Certified Personnel Evaluation Plan




Table of Contents

Cover Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Assurances 3

Certified Evaluation Contact Person 4

2014-2015 Certified Evaluation Committee 4

2014-2016 Summative Evaluation Appeals Panel 4

Committee Members Signatures 5

Roles and Definitions 6-7

Professional Growth & Effectiveness System-Introduction 8

Teachers Professional Growth & Effectiveness System 9-16

Principal Professional Growth & Effectiveness System 17-21

Other Professionals Evaluation Plan 22-24

Appeals Panel Procedures and Forms 25-30

TPGES Forms 31-34

PPGES Forms 34-38

Other Professionals Individual Professional Growth Plan 39

Individual Corrective Action Plan 40

Other Professionals Formative and Summative Evaluation Forms 41-79




The Livingston County School District hereby assures the Commissioner of Education that:

This evaluation plan was developed by an evaluation committee composed of an equal number of teachers and administrators in compliance with KRS 156.557 and 704 KAR 3:345.

The evaluation process and criteria for evaluation will be explained to and discussed with all certified personnel annually within one month of reporting for employment. This shall occur prior to the implementation of the plan. The evaluation of each certified staff member will be conducted or supervised by the immediate supervisor of the employee.

All certified employees shall develop a Professional Growth Plan (PGP) that shall be aligned with the school/district improvement plan and comply with the requirements of 704 KAR 3:345. The PGP will be reviewed annually.

All administrators, to include the superintendent, and non-tenured teachers, will be evaluated annually.

All tenured teachers will be evaluated a minimum of once every three years.

Each evaluator will be trained and approved in the use of appropriate evaluation techniques and the use of local instruments and procedures.

Each person evaluated will have both formative and summative evaluations with the evaluator regarding his/her performance.

Each evaluatee shall be given a copy of his/her summative evaluation and the summative evaluation shall be filed with the official personnel records.

The local evaluation plan provides for the right to a hearing as to every appeal, an opportunity to review all documents presented to the evaluation appeals panel, and a right to the presence of evaluatee’s chosen representative.

The evaluation plan process will not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, religion, marital status, sex, or disability.

This evaluation plan will be reviewed as needed and any substantive revisions will be submitted to the Department of Education for approval.

The local Board of Education reviewed the Evaluation Plan as recorded in the minutes of the meeting held on April 28, 2014.


Signature of District Superintendent Date


Signature of Chairperson, Board of Education Date


Certified Evaluation Contact Person

This district employee is designated to serve as the evaluation contact person and act as a liaison between the district and the Kentucky Department of Education in matters concerning the district’s evaluation process

Sheri Henson, Supervisor of Instruction

P.O. Box 219

127 East Adair

Smithland, KY 42081

Phone: (270) 928-2111

Fax: (270) 928-2112


Certified Evaluation Review Committee


Phyllis Johnson

Janet Quertermous

Stacy Walker

Teri Walker

Belinda Wright


Jennifer Cosby

Scott Gray

Sheri Henson

Lisa Huddleston

Tad Mott


Livingston County District’s

Summative Evaluation Appeals Panel

Board Appointed Certified Employee

Chair: Sheri Henson

Alternate/Chair: Melvin Houk

Elected Certified Employees


Panel Members: Teri Walker, Josh Johnson

Alternate Panel Members: Pam Simmons, Morgan McCall



As members of the Livingston County School’s Professional Growth and Evaluation of Certified Personnel Committee, we have reviewed this document to ensure the continued success of student achievement with administrators and educators working together.


Jennifer Cosby, Principal Lisa Huddleston, Principal

South Livingston Elementary Livingston County Middle School


Scott Gray, Principal Tad Mott, Principal

Livingston Central High School North Livingston Elementary School


Phyllis Johnson, Teacher Teri Walker, Teacher

North Livingston Elementary School South Livingston Elementary School


Janet Quertermous, Teacher Belinda Wright, Teacher

South Livingston Elementary School Livingston Central High School


Stacy Walker, Teacher Sheri Henson, Supervisor of Instruction

Livingston County Middle School Livingston County Schools

This committee reviewed the plan for the 2014-2015 school year.


Livingston County Schools Certified Personnel Evaluation

Roles and Definitions

1.  Administrator: means an administrator who devotes the majority of employed time in the role of principal, for which administrative certification is required by the Education Professional Standards Board pursuant to 16 KAR 3:050

2.  Conference: means a collaborative meeting involving the evaluator and the evaluatee for the purposes of: providing feedback from the evaluator; analyzing the results of observations; analyzing other information to determine accomplishments and areas for growth leading to establishment or revision of a professional growth plan.

3.  Corrective Action Plan: means a plan whereby an evaluatee establishes specific goals to improve an identified area concerning job performance or areas that need immediate attention by the evaluatee for the evaluatee to be considered for reemployment. The evaluator takes an active role in activities and appraisal of the activities along with the evaluatee. Intensive assistance may require the use of individuals to help the employee grow professionally.

4.  Educator Development Suite: a component housed within CIITS for the purpose of compiling information relating to the evaluation cycle of a certified employee.

5.  Evaluatee: District/School personnel that is being evaluated

6.  Evaluation: means the process of assessing or determining the effectiveness of the performance of the certified employee in a given teaching and learning or leadership and management situation, based on predetermined criteria through periodic observation and other documentation. Evaluation shall also include the establishment and monitoring of a professional growth plan.

7.  Evaluator: the immediate supervisor of certified personnel, who has satisfactorily completed all required evaluation training and, if evaluating teachers, observation certification training.

8.  Evidence: documents or demonstrations that indicate proof of a particular descriptor.

9.  Formative evaluation: means a continuous cycle of collecting evaluative information and interacting and providing feedback with suggestions regarding the certified employee’s professional growth and performance.

10.  Framework for Teaching (Danielson): the document indicating the domain, components, and descriptors for which certified personnel will be evaluated.

11.  Observation: means a process of gathering information in the performance of duty, based on predetermined criteria in the district plan.

12.  Other Professional: means any other certified staff not evaluated using the TPGES or PPGES including, but not limited to, guidance counselor, speech pathologist, librarian, etc.

13.  Observee: The teacher being observed by the peer observer

14.  Peer Observer: Observation and documentation by a trained colleague, selected as described in the district’s Professional Growth and Effectiveness System plan, who observes and documents another teacher’s professional practice and provides supportive and constructive feedback that can be used to improve professional practice.

15.  Professional Growth: increased effectiveness resulting from experiences that develop an educator’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics.

16.  Professional Growth Goal: measurable goal written by certified employee using established guiding questions and meets the established criteria checklist.

17.  Professional Growth Plan: An individualized plan that is focused on improving professional practice and leadership skills and is aligned with educator performance standards and student performance standards. It is built using a variety of sources and types of student data that reflect student needs and strengths, educator data, and school/district data. The plan is produced in accordance with the Type and Length of Educator Plan Matrix found in Figure 1.

18.  Ratings: teachers will be assigned the rating of Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished or Exemplary based on the Danielson Framework for Teaching and other established criteria.

19.  Self-Reflection: means the process by which certified personnel assess the effectiveness and adequacy of their knowledge and performance for the purpose of identifying areas for professional learning and growth

20.  SMART Goal Criteria: acronym/criteria for developing student growth goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound).

21.  State Contribution-a rating based on each student’s rate of change compared to other students within a similar test score history (“academic peers”) expressed as a percentile; Student Growth Percentiles are measured for grades 4-8 in Reading and Mathematics.

22.  Student Growth: Quantitative measure of the impact a teacher has on a student (or set of students) as measured by student growth goal setting and student growth percentiles.

23.  Student Growth Goal: measurable goal(s) written by the certified employee who measures student growth over time following the SMART criteria format and developed by using established criteria checklist.

24.  Student Growth Goal Ratings: ratings assigned to student growth based on a rubric indicating high, expected, or low growth.

25.  Student Voice: the state-approved student perception survey, administered each year, that provides data on specific aspects of the classroom experience and of teaching practice.

26.  Summative evaluation: means the summary of, and conclusions from, all evaluative data, including, but not limited to the formal observation data. The summative evaluation occurs at the end of the evaluation cycle. Summative evaluation includes a conference involving the evaluator and the evaluated certified employee, and a written evaluation report.

27.  Teacher: means any certified staff person who directly instructs students.

28.  TELL Kentucky: A working conditions survey of all school staff conducted every two years to provide feedback on specific aspects of the school’s work environment.

29.  Val-Ed 360°: An assessment that provides feedback of a principal’s learning-centered behaviors by using input from the principal, his/her supervisor, and teachers. The survey looks at core components (the what) that are listed on the slide, as well as key processes (the how).

Professional Growth and Effectiveness System-Introduction

The evaluation of certified personnel is an important tool that our district utilizes to help assure the public, community, parents, and students that providing a quality education is the priority of our school system. Evaluation is the process of assessing or determining the effectiveness of performances and products to:

·  Improve instruction

·  Provide a measure of performance accountability to citizens

·  Foster professional growth

·  Support individual personnel decisions

The immediate supervisor is primarily responsible for evaluating teachers. Non-tenured teachers will be evaluated yearly and tenured teachers will be evaluated at least every three years following the requirement of the TPGES system. Teachers on a Corrective Action Plan will be evaluated yearly. Administrators will be evaluated annually by the superintendent or by the superintendent’s designee following the requirements of the PPGES system.

The evaluation criteria and evaluation process to be used shall be explained to and discussed with certified school personnel no later than the end of the first month of reporting for employment for each school year. This shall occur prior to the implementation of the plan.

The Livingston County Board of Education appraises the performance of the Superintendent.

Opportunities for the professional growth of the Superintendent will be provided pursuant to KRS 156.111 and 704 KAR 3:345.

Other Certified Professionals

Certified staff (e.g. media specialist, guidance counselor, director of special education) not covered by TPGES or PPGES will continue to be evaluated with the previous evaluation system found on pp 21-23 until a state-developed process can be adopted.

Professional Growth and Effectiveness System – Certified Teacher

The vision for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) is to have every student taught by an effective teacher. The goal is to create a fair and equitable system to measure teacher effectiveness and act as a catalyst for professional growth.

The Kentucky Framework for Teaching

The Framework for Teaching is designed to support student achievement and professional practice through the domains of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. The Framework also includes themes such as equity, cultural competence, high expectations, developmental appropriateness, accommodating individual needs, effective technology integration, and student assumption of responsibility. It provides structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target student and professional growth, thus supporting overall school improvement. Evidence supporting a teacher’s professional practice will be situated within one or more of the four domains of the framework. Performance will be rated for each component according to four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. The summative rating will be a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence across each domain.

The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a more holistic and comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators will also take into account how educators respond to or apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to individual educator performance, such as: school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one domain, an educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership opportunities, and contextual variables that may impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas.

Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:

·  Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection

·  Observation

·  Student Voice

·  Student Growth Percentiles and/or Student Growth Goals will be implemented but not used for determining overall rating until the 2015-16 school year and thereafter.

Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence

Teachers may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional practice. These evidences should yield information related to the teacher’s practice within the domains. Other sources of evidence that can be used to support educator practice may include, but not limited to:

o  Program Review evidence

o  team-developed curriculum units

o  lesson plans