Minutes of the 5thMeeting of
Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee,
the 5th Term Kwun Tong District Council
Date:12July 2016 (Tuesday)
Time:2:30 p.m.
Venue:Conference Room, Kwun Tong District Office,
Unit 05-07, 20/F Millennium City 6, 392 Kwun Tong Road,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Mr KAN Ming-tung (Chairman) / Mr CHAN Yiu-hung, Jimmy (Vice-chairman)Mr AU YEUNG Kwan-nok / Ms KAM Kin
Mr BUX Sheik Anthony / Mr LAI Shu-ho, Patrick, BBS, MH, JP
Dr CHAN Chung-bun, Bunny, GBS, JP* / Mr LUI Tung-hai
Mr CHAN Chun-kit / Mr MA Yat-chiu, Marco
Mr CHAN Kok-wah, Ben, BBS, MH / Mr MOK Kin-shing
Mr CHAN Man-kin / Mr OR Chong-shing, Wilson, MH
Mr CHAN Wah-yu, Nelson, MH / Mr SO Koon-chung, Kevin
Mr CHENG Keng-ieong / Ms SO Lai-chun, MH, JP
Mr CHENG Keung-fung / Mr TAM Siu-cheuk
Mr CHEUNG Ki-tang / Mr TANG Wing-chun
Mr CHEUNG Yiu-pan / Ms TSE Suk-chun
Mr HSU Hoi-shan / Mr WONG Chun-ping
Mr HUNG Kam-in, Kin / Mr YIP Hing-kwok, MH, JP
Co-opted Members
Mr CHEUNG Tai-shing / Mr MAK Fu-ling, MHMr KAI Ping-chung, MH / Mr YICK Kam-chuen
Mr LEUNG Chun-kit, Allen
*Representing the Kwun Tong Distirct Council (“KTDC”) at the meeting of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council
In Attendance
Ms CHAN Pik-ki, Eiphie / Assistant District Officer (Kwun Tong)1, Kwun Tong District OfficeMr LEE Yin-bun, Philip / Senior Executive Officer (District Council), Kwun Tong District Office
Ms CHEUNG Ho-fong, Clare / Senior Manager(Kowloon East/Cultural Services), Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Miss TSUI Pui-yee, Cindy / Manager(Kowloon East)Marketing, Programme andDistrict Activities, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms LUNG Lai-seung, Wendy / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms KWAN Yuen-mei, Rica / Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong), Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms CHUNG Shuk-ling, Charing / Social Work Officer 2 (Planning andCoordinating Team), Social Welfare Department
Ms TING Shuk-man, Teresa / Senior School Development Officer (Kwun Tong)2, Education Bureau
Representatives Present to AssistDiscussion of Agenda Items
Item II
Ms CHEUNG Ho-fong, Clare / Senior Manager(Kowloon East/Cultural Services), Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentMiss TSUI Pui-yee, Cindy / Manager(Kowloon East)Marketing, Programme andDistrict Activities, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Ms KWAN Yuen-mei, Rica / Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong), Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentItem V
Ms LUNG Lai-seung, Wendy / Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2, Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentItem VI
Miss HUI Yee-ting / Liaison Officer i/c (Kwun Tong Central), Kwun Tong District OfficeMiss CHOW Hok-kwai, Yvonne / Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong Central)2, Kwun Tong District Office
Item VII
Mr CHAN Sin-chak, Adrian / Liaison Officer (Sau Mau Ping), Kwun Tong District OfficeItem VIII
Mr CHAN Wai-ho, Benson / Liaison Officer (Sze Shun)1, Kwun Tong District OfficeItem IX
Miss WAI Wing-in, Janice / Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong West)1, Kwun Tong District OfficeItem X
Ms CHU Tsz-man, Loretta / Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong Central)1, Kwun Tong District OfficeItem XI
Mr CHEUNG Chi-hung, Benson / Liaison Officer i/c (Tsui Ping), Kwun Tong District OfficeMiss TAM Wai-man, Mandy / Liaison Officer (Yau Tong)1, Kwun Tong District Office
Item XII
Miss YIU Shuk-kwan, Cherry / Liaison Officer (Lam Tin)1, Kwun Tong District OfficeMiss NGAO Wai-yan, Dawn / Liaison Officer (Lam Tin)2, Kwun Tong District Office
Ms KOO Wah-hung, Janet / Executive Officer (District Council)2, Kwun Tong District OfficeAbsent:
Mr NGAN Man-yu / Mr WONG Chi-kenMrs POON YAM Wai-chun, Winnie, MH
Co-opted Member
Mr NG Hoi-kit, RickyOpening Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all attendees to the 5th meeting of the Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee (“CRSC”) of the 5thterm Kwun Tong District Council (“KTDC”).
- Confirmation of Minutes of Last Meeting
2.The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed without amendment.
- Report on Free Cultural and Entertainment Programmes and Arts and Cultural Activities Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in Kwun Tong
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 34/2016)
3.Miss Cindy TSUI, Manager(Kowloon East),Marketing, Programme and District Activities of theLeisure and Cultural Services Department (“LCSD”), presented the paper.
4.Views and enquiries raised by threeMembers were as follows:
4.1The previous free cultural and entertainment programmes co-organised by the LCSDwith districtorganisationswere well received. It was suggested that the LCSD increase the number of programmes. Members also asked for information on the organisations that failed to succeed in the ballotingexercise in thelatest3 years.
4.2It was shown on the paper that some of the months in 2017/18 were already marked for selected co-organisations. It was suggested that the LCSDhighlight those monthsclearly for applicants’reference.
4.3Allocating quotas by means of balloting involved luck and some organisations had never been successful after submitting applications for years. It was suggested that the method of quota allocation be amended to enable local organisations to have an equal chance of participation.
5.In response to the above, Ms Clare CHEUNG, Senior Manager(Kowloon East/Cultural Services) of theLCSD, replied as follows:
5.1The Entertainment Office of the LCSD co-organised 29 free cultural and entertainment programmeswith districtorganisations in Kwun Tong Districteach year. Among which,it was suggested that a total of 12 programmesbeco-organised withmajor local organisations and large districtorganisations in Kwun Tong. Each organisation was entitled to onetotwoprogrammes;the remaining 17 programmes would be open for application by other districtorganisations in Kwun Tong. The method of proposed co-organisation was implemented with the support of the KTDC. The overall operations of the arrangement for co-organising programmes with districtorganisations were smooth.
5.2According to the records in the past threeyears, the LCSD issued invitationsfor co-organising programmes to organisations ranging from 70 to 125 each year. Around 50 applications were received each year. Thesuccessful rate of applicants in the balloting exercise was about one-third and sevenorganisations had failed to be selectedthrough balloting in the past threeconsecutive years. The CRSCcould discuss whether some of the existing quotas of the major/large local organisations could bedrawn out and allocated for open balloting.
5.3At present, the number of free cultural and entertainment programmes provided for Kwun Tong District by the Entertainment Office of the LCSD each year was considerable high among the 18 districts in the territory. Given the present resources, the LCSD was unable to increase the number of co-organised programmes in the district for the time being. However, if any districtorganisationintended to launch a local programme, the LCSD would be willing to render other forms of support, e.g. introducing a suitable performing group to participate in the programmeso as to make cultural and entertainment programmesin Kwun Tong more diversified.
6.Views and enquiries raised by sixMembers were as follows:
6.1Since the ceiling for expenditure of performing items was only a few thousand dollars, the LCSD’s experience might not be applicable to those district organisations using District Council fund to organise programmes. It was suggested that the KTDCenhance the flexibility of resource usage. In addition, it was also suggested that the KTDCincrease the allocation to the LCSD for organising more popular programmes.
6.2It was suggested that the LCSD set restrictions for the existing balloting mechanism: a Member suggested refusing to accept applications submitted by organisations that had succeeded in the recent balloting exercise; another Member suggested giving priority to unsuccessful organisations recorded in the past threeyears.
6.3A Member opined that the successful rate of balloting depended on the number of applicants in a particular year and it might not necessarily be the same every year.
6.4A Member considered that balloting was at present the fairest mode of quota allocation, so amendments of any kind might all lead to controversy. The most important thing was to ensure that the balloting procedure was conducted under the “fair, just and open” principle.
7.Ms Clare CHEUNGof the LCSD further replied as follows:
7.1The suggestion of making quota available for organisations that had failed in the balloting exercise in the past few years was technically feasible, depending on the final decision of Members after discussion. The existing quota of 17 programmes was handled by open balloting and was allocated in order of the successful ballots. However, there were cases in which successful organisations cancelled their programmes due to venue or weather factor. If the mode of allocation was amended, Members might need to consider the arrangement for similar situations.
7.2The LCSD must have the CRSC’s consent before it could launch the Free Cultural and Entertainment Programmes 2017/18. If Members decided to amend the details of the programmes, the Department could make immediate changes to ensure that the new arrangements could be implemented on time.
The Chairman concluded that the feelings of those organisations with repeated unsuccessful experience were well understood. Since Membersagreed in general that balloting was at present the most suitable method of handling quota allocation, it would continue to be adopted. The Chairman also reminded that the LCSD should ensure that the balloting procedure would be conducted in a fair, just and open manner. The balloting ceremony proposed in the paper would be held under the witness of the representatives of the LCSD, the Kwun Tong District Office (“KTDO”) and the KTDC.
8.Members noted the paper and endorsed its proposal on the arrangement of free cultural and entertainment programmes co-organised by the LCSD with districtorganisations in 2017/18 as well as the mode of quota allocation.
- Report on Promotional Activities Organised by the LCSD Public Libraries in Kwun Tong
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 35/2016)
9.Ms Rica KWAN, Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong) of theLCSD, presented the paper.
10.Members noted the paper.
- Report on the Utilisation of the LCSD Public Libraries in Kwun Tong
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 36/2016)
11.Ms Rica KWAN, Senior Librarian(Kwun Tong) of theLCSD, presented the paper.
12.A Member pointed out that the Hong Kong public libraries of theLCSDwould set up self-service library unitsona trial basis and hoped that a trial point could be identified in Kwun Tong District. In reply, Ms KWAN said that the LCSD was going to launch the “Self-service Library Units Trial Scheme”with a plan to set up one self-service unit on Hong Kong Island, one in Kowloon and one in the New Territories. A working group was carrying out therelated preliminary work as well as identifying suitable trial points. The trial points had to meet a series of conditions, including frequent pedestrian flow, 24-hour opening, access convenience, shelter from bad weather, power supply available and adequate space, no adverse impact on the operation and safety of adjacent facilities and surrounding environment suitable for handling the logistics of library materials, etc. The working group would actively identify suitable trial points according to the required conditions.
13.Members noted the paper.
- Report on Recreational and Sports Activities Organised by the LCSD in Kwun Tong between April and May 2016
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 37/2016)
14.Ms Wendy LUNG, Deputy District Leisure Manager(Kwun Tong)2 of theLCSD, presented the paper. The LCSD would organise the “Sport For All Day 2016” on 7 August 2016, and the theme for this year was“Stay ActiveScale New Heights”. On one hand, it aimed to encourage people to do more exercises and engage in a healthy mode of living and, on the other hand, call on the community to show support for Hong Kong athletes taking part in major international competitions. On7August,the LCSD wouldorganise a wide range of free recreation and sports programmes at designated venues in the 18 districts for the public to participate inwhile most leisure facilitieswould be opened to the public for free use. Lam Tin South Sports Centre would organise various activities from 2:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. on 7 August;residentsin the district were welcomed to join.
15.A Member cited the recent incidence on the sudden closure of a fitness centre and hoped that the LCSD would provide more fitness courses and yoga courses to help ease the demands in the district.
16.Members noted the paper.
VI.Fund Applications for the Kwun Tong HealthNewsletter, Webpage Operation and Renewal of Membership ofthe Alliance for Healthy CitiesSubmitted by the Kwun Tong Healthy City Steering Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 38/2016)
17.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at theKwun Tong Healthy City Steering Committee:
Mr Ben CHAN / ChairmanMr Jimmy CHAN / Member
Mr CHENG Keng-ieong / Member
Mr CHEUNG Yiu-pan / Member
Mr Patrick LAI / Member
Mr KAI Ping-chung / Member
Mr MAK Fu-ling / Member
18.Miss Yvonne CHOW, Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong Central)2 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
19.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $45,000.
VII.Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted by the Sau Mau Ping Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 39/2016)
20.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at theSau Mau Ping Area Committee:
Mr Jimmy CHAN Yiu-hung / MemberMs SO Lai-chun / Member
Mr WONG Chun-ping / Member
21.Mr Adrian CHAN, Liaison Officer (Sau Mau Ping) of the KTDO, presented the paper.
22.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $157,000.
VIII.Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted bythe Sze Shun Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 40/2016)
23.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at the Sze Shun Area Committee:
Mr Kin HUNG / MemberMr MOK Kin-shing / Member
24.Mr Benson CHAN, Liaison Officer (Sze Shun)1 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
25.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $180,730.
IX.Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted by the Kwun Tong West Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 41/2016)
26.The following members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at the Kwun Tong West Area Committee:
Mr AU YEUNG Kwan-nok / MemberMr Anthony BUX / Member
Mr CHAN Chun-kit / Member
Mr Ben CHAN / Member
Mr CHEUNG Yiu-pan / Member
Mr TAM Siu-cheuk / Member
Mr YIP Hing-kwok / Member
27.Miss Janice WAI, Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong West)1 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
28.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $190,000.
X. Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted bythe Kwun Tong Central Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 42/2016)
29.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at the Kwun Tong Central Area Committee:
Mr Nelson CHAN / Vice-chairmanMr HSU Hoi-shan / Member
Ms KAM Kin / Member
Mr Marco MA / Vice-chairman
Mr Kevin SO / Member
30.Ms Loretta CHU, Liaison Officer (Kwun Tong Central)1 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
31.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $190,000.
XI.Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted by the Kwun Tong South Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 43/2016)
32.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at theKwun Tong South Area Committee:
Mr CHENG Keng-ieong / MemberMr CHENG Keung-fung / Member
Mr CHEUNG Ki-tang / Member
Mr Patrick LAI / Member
Mr LUI Tung-hai / Member
Mr TANG Wing-chun / Member
Ms TSE Suk-chun / Member
33.Miss Mandy TAM, Liaison Officer (Yau Tong)1 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
34.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $190,000.
XII.Fund Applications for 2016/17 Submitted bythe Lam Tin Area Committee
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 44/2016)
35.The following Members declared interest in relation to the above fund application for taking up service at the Lam Tin Area Committee:
Mr CHAN Man-kin / MemberMr KAN Ming-tung / Member
Mr Wilson OR / Vice-chairman
Mr KAI Ping-chung / Member
36.Miss Cherry YIU, Liaison Officer (Lam Tin)1, and Miss Dawn NGAO, Liaison Officer (Lam Tin)2 of the KTDO, presented the paper.
37.Members endorsed the paper with an allocation of $190,000.
XIII.Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee Financial Statement
(5th Term KTDCCRSC Paper No. 45/2016)
38.The Secretary presented the paper.
39.Members endorsed the paper.
XIV.Any Other Business
- Preparatory Working Group on Celebrations of the National Day
40.Mr Kin HUNG, Convenor of the Preparatory Working Group on Celebrations of the National Day, reported that the first meeting of the Working Group was held on 8 July. It was confirmed at the meeting that celebration programmes to be organised would include the National Day bunting, festive lighting and National Day cocktail reception. A special celebration programme, namely the golden songsconcertin celebration of the National Day, would be held on 3 and 4 of October 2016. Pending the KTDO’s amendment of the programme details according to Members’ views, the Secretariat would issue letters to Members to invite them to attend the second meeting.
41.Members noted the above arrangements.
[Post-meeting note: The second meeting was held on 4 August 2016.]
- Kwun Tong District Council Football Match
42.The Chairman reported that a football friendly match was held on 10 July (Sunday)at Hong Ning Road Recreation Ground, Kwun Tong, playing against the Kitchee Team. The match concluded with the result of 1:5. Three Members participating in the KTDC Football Team sustained mild injuries during the match. The Chairman wished them early recovery and would also like to thank the Chairman of the KTDC for sponsoring the team wear of the football team.