Basic Objectives:
Yearbook is a service organization for the school. Our job in Yearbook is to produce the PorterMiddle school yearbook. Yearbook also runs a copier service for teachers. We also volunteer our time to help around campus as we can. Students are expected to work together to meet deadlines, make schedules, take pictures, design and write pages for the school publication. Students will also be ask to deliver papers, take pictures, and do other activities that will take them out of the class room. We will all also have to spend time at lunch, nutrition and after-school with some activities of the Yearbook. We will also probably work on designing and developing our own web pages.
Classroom rules and expectations
Regular attendance is important since students will have many deadlines to keep.
Being late to class will affect both Cooperation and Work Habit grades.
Students are expected to be on their best behavior when out of the classroom.

Grading will be based upon participation in class, ability to meet weekly deadlines and cooperation with other students. Being late for a deadline will result in a lowering of grade for the week.
Homework is expected the day it is due. There is no make-up on homework for Yearbook

Contacting Me
If you need to get in touch with me, you can call the Main Office at 818-920-2050 and I will return your call. You can also write me a note in the agenda and I will either call you or give you a written answer. One of the ways that worked well for some parents was to e-mail me. I am very good about answering e-mail and parents find that this very convenient. My e-mail address is .
Web Site
Yearbook also has a web site at which I have a place for students to get the upcoming deadlines if they are absent. I will also post grades every 5 weeks and will have example of projects that we are doing. You can also get copies of class rules and the class project there. The site can be reached by going to the main school site.

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this letter.

Student Name ______

I have read and understand the above and agree to follow the instructions.

Student's Signature DateParent's Signature Date

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\My Web Sites\newworland2007\lessons\2007-2008 year\Yearbook\YEARBOOK SYLLABUS 2007.doc