Lakeside School Health and Safety Policy Rev 2015
1 Statement of Intent
2 Organisation
3 Arrangements
1) Risk Assessments
2) Offsite visits
3) Health and Safety Monitoring and Inspections
4) Fire Evacuation and other Emergency Arrangements
5) Fire Prevention, Testing of Equipment
6) First Aid and Medication
7) Accident Reporting Procedures
8) Health and Safety Information and Training
9) Personal safety / lone Working
10) Premises Work Equipment
11) Flammable and Hazardous Substances
12) Asbestos
13) Moving and Handling
14) Contractors
15) Work at Height
16) Display Screen Equipment
17) Vehicles
18) Lettings
19) Minibuses
20) Stress
21) Legionella
22) Swimming pool
23) Work Experience
The Governing Body of Lakeside School will strive to achieve the highest standards of health, safety and welfare consistent with their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other statutory and common law duties.
This statement sets out how these duties will be conducted and includes a description of the school’s organisation and arrangements for dealing with different areas of risk. Details of how these areas of risk will be addressed are given in the arrangements section.
This policy will be brought to the attention of all members of staff and is published on the shared drive and the website.
This policy statement and the accompanying organisation and arrangements will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Read in connection with Offsite visits, Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs, behaviour, and physical intervention policies
Full details of the LA policy will be found live at:
Anne Lloyd Chair of Governors / Judith Chamberlain HeadteacherMarch 2015 / March 2015
As the employer the LA has overall responsibility for Health and Safety in the school.
At a school level duties and responsibilities have been assigned to staff and governors as detailed below.
The Governing Body are responsible for ensuring health and safety management systems are in place and effective.
As a minimum these systems should adhere to the LA’s health and safety policy, procedures and standards as detailed in the Education Health and Safety Manual.
A Health Safety Governor Brian Lawrence has been appointed to receive relevant information, monitor the implementation of policies and procedures and to feedback health and safety issues and identified actions to the Governing Body. This is done through the Safeguarding committee.
The Governing body will receive regular reports from the Headteacher or other nominated member of staff in order to enable them to provide and prioritise resources for health and safety issues. This is done through the Safeguarding committee.
Where required the Governing body will seek specialist advice on health and safety which the establishment may not feel competent to deal with. The Education Health and Safety Team, Tel: 01992 556478 provide competent health and safety advice.
Overall responsibility for the day to day management of health and safety in accordance with the LA’s health and safety policy and procedures rests with the Headteacher.
The Headteacher has responsibility for:
· Co-operating with the LA and Governing Body to enable health and safety policy and procedures to be implemented and complied with.
· Communicating the policy and other appropriate health and safety information to all relevant people including contractors.
· Ensuring effective arrangements are in place to pro-actively manage health and safety by conducting and reviewing inspections and risk assessments and implementing required actions.
· Reporting to the Governing body on health and safety performance and any safety concerns/ issues which may need to be addressed by the allocation of funds.
· Ensuring that the premises, plant and equipment are maintained in a safe and serviceable condition.
· Reporting to the LA any significant risks which cannot be rectified within the establishment’s budget.
· Ensuring all staff are competent to carry out their roles and are provided with adequate information, instruction and training.
· Ensuring consultation arrangements are in place for staff and their trade union representatives (where appointed) and recognising the right of trade unions in the workplace to require a health and safety committee to be set up.
· Monitoring purchasing and contracting procedures to ensure health and safety is included in specifications & contract conditions.
Whilst overall responsibility for health and safety cannot be delegated the Headteacher may choose to delegate certain tasks to other members of staff. It is clearly understood by everyone concerned that the delegation of certain duties will not relieve the Headteacher from the overall day to day responsibilities for health and safety within the establishment.
Task / Named Person / RoleApply the school’s health and safety policy to their class or area of work and be directly responsible to the Headteacher for the application of the H&S procedures and arrangements; / All teachers
Swimming teacher
Administration staff
Have access to an up to date library of relevant H&S guidance and ensure that all staff make use of guidance
AfPE / Deputy head Liz Paisley
Science leader Susie Bailey
PE leader Joelle Peeters
Ensure regular H&S risk assessments are undertaken for the activities for which they are responsible and that control measures are implemented; / Deputy Head Liz Paisley
Moving and Handling Trainers
Sue Kingscote Rosie Hollands
Ensure that appropriate safe working procedures are brought to the attention of all staff under their control; / All staff with team leadership responsibility
Resolve health, safety and welfare problems members of staff refer to them, and inform the head any problems to which they cannot achieve a satisfactory solution. / Health and Safety Rep
Hannah Scarborough
Carry out regular inspections of their areas of responsibility to ensure that equipment, furniture and activities are safe and record these inspections where required; / Swimming Teacher Jenny Day
Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the provision of sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable other employees and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety; / Headteacher Judith Chamberlain
Ensure that all accidents (including near misses) occurring within their department are promptly reported and investigated using the appropriate forms etc; / All staff
Arrange for the repair, replacement or removal of any item of furniture or equipment which has been identified as unsafe / Headteacher Judith Chamberlain
Lakeside School Health and Safety Policy Rev 2015
Responsibilities of other staff holding posts of special responsibility
· Apply the school’s health and safety policy to their own department or area of work.
· Ensure staff under their control are aware of and follow relevant published health and safety guidance (from sources such as CLEAPSS, AfPE etc.)
· Ensure health and safety risk assessments are undertaken for the activities for which they are responsible and that identified control measures are implemented.
· Ensure that appropriate safe working procedures are brought to the attention of all staff under their control.
· Take appropriate action on health, safety and welfare issues referred to them, informing the head of any problems they are unable to resolve within the resources available to them.
· Carry out regular inspections of their areas of responsibility and report / record these inspections.
· Ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable staff and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety.
· Ensure that all accidents (including near misses) occurring within their area of responsibility are promptly reported and investigated.
Responsibilities of employees
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 all employees have general health and safety responsibilities. All employees are obliged to take care of their own health and safety whilst at work along with that of others who may be affected by their actions.
All employees have responsibility to:
· Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others in undertaking their work.
· Comply with the school's health and safety policy and procedures at all times.
· Report all accidents and incidents in line with the reporting procedure.
· Co-operate with school management on all matters relating to health and safety.
· Not to intentionally interfere with or misuse any equipment or fittings provided in the interests of health safety and welfare.
· Report all defects in condition of premises or equipment and any health and safety concerns immediately to their line manager.
· Ensure that they only use equipment or machinery that they are competent / have been trained to use.
· Make use of all necessary control measures and personal protective equipment provided for safety or health reasons.
· has responsibility for the day to day organisation and management of sound health and safety practices
· has to complete a regular safety audit with a member of the governing body and to keep governors informed of all health and safety matters through the headteacher's report and the school's review and development plan. This duty may be delegated by her to the deputy head.
· has to ensure that there are effective lines of communication to enable staff to participate in the development of the health and safety policy and to bring their concerns to her.
· To scrutinise and complete the accident and violent incident forms
· Is a educational visits co-ordinator to level 2.
· Is one of 3 people trained to give Permission to Work in respect of the Asbestos Log
· has responsibility for the administration/organisation of emergency and security procedures and for arranging the maintenance of such appliances and equipment by the caretaker who checks the systems weekly.
· is one of 4 trained pool operators and is responsible with the team for ensuring that the pool water is tested throughout the day and that the pool operates within strict safety limits.
· is responsible for ensuring that risk assessments are carried out for manual handling, off sites visits and teaching activities.
· has responsibility for the maintenance of records re staff water safety /swimming qualifications and for the regular updating of these qualifications.
· Has responsibility for maintaining training records for all health and safety training
· Is a member of the governing body safeguarding committee and, in this role, normally deputises for and reports to the head on the governors’ annual safety audit
· has responsibility for arranging and carying out staff driving assessments (an essential requirement for all drivers of the school's minibuses),
· has responsibility for the safety and maintenance of the school minibuses and arranges servicing- but day to day responsibilities are delegated to the caretaker
· has to report to the management the health and safety concerns of the staff and liaise with the management to ensure that action is taken regarding these concerns.
· has responsibility for the security of the premises and for opening fire exit doors prior to the arrival of the pupils each school day.
· has responsibility for the safety and security of the school grounds -a daily check of the grounds is necessary in case of vandalism.
· has responsibility for the safety and maintenance of all heating and swimming pool plant.
· has responsibility for the safety and maintenance of the school buildings –he ensures that all urgent repairs are carried out immediately and any major defects reported to the headteacher.
· has responsibility to ensure that all fire exits, escape routes and corridors are kept free from obstruction at all times and that no combustible materials are kept near heaters or lights.
· If the current post holder is qualified as a COSHH risk assessors he is responsible for ensuring that the COSHH action plan is carried out and that all COSHH procedures are in place.
· If the current post holder is qualified as a pool operator he is responsible with the team for ensuring that the pool water is tested throughout the day and that the pool operates within strict safety limits.
· Is responsible for arranging the regular maintenance and testing of equipment as necessary and for keeping the maintenance schedule updated.
· If the current post holder is trained he will give Permission to Work in respect of the Asbestos Log. He has the responsibility for maintaining the Log.
· Has responsibility for arranging regular fire drills. Testing the equipment, arranging for maintenance and maintaining the Fire Log.
· are qualified for the role and are responsible with the team for ensuring that the pool water is tested throughout the day and that the pool operates within strict safety limits.
· has responsibility for the health and welfare of pupils. She is responsible for all procedures applicable to the administration of medicines, basic hygiene and other matters relating to child health
· is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of high standards of hygiene and undertakes regular audits throughout the school. Special attention is given to the prevention of cross infection.
· records any accidents in her accident book – pages are then stored in the child’s individual medical file. This is a data protection measure.
· She delegates to Catriona McCulloch the task of ensuring all first aid boxes, and blood spoilage kits are up to date and appropriately stored. These are checked termly and checks are recorded.
· Provides gastrostomy and epilepsy training for staff
· To provide first aid for staff as required
· In the case of more serious injuries to liaise with the school nurse
· In the absence of the school nurse to administer medicines. To receive regularly updated training from the school nurse to be able to do so safely. A member of the SLT would accompany her and countercheck all procedures.