to the Annual Convention. Unsuccessful nominations will be given reasons and may be resubmitted for furtherconsideration.
  4. All successful nominees are entitled to use the letters SSVAPS (State Service Victorian Association of Photographic Societies) after their names.
  5. The closing date for nominations is the Half Yearly Meeting, usually held in March.

Assessment will be based on continuous and constructive work over a period of eight (8) years, though the applicant does not have to work in a minimum of four (4) areas throughout that period. Rather the applicant must have worked in a minimum of four (4) areas altogether, but must be doing at least one every year for the period of eight(8) years. They can of course do much more than these minimum requirements.

Please note that where a member has mainly contributed to the organisation and functioning of their club in the opinion of the VAPS Committee, this will entitle them to a VAPS Meritorious Service Award not a SSVAPS award. This SSVAPS award recognises contributions to photography at a State level.

Name of proposed Recipient ......
Year of application …………………
Name of Nominating Club......
Names of Sponsors (1)………………………………………Phone No......
(2)...... Phone No......
Length of Membership in an Affiliated Club …………………..Years
Membership of any other Camera Clubs. …………………... Years
Lecturing/presenting on photography related matters:
Organisation/administration of Exhibitions:
Writing on Photography Related Matters:
Officiating at state level:
Reason for the Nomination:
Note: If space on this form is not sufficient, please attach a letter containing the required necessary information as specified by the sub-headings above.
FORWARD NOMINATIONS to Badges and Awards Director PO Box 2554. Ringwood North LPO, 3134
by the Half Yearly Meeting, 19thMarch 2017.


VAPS Service Award (SSVAPS)