CSC727 -Assignment
A dictionary is a list of elements composed of similar data ordered by subset of the data called a "key". For example considerer the following structure for a government database:
struct veterant {
char * Name;
char * Address;
char * City;
char * State;
int Zip[5];
int Social_num [9];
Since Social_num uniquely identifies each veterant, is the "key" for which the dictionary is then ordered, that is, for example a key :150453456 comes before key:154567899, since the first social number is less the second one.
The dictionary C++ program (using a linked list Chain) can be found on my web-page (
You must write a function called Merge
SortedChain<E,K& SortedChain<E,K>:: Merge (SortedChain<E,K> & S2 const) {
------write your function
that does the following:
Suppose that we declare the following two dictionary objects:
main {
SortedChain<TypeE, long> Chain1;
SortedChain<TypeE, long> Chain2;
Suppose Chain1 is :
where 5,8,and 9 are the keys, and suppose
Chain2 is :
then Chain1.Merge(Chain2) should be
The Merge function will change Chain1, thus you must return a reference to Chain1
, that is return(*this).