
EDI Promotions, 889’s and the Dillon Stores Conversion

Dear Valued Supplier,November 29, 2004

You are receiving this notification because you are sending EDI Promotions to Kroger for Dillon Stores.

Dillon Stores will be converting to the Kroger OLP purchasing system in 2004/2005. This is a multi-phased project. Conversions will be done by commodity*. Please check the list of commodities carefully. If you are currently sending EDI 889 Promotions for the items listed, then this notice applies to you. You must make the N1*BY Duns changes. You may receive multiple notification letters throughout 2004/2005.

*We have created a list of the items and vendor relationships affected by this conversion. The list is on our website, (Click on the ALERTS and UPDATES link). Please review this list to ensure proper alignment within your systems.

This notice addresses the conversion for the following commodities:

Groceryshipping into Dillon Stores DC listed below

Effective January 23, 2005 you should begin sending EDI Promotions for the converting Grocery items in the Kroger format.

NO CHANGES in EDI Communication!!!

Our communication ID’s will remain ISA Qualifier 08 - ISA ID 9254110060 - GS ID 5137624388

There will be other changes in the On Line Purchasing System (OLP), changes to the vendor, item numbers etc. These changes will not directly affect the 889. The CASE and RETAIL UPC’s will not be changed. Continue to send approved UPC’s

The major change will be to the N1*BY 889 DUNS. The new N1*BY DUNS to be used for the above converting commodities are as follows:

WAREHOUSE Promotions DSD Promotions KATS PromotionsPeyton KATS

00694288236000069428826100 0069428823661119103034 P615


There will be a period of time until the conversions are completed where you will need to send both the new and old Duns based on whether or not the items have converted. If the correct Duns are not sent, your 889 will not be processed. To prevent any delays or billing issues please ensure all changes are in place so you are sending valid 889 Duns. Failure to prepare your systems and notify all those who will be affected by these conversions could impact or jeopardize promotions.

**New Ship To Duns for Dillon Stores OLP Conversion Phase THREE

The warehouse affected by this conversion for Grocery is:

Duns Ship To Suffix Warehouse

006942882 3601Dillon Stores Goddard DC

Immediate Action:

*Please promptly complete the attached Partner Receipt Form or download another located on our site, (Click on the ALERTS and UPDATES link). We will use the information you provide to validate you have received, read, and understood the information on this notification letter.

*We have created a list of the items and vendor relationships affected by this conversion. The list is on our website, (Click on the ALERTS and UPDATES link). Please review this list to ensure proper alignment within your systems.

*Please direct questions regarding items and vendors to convert to our buyer (s) or category manager.

*Please direct questions and concerns related to 889 Promotions, dates etc to your category manager.

*For EDI format change information please see the Format Differences notice on our web site. (Click on the ALERTS and UPDATES link).

Your help is needed to successfully complete this project with the minimal effect on our business. Should you have any EDI related questions regarding this change, please contact us via email at , or visit us on the web at


The Kroger EDI Support Team