Interprofessional Education Report | Call for Case Studies
Interprofessional education occurs when members of (or learners from) two or more health and/or social care professions engage in learning with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the delivery of care.Experts have suggested that fostering interprofessional education models will be a key strategy for facilitating team-based collaboration toward improved health outcomes.
As part of the WHO Transformative Education Movement, FIPEd is interested in identifying and sharing examples of interprofessional education worldwide in a report to be launched at the 2015 FIP Congress in Düsseldorf. This call represents an initial request for information to be included in this report; please reply if you would like to have your project considered for inclusion. Deadline for submission is the 18th of January 2015. Notification of those selected will occur by February 15, 2015 and final materials will be due by April 1, 2015.
Country and contact information
1. Country informationState the country
2. Pharmacy author contact information
First name
Last name
Job title
Email address
3. Co-author contact information (NB: at least one co-author must be from the collaborating profession)
Collaborating professionexamples – dentistry, medicine, nursing, physical therapy, other (please indicate)
Job title/Profession
Email address
Job title/Profession
Email address
Job title/Profession
Email address
Collaborative Project
Please describe your project/experience using the following outline:
5. Background/brief description of what was already known on the subjectIn two or three single sentence bullet points please summarise the state of knowledge on this subject before you did your project and why this project needed to be done. Be clear and specific.
For example, you might say: “Numerous observational studies have suggested that tea drinking may be effective for encouraging team-based collaboration in patient care, but until now evidence from randomised controlled trials used too low a dose of tea.”
6. Type of project (please check all that apply)
Didactic large group
Didactic small group
Implemented once (eg, pilot activity)
Implemented more than once
Required activity
Elective activity
Externally funded
Presented previously; please indicate where/when:
Published previously; please provide citation:
7. Results available (please check all that apply)
Perceptions (eg, did the learners like the activity?)
Learning outcome(eg, did the learner assessment scores improve?)
Behavioural changes (eg, did the learner’ approach subsequent activities differently?)
Attitudinal changes(eg, did the learners’ express a change in opinion about the collaborating profession?)
Impact(eg, did the professional curriculum change as a result?)
Other. Please describe:
8. What this project adds
In one or two single sentence bullet points give a simple answer to the question “What do we now know as a result of this project that we did not know before?” Be brief, succinct, specific, and accurate. For example: “Our project suggests that 3 shared cups of tea per day has an overall benefit in team-based collaboration”.
You might use the last sentence to summarise any implications for education, practice, or policy. For example, your project might have: asked and answered a new question (one whose relevance has only recently become clear) contradicted a belief, dogma, or previous evidence, provided a new perspective on something that is already known in general, provided evidence of higher methodological quality for a message which is already known.
Your participation in this call is vital to provide a better understanding of current status of interprofessional education worldwide, and will assist in the development of global pharmacy education policy recommendations.
Please return the completed form to
Thank you for your participation