24155 Griswold Road
South Lyon, MI 48178
(248) 437-8810 New Email:
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Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month.
Sunday School: 10 a.m. – 3 years old through fifth grade
Adult Bible Study: Sundays 9:00 a.m. & Friday 7:00 p.m. (once a month)
Youth Bible Study: 11 a.m. (1st & 3rd Sundays)
Dear Beloved Members and Friends,
It was only about half a mile. The monk walked from his room in the monastery, past the university where he was a teacher, to the church at the other end of town. He there nailed a poster on the town’s black board, the doors of the Church of All Saints. If any of the common people passing by were interested enough to take a look, they would soon turn away in disappointment: “It’s in Latin.”
That’s the way it may have happened on October 31, 1517, in the town of Wittenberg, in the Principality of Saxony. I’m writing about the publication of the Ninety-Five Theses by Martin Luther. Little did people realize that these hammer blows on the door of the Castle Church would change Western Christianity as well as the course of world history.
We may ask, “how could one man do it?” My answer: “He couldn’t, and he didn’t.” Looking at all the subsequent events of what we have come to call the Reformation of the Church, it’s not just about Martin Luther, the Ninety-Five Theses, and the good timing. Rather, this is what it’s about: the Reformation is about the one Truth in Christ instead of the many “truths” around us.
When Father Martin issued his ninety-five fold call to the Church, he was challenging Christians. He challenged all Christians in the Church to come back to the source of faith and hope: the Word of God, the Bible. Luther challenged Christians to repent. Martin Luther urged Christians of his day to evaluate the practice of selling indulgences. When people bought indulgences, they were promised forgiveness of sins and years out of purgatory for themselves and their loved ones.
The source of faith and therefore of the Church is the Word of God. Jesus said, “if you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31, 32) How did His listeners respond? “We are offspring of Abraham.” (John 8:33) We have no need to rely on the Word of anyone else; we are proud of being descendants of this great prophet. At Luther’s time, the response of Church leaders was this: You keep out of this, Martin; we know best. Today: “I’ve been a Lutheran all my life. I’m a member of Cross of Christ.” May I ask you about your faith in Christ and your faithfulness to God’s Word?
Because that is what the Reformation events were about. That is what the celebration of Reformation is about. When you celebrate Halloween this year, remember to celebrate Reformation. The Reformation is about God’s grace that helped us recover the Word of God. The Holy Bible is the Word of God. All of God’s mercy, packed in words, and Christ, crucified and risen for you, speaks to you His full message of repentance and salvation.
May God bless you this month of October and always!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Pastor Terry Nelson
We will celebrate a New Member Welcome on Sunday, October 21, at the beginning of our worship service. We invite you all to welcome our new members and stay for the Pancake Brunch following the service on October 21st!
SUNDAY SCHOOL classes are held at 10 a.m. for children three years old through fifth grade. Children are dismissed to their classes from the worship service after the opening hymn.
SUBS are needed to teach Sunday School this school year. Please contact Kelli (248.321.5991) or Tom Hackbardt (248.321.6608) if you can help out or if you have any questions.
YOUTH in grades 6-12 are meeting periodically for fun activities. Watch your bulletin for updates. If you have ideas to share, contact Amy Lockard at . Bible Study is held at 11 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month.
The ADULT BIBLE CLASS meets Sundays at 9 a.m. We are studying the book of Daniel. All are welcome to join us!
All are invited . . . .
Pancake Brunch
Sunday, October 21st
11 a.m.
Sponsored by the Board of Evangelism - Stewardship
(Free-will Donation)
New Member Welcome Sunday
Commitment Sunday
Have you ever given any thought to joining a Bible Study? Now is your chance!
Friday Night Bible Study will meet October 19th at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will continue the video series "The Truth Project" by Focus on the Family. As always, the video and discussion will be followed by refreshments and fellowship.
This is a great opportunity to get involved in a Bible Study if you've never done it before. Current issues such as Sociology: the Divine Imprint, The State: Whose Law?, The American Experiment, Labor: Created by God are some of the topics we will look at. Secular and Biblical worldviews are presented.
You don't have to be a Biblical 'expert' to participate. It is not necessary to have come to last year’s sessions to start now as each unit is self-contained.
We plan to meet about once a month on a Friday evening. Any questions, contact Michael & Claudia Abrash or Pastor & Chris Nelson. We look forward to having you join us!
The Lord has blessed us with sixty-one children this fall. Most of our classes are full, but we still have openings for a couple of students. Tell your friends and neighbors! We have expanded our classroom days and hours, and preschool now meets Monday through Friday.
We are thankful to have Janelle Rapson-Lach returning for her 8th year as Director and Teacher. Our aides are Julie Mattison, Marci Wasilko, Patti Sprunger, and sub, Kelli Hackbardt.
We are a play-based program for three and four year olds with age appropriate academics. If you are new to our congregation and would like more information, call the church/preschool office at 248-437-8810.
Saturday, October 27th
2 – 4 p.m.
Games & Treats
Wear your costume!
(Watch for a sign-up sheet to help out!)
Please contact Tom (248.321.6608) or Kelli (248.321.5991) if you have questions or to help.
“Living Each Day as a Steward”
C.S. Lewis said, “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’ ” As redeemed children of God, of course, we desire to belong to that first category. We long to live each day as stewards who earnestly pray, “Thy will be done.” As God’s stewards, we are devoted to using all that we are and have for His purpose. We are God’s stewards each and every day.On Sundays, October 7, October 14, and October 21, the theme of our worship services and our Bible study will be living each day as a steward. We will learn how the Holy Spirit, working through Word and Sacrament, transforms us to be more like our Chief Steward, Jesus, Who willingly poured out His life in giving and serving, ultimately sacrificing His very life for our eternal lives. Just as Jesus faithfully served His Father by serving us, we are to use our lives and gifts in faithful service to Him by serving others. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).
As your pastor, I pray that each of you will take advantage of these opportunities to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord that you might be strengthened in faith both for eternity and for a fruitful life here on earth.
The three weekly themes are as follows:
OCTOBER 7 - “The Steward’s Identity”
OCTOBER 14 - “The Steward’s Purpose”
OCTOBER 21 - “The Steward’s Lifestyle” - (Commitment Sunday)
May God grant us strength and wisdom to be the faithful stewards that He has called us to be.
Pastor Terry Nelson
Our congregation is again reaching out to needy children in desperate situations around the world through Operation Christmas Child. Please fill your own box (plastic or shoe box is fine). BROCHURES will be available soon with suggestions. If able, please include a $7 donation in the envelope for shipping and place on top inside your box. FILLED BOXES ARE DUE BACK ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER11.
C O M I N G ......
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, November 18
After Worship
Mark your calendars now for the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner with your church family on Sunday, November 18, after the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Enjoy a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings!
People of all voices are welcome (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). If you enjoy singing praises to God, please prayerfully consider singing in the Choir. Speak with Pastor Nelson if interested. Our Choir plans on singing once a month at the 10 a.m. worship service.
Let’s give the Fellowship Hall a fresh coat of PAINT. We are collecting donations to
purchase paint for the job. (Gifts may be placed in the offering plate designated “Paint.”)
3rd Sunday of the Month
September Preschool Board
October Pancake Brunch
November Thanksgiving Dinner
December Board of Elders
January Board of Trustees
February Altar Guild
March Women’s Outreach
April Church Council
May Stewardship & Evangelism
Active Faith Community Services will be observing the 25th Anniversary of our 1987 founding by hosting an Open House for the community on Saturday, October 13, 2012, from 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Active Faith food distribution center at the SE corner of McHattie and Washington Streets in South Lyon. In keeping with our mission, we will welcome to this Open House everyone in our area churches, service organizations, and the community at large, all of whom have been vital to our ability to serve many within the boundaries of our South Lyon school district who have need of assistance from time to time. We plan to serve light refreshments and give all who attend the opportunity to thank former and present staff and volunteers and to share their own memories of AFCS over the years, as well as offering those new to our community the opportunity to learn more about Active Faith.
Because members of our area churches have been at the forefront in assisting us in so many capacities, we know that some of you would be offended if we did not allow you to help with this Open House. Many of you may wish to bake cookies or other treats or help us purchase the other food and beverage items we plan to serve, or some may wish to host at our refreshment table during the Open House. Please call Lynn Kneisel at: 248-437-8612 to discuss how you might help. Thank you all so much.
The Committee for the 25th Anniversary of
Active Faith Community Services
If you’d like to be added to our email list, contact . To check out upcoming events, go to our web site at The monthly calendar and newsletter are available each month online.
A few Sundays are needed in November. Thank you!
Sign up for those important dates in celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. or in memory of loved ones. Vases are available for $16 each and may be taken home after worship. Two vases are available each Sunday. (You do not need to sign up for both.) Checks are made out to “Cross of Christ” – designated “Altar Flowers” and placed in the offering plate.
Have you ever considered being a pastor or deaconess? If so, Rev. Bill Wrede from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at Concordia University, Ann Arbor on Thursday, October 4 (available from 8:00 am – 9:00 pm). Prospective seminary students of all ages – elementary through adults employed in another vocation. Call Rev. Wrede at 314-505-7221 or email him at for an appointment.
We thank Steve Post for his kindness to our congregation during his time with us. Thank you to Steve and Thrivent for the paper products! We wish Steve God’s blessings on his future endeavors.
2 Rose Hall
Eric Hantz
3 Ettie Ann Hirth
Drake Lockard
9 Clarice French
Jerry Geelhood
Ernest Johnston
11 Carol Mielke
12 Keith Pixley
Pam Sieting
15 Alexander Geelhood
Neil Nichols
16 Aaron Faust
Adam & Eric Walrath
18 Ed Baughman
19 Ben Sulisz
Bonnie Tura
20 Jessica Evans
Janelle Rapson-Lach
21 Warner Krause
22 Tammy Lanam
Adam Marsh
23 Austin Gerke
24 David Mielke
25 Alan Lach
26 Donna Evans
Florence Hall
27 Angela Baker
Mary Pogarch
28 Sherry Bugar
Isabella Russell
29 Edda Albin
Charles Deeds
Tricia Evans
31 Deanna Abrash
William Baker
1 Jeff & Nancy Marsh
Jim & Patty Wadkins
5 George & Hazel Richardson
7 Robert & Jeannine Hosbach
8 Robert & Dawn Petz
9 Jeffery & Karen Hantz
10 Charles & Dana Hamlet
Grant & Karen Neiswinter
12 John & Jean Boyle
17 David & Denise Gerke
25 Robert & Colleen Martin
Richard & Dawn Miller
James & Barbara Morrison
Let the church office know of any dates missing or incorrect.
Looking to donate to a special need?
Consider the following funds:
Debt Fund, Garage Fund,
Cement Work Fund,
New Roof Fund
+ + Gabriella Grace Gutierrez
Child of Juan & Danielle Gutierrez
July 1, 2012
+ + Parker Lee Zemla
Child of Frank & Kim Zemla
September 2, 2012
+ + Nolan William Miller
Child of Eric & Elizabeth Miller
September 9, 2012
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