Culpeper County School Board 9/19/2011 12:23 PM
September 12, 2011
Page 8 of 11
September 12, 2011
A meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held September 12, 2011 at Eastern View High School at 16332 Cyclone Way, Culpeper, VA. Present were George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Robert A. Houck (West Fairfax District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Leanne Malulani (Jefferson District); Director of Finance/Clerk Jeff Shomo; Superintendent Dr. Bobbi Johnson; Director of Administrative Services Dr. Russell Houck; Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Rob Hauman; Director of Human Resources Dr. Stacey Timmons; Director of Special Education Angie Neely; Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction Hunter Spencer, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison.
A closed session was not deemed necessary.
At 7 p.m., Mr. Dasher called the meeting to order and called the roll.
Those present observed a moment of silence. Mr. Dasher led the Pledge of Allegiance.
On motion of Ms. Malulani seconded by Mr. Houck, the School Board considered approving the agenda. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
Mr. Dasher said persons may present ideas or concerns regarding Culpeper County Public Schools. He said there would be no action taken by the Board at this meeting and that such items would be referred to the appropriate administrators for future information and research. He said the personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Mr. Dasher noted there would be a three minute limit for speakers.
There were no delegations.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board approved the consent agenda.
(a) Approval of Minutes - August 8 & 22, 2011
(b) Payroll and Payment of Bills
(c) Personnel Recommendations
Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
The Board considered the following action items:
(a) Town Hall Meeting on October 3, 2011 at 7 p.m. in the CCHS Auditorium to discuss the Referendum
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board voted to have a Town Hall meeting on October 3rd to discuss the referendum.
Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
(b) Appoint School Board Member to Serve on Family Life Education Committee
Dr. Johnson said Family Life Education is required by the State of Virginia and Ms. Karie Lane is the curriculum person for this area. She said our PE teachers have been trained but the actual curriculum needs updating.
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Houck, the School Board agreed to appoint a member to the Family Life Education Committee.
Ms. Malulani asked if the Board would be appointing a Board member this evening. Mr. Dasher said that was not his intent but if the Board wished to do so, we could.
Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
Mr. Jenkins nominated Anne Luckinbill to serve on the FLE committee, seconded by Mr. Houck. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
(c) First Reading Policies/Regulations – MAY VSBA Policy Updates
On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the School Board considered approving the policies/regulations on first reading.
Mr. Beard expressed concern with Policy JFC. He said in a recent Circuit Court ruling the School Board can, in appropriate cases, exercise authority over conduct that takes place off of the school grounds, even in cyberspace, if it has an adverse impact on the learning environment. He said, in his opinion, this policy does not address that. He suggested this policy be revised in light of that recent ruling. He said things do happen off campus that can create serious problems on campus. He said we need to make sure our policy does not preclude us from addressing those issues.
Ms. Hutchins said this was discussed at the CCSB Administration Committee meeting and Dr. Houck assured us our policy covers that. Mr. Beard asked where it covers off school property.
Dr. Johnson said part of the discussion was in our “Code of Student Conduct” where we address bullying. She said we do talk about things that happen at home that impact the school. Mr. Beard agreed that it does say that in the policy but this seems to limit the exercise of our authority. He said one policy says we can and the other states we can’t.
Mr. Dasher asked if the Board should send the question back to VSBA to be considered or modify it ourselves.
Dr. Johnson said Dr. Houck has been in contact with VSBA about this and several other issues that we are not hopeful they will change this policy on their own. Dr. Houck said the jurisdiction of the School Board extends off campus for certain acts. He said the Code of Conduct was adopted from the state guidelines and there is a section called Jurisdiction of the School Board in which a regulation is in effect that addresses off campus conduct. He said it is in regulation JFC R1.
Mr. Dasher said Mr. Beard is acknowledging that point, but questions as to whether it should be in Policy JFC as well. Dr. Houck said it certainly couldn’t hurt to have it in both places.
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board amended the motion to remove Policy JFC and return it to the CCSB Administration Committee for further review. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
Mr. Houck noted that in Policy DJ, $50,000 was replaced in one place by $100,000 but not in both places. Dr. Houck said the difference is one deals with goods and services and the other deals with professional services.
Mr. Houck noted that in Policy JFCF, a VA Code reference was noted in the policy but is not listed under “Legal Refs”.
Mr. Dasher noted that the changes in JEG “Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance” are significant.
(c) Consideration of Assigning School Board Members and Central Office Staff to Present the Referendum Presentation
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the School Board considered assigning School Board Members and Central Office Staff to Present the Referendum Presentation.
Mr. Beard suggested that Dr. Johnson assign School Board members and Central Office staff to speak to specific groups.
Mr. Jenkins asked if it would be better to let people volunteer.
Mr. Dasher said Mr. Spencer and Ms. Humphreys are contacting School Board members and staff to schedule; on availability.
Mr. Beard said the intention is not to have more than two School Board members participate in a single presentation. He said other members may be in attendance but only two School Board members may participate.
Mr. Dasher noted the e-mail from Ms. Jamison relative to a possible FOIA violation if more than three members are involved in a single presentation.
Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.
The School Board heard the following reports:
Referendum Briefings
Dr. Johnson shared with the School Board the current master schedule of referendum presentations. At this point, we have 24 scheduled and have already had 5 presentations. She said this is posted on the website. She noted the school faculty meetings are not posted on the website because they are not open to the public. She asked if a School Board member would be interested in presenting to the Mid-Day Lions Club. She said the faculty presentations are quite brief and she reminds everyone the information is on the website.
Mr. Dasher noted there was an interview with Virginia Living Television that should be included on the website.
Mr. Jenkins said we need to be honest with the public, in the fact that, the referendum could affect raises for staff and our operational budget. He said everyone needs to hear the same story; everything needs to be on the table. He said every time we are turned down, the Board of Supervisors find money to renovate buildings or add buildings. He said the public and staff need the correct information.
Mr. Dasher said the public and our staff have the calc tool to evaluate what the renovation will do to their taxes. He said the voters will be voting to accept the additional cost of the debt service and that is not to say there won’t be additional costs for other things. He said this Board will have to balance all the requirements and needs. He said we have a requirement to renovate Culpeper County High School and we have to keep our operations running. He said the referendum is more than a 3 year issue. He asked Mr. Shomo how long the debt would be for. Mr. Shomo said 20 years. Mr. Dasher said he is not in favor of a referendum over paying staff and there is no guarantee, even if the referendum passes, that staff will get raises.
Ms. Luckinbill said we need to be mindful that the staff is concerned. She said we need to say the Board is concerned as well.
Dr. Johnson said during the two presentations she had both faculties ask the question. She said she informed them the School Board did not intend to choose one over the other and that staff is valued above all. She said she could not tell them if one would impact the other or not.
Ms. Malulani said it is important to convey any accurate information we have. She said she is not sure what information is being referred to. She said she would like to know specifically what that is. She asked if the Board of Supervisors have taken a stance on this issue.
Mr. Dasher said there was a brief discussion with Mr. Bossio about the issue but there is no position he is aware of. He said the reality is we are in difficult times from a budget point of view. He said we are talking about 4 cents to cover the debt service and 9 cents to equalize for reassessments and that has been passed. He said, with that said, we already have a 13 cent increase and that is before we talk about increases in the operating budget.
Ms. Malulani said there have been opportunities over the years. She said the county administrator works for the Board of Supervisors and that would be their decision. She said she has no problem with the Board coming under scrutiny for our decision if we decide to go forward with the renovation of CCHS. She said her understanding is that if this passes we don’t have to go forward with it. She said the county can purchase and renovate anything they want. She said they need to come under scrutiny as well. She said this could be flat out intimidation and it does not mean anyone is going to get a raise. She said everyone needs to look at the actual need and CCHS needs to be renovated. She said the taxpayers need to decide to do the project in a proactive manner or piece meal.
Mr. Dasher said he talked to Ms. Elizabeth Ewing, VSBA Attorney, about if the School Board has the final say as to when the project starts if the referendum passes. He said he was informed there is no time line on when to start the renovation. He said the only issue with pushing it out is the costs. He said by postponing the project, we could avoid the debt service.
Mr. Jenkins said he just wants to make sure everyone hears the same information. He said if we know something is public; we need to share it.
Mr. Dasher said the Board of Supervisors have not taken a position. Mr. Jenkins said when the county administrator sits in a meeting and tells us something, that it is public information.
Ms. Malulani said everyone’s cards need to be on the table.
Mr. Beard said if the referendum passes and it takes a 4 cent tax increase to fund the debt service, the question will be does this Board have the option to forgo the tax increase for debt service and put it toward operations. He said this Board does not have that choice only the Board of Supervisors can do that.
Mr. Houck said we are not talking about a 13 cents increase. He said the 9 cents is not quite equalization. He said if this passes, there will be 4 cent tax increase not 13 cents. He said the current Board of Supervisors and county administrator cannot legally bind future decisions in the county. He said if the referendum is approved he will not agree to wait to get started. He said we have to educate the public on the need for the referendum.
Ms. Hutchins reiterated that whether the referendum passes or not there is no guarantee staff will receive raises. She said the building needs help and the need it is not going to go away. The school operating budget is not going to go away because of this need. She said our school division has gone the longest without a raise for our staff. She said the real issue is do we do it now at a less expense or longer time at more expense. She said our operating expenses will not disappear to take care of renovations.
Mr. Dasher said when we start the next budget cycle we have to make $3.5M up from the current budget year and that would take 7 cents.
Construction Updates
Culpeper High School Roof – Mr. Spencer said the roof at CCHS should be complete by the end of this week.
Pearl Sample Elementary School Roof – Mr. Spencer said the roof at PSES has some issues to be reworked. He said the final warranty inspection is scheduled for next week
Ms. Hutchins asked if we had any leaks in the new roof section during the recent rain. Mr. Spencer said there was a leak around the drain during replacement.
Yowell Pond - Mr. Spencer said the contractor has gotten the graded sides completed, mulched, and seeded. He said we actually had grass this morning.