17th December 2012

FirstBeerAcademy Sommelier Reunion

The Beer Academy Sommeliers held their first annual reunion at the Parcels Yard at Kings Cross Station. Only a year after the creation of the qualification, there are already 24 Sommeliers across the UK and internationally. The Sommeliers used the re-union to share their ideas and experiences on how best to educate and inspire people about beer.

Beer Academy Sommelier Craig Steven said “It was the first time that I had met my fellow Sommeliers and I was amazedby the breadth of their different skills and interests. There are brewers, pub owners, beer writers, bloggers, beer event organizers a professional beer taster and Nigel Sadler who probably fits into all camps! They had a wealth of stories on how becoming a Sommelier had opened doors to spread the word about beer.”

“The beer market is fiercely competitive; beer knowledge and quality are the vital elements if we want more people to discover the pleasure of enjoying a beer or two.”


Photograph – Beer Academy Sommeliers at the bar of the Parcels Yard at Kings Cross Station.

For further information contact or +44 (0)7808 096250

Notes for Editors.

The BeerAcademy is an educational body that was founded by a small group of beer enthusiasts in 2003 to help people understand, appreciate and enjoy beer sensibly. To date over 10,000 people have attended BeerAcademy courses and tasting events such as the BBC Good Food Show, the Great British Beer Festival and the BritishMuseum as well as in pubs and bars up and down the country. The Academy offers a range of courses and qualifications ranging from a 90 minute tutored introduction to beer through to the two day Advanced Course for serious beer connoisseurs.

Full details of all Beer Academy Courses and events can be found follow us on Twitter @TheBeerAcademy and Facebook

Beer Sommelier Qualification Requirements.

People who wish to become Beer Academy Accredited Beer Sommeliers must have passed the following:

  1. The BeerAcademy Advanced Course
  2. BeerAcademy 'How to judge beer ' Course
  3. The British Institute of Inn keeping (BII) Award in Beer Cellar Quality (ABCQ) (for people working in the on trade only)

The applicant must also provide a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating their practical competence in:

  • Use of beer menus or other similar schemes at retail level
  • Use of beer and food pairings
  • The use of beer range in retailing
  • Evidence of high beer retailing and image standards through POS, branded glassware, cellar hygiene standards and other relevant evidence

Applicants will be assessed in a viva voce with a BeerAcademy examiner. The examination fee is £150 +VAT. To apply, contact

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