Iranian, Venezuelan Presidents to meet in Caracas in September. No specific day in September, just that it will be in September.
Communist party says that without Chavez´s presence there is no polo democratic.
President Chavez said that he is preparing himself for another possible chemotherapy phase.
Voluntad Popular will wait untilAugust 31to announce whether former mayor of Chacao, Leopoldo Lopez, as its candidate for the primary presidential elections or not.
President of UNT, Manuel Rosales, announced the governor of Zulia, Pablo Perez, as UNT presidential candidate for the primaries inFeb 2012.
President Chavez announced the creation of a new state called Territorio Insular Miranda, the capital will be Los Roques.
President Hugo Chávez signed the decree-law to nationalize the Venezuelan gold industry. "All primary, related, and auxiliary activities of gold development are reserved to the State, given their strategic nature," he said.
President Hugo Chávez again threatened to nationalize banks if they fail to finance productive projects.
Milk production dropped 60% in Sur del Lago.
Venezuela had its long-term and local currency ratings cut to B+ from BB- by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services.
President Chavez ordered to transfer 211 tons of gold that Venezuelan has in foreign banks to the Venezuelan Central Bank. The deadline to transfer the 211 tons of gold to the Central Bank is within 2 months. Venezuela has gold deposited in the UK at Standard Chartered and Barclays, in the US at JP Morgan, France at BNP Paribas, and Switzerland at Bank for international settlements.Venezuela also announced that it will deposit part of its international reserves in banks in Brazil, Russia and China.
Unemployment rate of 8% in July, reduction of 0.7% in comparison to the same period in 2010.
Venezuela announces temporary freeze of hospital fees as government aims to contain costs.
Food basket increased 3.81% in July, said the national institute of statistics. The products that increased the most were: tomato 57.52%, pepper 29.87%, carrot 17.73%,watermelon 37.4%, melon 14.37%.
Govt will create a new food transportation network.
Inflation in July was 2.7% and in the first semester of 2011 inflation rate has reached 16%.
IranandVenezuelastarted construction on a petrochemical complex in the southern Iranian province of Bushehr,Press TVreported, citing National Iranian Petrochemical Organization Managing Director Abdolhossein Bayat. The countries are building a methanol unit in the southern port town of Assaluyeh, Bayat said.
Venezuelan vice-minister of electric development said that byDecember 2011the govt will eliminate power cuts. The electrical generation boats Josefa Rufina I and Margarita I are already producing 342 megawats in the capital region.
PDVSA and Petrobras did not come to an agreement over the financing of the Abreu e Lima refinery project August 21st. PDVSA still disagrees with the amount that needs to be paid.
PDVSA Gas transfers gas distribution plant to popular power. New gas distribution plant will be inaugurated August 27.
PDVSA operates its first tug boat manufactured in Cuba
President Chavez approved 1.2 billion bolivares for Corpoelec´s expenses.
Scandal over embezzled pension funds at state oil company PDVSA has renewed concerns about corruption and mismanagement. Retired workers from the oil behemoth have taken to the streets in protest. Their beef: nearly half a billion dollars of pension fund money was lost after it was invested in what turned out to be a Madoff-style Ponzi scheme run by a U.S. financial advisor who was closely linked to President Hugo Chavez's government.
The increase in the demand for electricity due to visitors in the Falcón region and the high temperature has caused a failure in the electrical system in Paraguaná peninsula.
Petropiar breaks the 160, 000 barrel a day barrier.
Several parts in the state of Anzoategui stayed more than 5 hours without electricity, reported National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec).
Crude oil production averaged 2.77 million barrels per day (bpd) in June, versus 2.97 million bpd the prior month.
Electricity failure affected the operations of Sidor and VenalumAugust 1st, the failure occurred at a electricity station in Guayana Amaya.
Venezuela´s vice-minister of interior and security, Edwin Rojas, announced that more than 100 thousand weapons that were seized will be destroyed.
Marco Da Costa, an assistant to the president of weekly journal Sexto Poder, said he was served a notice whereby a court banned the publication and distribution of the journal.
Two prisoners dead and 14 wounded in Uribana prison.
Operational strategic commander, Henry Rangel Silva, said that Bolivarian armed force has prioritized the eradication of illegal mining
3 inmate from prison Puente Ayala in the state of Anzoategui were killed while trying to escape from the prison
At least 1070 ammunition disappeared of the Army´s command stationed at the Hydroelectric dam Guri.
President Hugo Chavez's political rivals are on notice that anything they say over the phone might be not only recorded by eavesdroppers but also played and flaunted on national television.
Fight in prison Yare III resulted in 1 inmate dead and another one wounded.
1.400 kilogramos de cocaína incautaron en Falcón.
Venezuela´s interior minister, Tareck El Aissami said that a commission is evaluating an action plan for arms control
As Venezuela halts new prison admissions, cells at police stations are filling up.
More than 90% of transportation workers adhered to the strike in the state of Zulia.
Prison riot in Tocuyito left 1 dead and 6 wounded.
El Oriente and Yiofre will not be able to communicate with one anoterh in La Minima jail.
Venezuelan police seized 31.3 kilos of cocaine on the border between the states of Lara and Zulia.
Iranian, Venezuelan Presidents to meet in Caracas in September
[17.08.2011 18:05]
The Iranian and Venezuelan presidents will meet in Caracas in September to discuss ways of promoting bilateral ties and cooperation, IRNA reported with reference to Venezuelan Foreign Ministry's press-release.
The Ministry said in a press release, that a decision to that effect was made during Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s phone call to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad onMonday.
The statement said the two sides also agreed to holding the 7th joint commission session in September.
PCV: Sin la presencia de Chávez, no hay Polo Patriótico
El secretario general del PCV, Oscar Figuera, reiteró que están comprometidos con la unidad del chavismo; sin embargo, admitió que aún los candidatos a integrar la alianza no han precisado cuál será su carácter.
lunes 8 de agosto de 201103:38 PM
Caracas.-"Como no hemos terminado de definir lo que debe ser el Polo Patriótico y no hemos trazado una ruta para su construcción, obviamente no es posible que participemos en algo cuya definición no existe". A esa conclusión llegó el 14 Congreso del Partido Comunista, celebrado entre el jueves y el domingo pasados.
El secretario general del PCV, Oscar Figuera, reiteróque están comprometidos con la unidad del chavismo; sin embargo, admitió que aún los candidatos a integrar la alianza no han precisado cuál será su carácter.
Figuera reconoció que la enfermedad del presidente Hugo Chávez ha afectado la constitución del Polo Patriótico. "Sin la presencia de Chávez hoy, no hay polo, hay que decirlo bien claro", subrayó.
Del 14 Congreso del PCV emanaron otras metas a alcanzar: convertir al partido en "una poderosa fuerza afincada en la clase obrera", acompañar la formación y organización del movimiento de "control obrero", y respaldar a los delegados de prevención. Además, pretenden apuntalar un "bloque de fuerzas populares revolucionarias para acumular fuerzas que fortalezcan las posiciones de izquierda", donde no tendrían lugar burgueses ni latifundistas, aunque voten por Chávez.
Por último, los comunistas ratificaron que en 2012 su candidato es el Presidente.
PCV: Without the presence of Chavez, there's Patriotic Pole
CPV General Secretary Oscar Figuera, reiterated that are committed to the unity of Chavez, but admitted that even the candidates for the alliance did not specify what his character.
MondayAugust 8, 20113:38 PM
Caracas .- "As we have not finished defining what should be the Patriotic Pole and we have charted a path for its construction, is obviously not possible to participate in something that definition does not exist."That's the conclusion reached by the 14 Communist Party Congress, held betweenThursdayandSunday.
CPV General Secretary Oscar Figuera, reiterated that are committed to the unity of Chavez, but admitted that even the candidates for the alliance did not specify what his character.
Figuera acknowledged that the disease of President Hugo Chavez has affected the formation of the Patriotic Pole."Without the presence of Chaveztoday, no pole, I must say it clear," he said.
PCV of 14 Congress to achieve other goals emerged: to turn the party into "a powerful force based in the working class", accompanying the formation and organization of the movement of "workers' control, and support for safety representatives.Also, try to prop up a "block of popular revolutionary forces to build up forces to strengthen the positions of left," which would not occur bourgeois or landowners, but vote for Chavez.
Finally, the Communists in 2012 reaffirmed that their candidate is the President.
Paulo Gregoire
Latin America Monitor
Presidente Chávez: Me estoy preparando para una posible nueva etapa de quimioterapia
22/08/2011 6:19:17 p.m.
El presidente Hugo Chávez desde el balcón del pueblo realizó una cadena nacional de radio y televisión para hacer entrega en el Palacio de Miraflores de textos escolares que entregará el Gobierno Nacional a propósito del inicio del periodo de clases, en septiembre.
Desde allí el primer mandatario nacional anunció que actualmente se está preparando para una "posible una etapa de quimioterapia".
Durante la entrefa de textos escolares el Jefe de Estado se refirió a su enfermedad como algo del pasado; sin embargo, resaltó que no ha sido algo fácil. "Para mí no es fácil atravesar esta situación", dijo.
Reiteró que se trata de un nuevo retorno. "En esta nueva vida voy a aprender a tocar guitarra y a mejorar la voz", indicó.
Paulo Gregoire
Latin America Monitor
OnAugust 31st, the Interamerican Human Rights Court will pronounce about the decision of Venezuelan Court that impede him from participating in elections.
Voluntad Popular anunciará candidaturas luego del 31 de agosto
El abogado Carlos Vecchio hizo un llamado a las autoridades nacionales para acaten la decisión que adopte el tribunal continental
jueves 18 de agosto de 201101:17 PM
Caracas.-Voluntad Popular no renuncia a participar en las elecciones primarias de la oposición de donde será el abanderado unitario para las presidenciales de 2012. Así lo dejó en claro el dirigente de esa tolda, Carlos Vecchio, quien no obstante informó que esperarán al 31 de agosto para ver si definitivamente postulan o no al exalcalde de Chacao, Leopoldo López.
Para el 31 de agosto está previsto que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos se pronuncie en relación a la inhabilitación que la Contraloría General de la República le impuso al exmandatario local y la cual le impide ejercer a cargos públicos de elección popular o de designación.
Vecchio dio por descontado que el fallo será favorable a López. "Estamos convencidos de que con los argumentos que hemos presentado, (el tribunal)abriría la posibilidad que Leopoldo pueda presentarse a las primarias", dijo, al tiempo que hizo un llamado a las autoridades para cumplan lo establecido en la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos y acate la decisión.
PeoplewillannouncenominationsafterAugust 31
Attorney CarlosVecchiocalled onnational authorities toabide bythe decision ofthe courtcontinental
ThursdayAugust 18, 20111:17PM
PopularCaracas .-Willnotwaiverto participate inprimary electionswherethe oppositionwill be a flagshipunitfor the2012 presidential.This wasmade clearleaderof theawning, CarlosVecchio, who nonethelesssaidthey will waittoAugust 31to see whetheror notdefinitelypostulateformer mayor ofChacao, LeopoldoLópez.
For theAugust 31is scheduled toHuman RightsCourtto ruleonthedisqualificationof the ComptrollerGeneralof the Republicexmandatarioimposed on thelocaland whichprevents it from exercisingpublic officeby popular electionorappointment.
Vecchiotookfor granted thatthe ruling will befavorableto Lopez."We are convinced thatthe argumentspresented here,(the court)would open the possibilitythat Leopoldcould be presented tothe primaries,"he said,whilehe called onthe authorities tocomply withthe provisions of theAmerican Convention onHumanRightsand abide bythe decision.
Paulo Gregoire
Latin America Monitor
Rosales lanza a las primarias presidenciales a Pablo Pérez
"No es mi hora, es la hora de la patria", señaló el líder de Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), Manuel Rosales desde Lima, Perú.
miércoles 17 de agosto de 201101:00 PM
Caracas.-Desde Lima, Perú, el fundador de Un Nuevo Tiempo, Manuel Rosales, anunció que el candidato de ese partido para las primarias del 12 de febrero de 2012 es el gobernador del estado Zulia, Pablo Pérez.
"No es mi hora, es la hora de la patria", señaló Rosales, quien destacó que Pérez encarna "la esperanza y el norte de los que sufren" y es "un símbolo para la unidad y el progreso de Venezuela".
Tras reconocer que "he venido meditando sobre la pertinencia de mi regreso" al país, el ex alcalde de Maracaibo apuntó que esa decisión de retonar "no puede estar atada al conflicto por una candidatura presidencial".
Rosaleslaunchespresidential primaryto PaulPerez
"It's notmy time,time isof the motherland," saidthe leader ofUn Nuevo Tiempo(UNT), ManuelRosalesfromLima, Peru.
WednesdayAugust 17, 201101:00 PM
Caracas.- FromLima, Peru, the founder ofUn Nuevo Tiempo, ManuelRosales, saidthe candidateof that party's primarytoFebruary 12, 2012is the governorof Zulia state,PabloPerez.
"It's notmy time,time isof the motherland," saidRosales, whosaidthat Perezembodies "hope andnorth ofthe suffering"and is "asymbol forunity and progressof Venezuela."
Acknowledgingthat "I'vebeenreflecting onthe pertinence of myreturn"to the country,the former mayor ofMaracaibosaidthat the decisionto resprout"can notbe tiedto the conflict bya presidential candidate."
Paulo Gregoire
Latin America Monitor
Chávez anuncia la creación de una nueva Dependencia Federal
03/08/201106:14:35 a.m.
Los Roques, La Orchila, Isla de Aves y los islotes de Paraguaná pasarán a ser un nuevo estado, denominado "Territorio Insular Miranda", cuya capital sería Los Roques, así lo anunció el presidente Chávez la mañana de este miércoles.
“Mucha gente cree que esa territorio (Dependencia Territorial Insular) es libre, pero no señor. Entonces aprovechan para meterse al territorio cuando quieren, no señor, eso también es Venezuela”, afirmó al anunciar que se creará una Ley por Habilitante para la creación del Territorio Insular Miranda.
A través de una llamada telefónica con el canal de Estado, el presidente Chávez señaló que hoy observó una situación extraña: ningún periódico, incluido el Correo del Orinoco, están hablando del Día de la Bandera. “De verdad que es curioso. Ahí está la autocrítica”, añadió.
Declaró que salió un oficial colombiano dando unas declaraciones incendiarias acerca de presencia de las FARC, las cuales el presidente Santos “responsablemente desmintió”.