
CC Network

Cross Compliance Network

Specific Support Action

Priority 8.1 ‘Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area’

Final Activity Report

Period covered: from 1 November 2005 to 30April 2007

Date of preparation: 4 June 2007

Start date of project:1 November 2005Duration: 18 months

Project coordinator: Martin Farmer

Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)



1project execution

2dissemination and use

1project execution

The Cross Compliance Network project was a Specific Support Action with FP6 funding that commenced on 1 November 2005 and concluded on 30 April 2007. The project was co-ordinated by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), UK and involves eight other organisations from eight other Member States, as follows: Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) (Greece), AScA (France), Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft (FAL) (Germany), CLM Research and Advice (Netherlands), Institute for Structural Policy of the Czech Republic (IREAS), Institute Nazionale di Economia Agraria (INEA) (Italy), Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) and the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark (KVL).

The project had two primary objectives:

  1. To bring together stakeholders to discuss research to date on cross compliance in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
  2. To identify priority areas for future research to support the development of cross compliance in the CAP and its role in the modernisation and sustainability of agriculture.

The project produced a total of 14 papers to inform discussion at three seminars, at which between 50 and 75 stakeholders from a range of Member States, the European Commission, and relevant interest groups attended. The focus of the project was the environmental aspect of cross compliance. The project has its own dedicated website at:

During the first year of the project, a total of ten research papers were prepared. Four of these papers were presented at the first seminar organised by AScA and held in Paris, France on 3 July 2006. A total of 57 individuals attended the seminar and participated in workshop discussions to discuss the key issues raised by each paper. The topics presented were as follows: the administration of cross compliance; the environmental relevance of cross compliance rules; the relationship between cross compliance and rural development measures, and; cross compliance and the farm advisory system. Six further research papers were prepared for the second project seminar held on 14 November 2006 in Copenhagen, attended by 64 people. The topics addressed were as follows: the potential impacts of cross compliance on farm management and land use; cross compliance and land abandonment; the likely effects of cross compliance on the environment; the relationship between cross compliance and private certification schemes and the impact of cross compliance on farm costs and competitiveness.

Two Conference Bulletins were produced, one after each of the first two seminars, and sent to 810 individuals in order to disseminate the first results of the project to a wider audience. These Bulletins summarised the results to date and included contributions from outside the project team.

The final stages of the project focused on the development of a number of future policy options for cross compliance. These policy options drew on the results of the papers presented in Paris and Copenhagen, and provided a platform from which to analyse the implementation of the policy and therefore to identify future research needs in relation to improving the future implementation of cross compliance. This phase of work culminated with a final workshop held in Brussels on 26 April 2007. This event attracted an audience of 75 individuals including officials from the European Commission, national administrations, stakeholder groups and researchers. Breakout sessions were utilised to gain consensus on research priorities. The results of this workshop fed into the final output of the project, a research paper entitled ‘Practice, Lessons and Recommendations on Cross Compliance.’

The final event and research paper provided a timely input into the Commission’s and wider policy community’s deliberations on cross compliance in 2007, following on in particular from DG Agriculture’s report on the implementation of cross compliance in March 2007 and deliberations on the scope of cross compliance expected to take place in the 2008 Health Check. The final Deliverable highlights there are knowledge gaps that need to be filled in order for the policy community to have a suitable understanding on which to base future policy decisions. Further research is required to enhance our understanding of both the implementation and impacts of cross compliance.

The contact details of the co-ordinator are as follows:

Martin Farmer

Policy Analyst

28 Queen Anne's Gate

London SW1H 9AB


Direct tel: +44 (0)20 7340 2683

Switchboard tel: +44(0)20 7799 2244

Fax: +44 (0)20 7799 2600


Skype: mfarmerieep

2dissemination and use

Planned/actual dates / Type / Type of audience / References (web address or scientific journal reference) / Countries addressed / Size of audience / Partners responsible/ involved
Ongoing / Website / Policy analysts, MemberState governments, paying agencies, NGOs, farming groups etc /
The project website is the key method of disseminating the project’s results. All papers produced for the project can be downloaded.Two project bulletins have also been distributed by email to an audience of 800+ stakeholders. / EU-27 / Not known, large / IEEP
Dec 2005 / Presentation and Proceedings Article Abstract / Academicians, students / Kodet V., Morawetz, J..: (2005): Cross Compliance: New Environmental Policy and the State of its Implementation in the CzechRepublic In: Dlesková, O., Zasadil, P. (ed.): COYOUS Conference Proceedings December 1-2, 2005, Czech Agricultural University, Prague, ISBN 80213-1433-8 / CzechRepublic / IREAS
21.03.06 / Expert meeting about ex ante evaluation of cross compliance in France / Experts and administration / The objective of the meeting was to clarify the specific objectives of CC, using common concept of the present SSA project / France / 18 / AScA (Partner 5)
April 2006 / Publication – Periodical Article / Academics / Morawetz.J: (2006): Sugar and Stick – in Cross Compliance. Ekologie a společnost (Ecology and society, periodical), 4/2006, p. 5-6, ISSN 1210-4728 / CzechRepublic / 100s / IREAS
26.06.06 / Conference / Policymakers / / EU25 / 100 / AUA (Partner 7)
27.06.06 / Conference / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, FAS /
IEEP presented a paper on environmental impacts of cross compliance. / EU-27 / 79 / IEEP (Partner 1)
3.7.06 / Conference – CC Network Paris / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders / / EU-25 / 57 / All partners
Summer 2006 / Publication / Practitioners Public officers / Moravec J. (2006): Cross-compliance – A Part of the CAP EU Reform (chapter of a book for education of farm cooperatives´ managers and public officers)
In: Pělucha M. et al. .: Rural development in the programming period in the period 2004-2013 in the context of the CAP EU reform.. IREAS Praha. ISBN 80-86684-42-3 / CzechRepublic / 2000 issues distributed / IREAS
2.10.06 / Conference on FAS / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, FAS / / EU-27 / 68 / INEA (Partner 8)
25.10.06 / Conference on costs and competitiveness related to cross compliance / Practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders / / EU-25 / 80 / IEEP (Partner 1), ASCA (Partner 5), CLM (Partner 3)
16-27.10.06 / 3 expert meetings about ex ante evaluation of CC in France / Experts and administration at departemental level / The objective of the meetings was to identify the potential role of CC in future and the needs for better policy. / France / 3 x 15 / AScA (Partner 5)
6.11.06 / Post graduate programme / Post graduate students / / Greece / 20 / AUA (Partner 7)
7.11.06 / Expert meeting about ex ante evaluation of CC in France / Experts and administration / The objective of the meeting was to clarify the specific objectives of CC, using common concept of the present SSA project – early discussion of scenario 4 made. / France / 18 / AScA
13.11.06 / Conference / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders / / EU-25 / 64 / All partners
30.11.06 / Continuous education for high civil servants / Experts and high level students / “L’évaluation environnementale : une démarche stratégique” for ENGREF (Clermont Ferrand)
( / France / 18 / AScA
12.12.06 / Post Graduate programme / Post graduate students / / Greece / 20 / AUA
8.02.06 / Conference / Public officials, Farmers' organisations, Advisors / / Italy / 80-100 / INEA+ IEEP + FAL
13.02.07 / Conference / Experts and administration, stakeholders / “Les enjeux environnementaux d’une réforme de la PAC” before the Société des Agriculteurs de France (Paris)
(// / France / 50 / AScA
20.02.07 /


/ Farmers; administrations; Scientists / UFA-Revue (CH) / German / FAL
26.04.07 / Conference / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders / / EU-25 / 75 / All partners
16.05.07 / Meeting / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders /
IEEP attended the first end user meeting to advise on methodology. / EU-27 / 25 / IEEP (Partner 1)
16.05.07 / Conference / Researcher, public officials / / Italy / 60-80 / INEA
17.05.07 / Seminar / Public officials, Farmers' organisations, environmentalists /
The results of the projects were presented in three seminar/conferences held in Padova, Bologna and Roma at the presence of several stakeholders involved in the implementation of cross compliance at national and regional level. / Italy / 20-30 / INEA
19.6.07 / Conference / Administrations; scientific community; NGOs / Euronatur conference on cross compliance and land management / EU Member States / FAL
29.06.07 / Seminar / Government nature conservation agencies, Commission / European Environment Advisory Council – ‘Evaluation and Monitoring of CAP reform’. Vicki Swales will present a session on cross compliance / EU Member States / IEEP
End of June 2007 / Publication / Scientific / - the analysis of the Farm Advisory Systems in Europe and in the Italian regions will be presented for the publication on a Italian scientific journal / Italy / INEA
End of July 2007 / Publication / Scientific / / Italy / INEA
Summer 2007 / Publication / Policy practitioners, researchers, Commission, stakeholders / A synthesis paper will be prepared for publication such as Agra Europe or Eurochoices / Eu-27, wider world. / TBC / ASCA
Late 2007 / Conference / Academic community / D12 to form the basis of a paper to be presented at a scientific conference / Greece / TBC / AUA
Late 2007 / Publication / Academic community / Article on land abandonment and cross compliance, building on D17. / CzechRepublic / IREAS
Ongoing / Expert advice / Public bodies / Cross Compliance in Lithuania does still new issue and different interpretations understand sometimes appearing. That is why project material is very useful resource to share with all interested parties.
Researchers from LAEI are involved in many projects which are related with agricultural policy. They need latest info and knowledge in the field of cross compliance and related issues, experience and examples from foreign countries which are more advanced in this field. Staff of MoA, National Paying Agency, Lithuanian Advisory Service is interested in the newest info about cross compliance issues which are related to their work. Info from seminars and papers are very useful in the process of sharing information. / Lithuania / LIAE
In progress / Publication / Scientific community / Working report of FAL on the implementation of cross compliance in selected EU Member States / German / FAL
planned / Article / Scientific community (environmental law) / EurUP. On enforcement of environmental standards in relation to cross compliance. / German / FAL
planned / Article / Scientific community, policy analysts / An international article will be produced on design the of SMRs regarding the Nitrate Directive and the Habitat Directive (issue and content of regulation) and the link of these SMRs to agri-environmental schemes / Europe, global / KVL
INEA website / The Italian page of the project in the INEA's website will serve to disseminate information and results of the project. Particularly, a report on the state of implementation of cross compliance in Italy, with specific reference to the information collected during the CC Network project, will be written on agreement with the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. / INEA