Bramfield C. of E. Primary School September Newsletter 2016

Contact us on 01986-784205 or email:

Welcome, and welcome back
/ A huge welcome back to Bramfield Primary, or a very warm welcome!
After a wonderful summer of warm weather, we started back at school this week with a lot of positive energy. The children have been well motivated, and are clearly re-charged and ready to learn.Children who have moved classes, or started school for the first time, have settled well and are enjoying both their learning and the social element of re-joining their friends!We look forward to many exciting weeks ahead.
Changing to an academy / Over the summer the school completed the conversion to academy status, meaning that we are no longer supported by Suffolk County Council, but are part of the St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. This means that Bramfield CEVC Primary has officially closed and is now open as Bramfield Church of England Primary School. I’m sure you will have noticed the change on our school logo, but hope that the changes have not affected you in other ways. As part of the Diocesan MAT we have the opportunity to work with other Church schools and to develop the learning opportunities for the children. If you wish to know more about the MAT you can visit their website
If you have any worries or questions about the conversion then please see Mrs Harriet Pope or Mr Neil Baldwin.
Class dojo
/ We are continuing to use ‘class dojos’ in school to give rewards and as a motivational tool for the chidlren. The children have already been working hard to gain their points and are well ‘tuned into’ the dojo system. Points are awarded for a range of reasons; for anything from working hard to helping around school and for being kind to others. We believe that the system allows us to reward children for a range of purposes. If your child is in the same class(room) as last year then you don’t need to do anything to their dojo account. If your child has moved class(room) then their dojo account is still active but they need to add their new class code; this is the ‘student account code’ that has been stuck into their diary. To do this they need to log in as usual at home and then they will be prompted for their new code (I have done this with Jacob’s!!) If your child is yet to start a Class dojo account; then you can visit to sign them up. To do this you will need both the ‘student account code’ and the ‘parent account code’ that are in your child’s diary. They can then customise their ‘monster’ and you can see what they are being awarded points for. If you do not wish to activate an online account, then your child can still earn points in school and work towards rewards and certificates.
Please note; teachers do not repsond to messages on the ‘class dojo’ site, if you need to contact a class teacher then please use the email addresses for staff.
If you have any problems or questions please see your childs class tecaher or me (Mrs Harriet Pope).
Class names and information
/ This year we have chosen class names across the school;
Foundation/Year 1; Oak Tree
(Mrs Josie Shepherd, contact; )
Year 1/Year 2; Willow Tree
(Mrs Harris and Mr Watkins, contact; )
Year 3/Year 4; Cherry tree
(Mrs Harvey, contact; )
Year 5/Year 6; Ash Tree
(Mrs Pope, contact; )

September dates / Friday 9th September; first sharing assembly, led by Neil Baldwin (Interim Executive Head)
Wednesday 14th September; Roald Dahl dress-up day.
Wednesday 21st September; year 5/6 Dig-venture visit at Minsmere (letter to follow)
Friday 30th September; McMillan coffee afternoon; fundraiser event from 2:30pm (details to follow… get baking please!)
Up and coming in October; Suffolk Festival for year 3/4,Crucial Crew for year 6, Friday afternoon songs at Snape, Youth Orchestra visit for KS2 and our Autumn feast!
/ After careful consideration we have decided to ask that children do not bring toys into school. We have found that they often cause a distraction for the children and have a tendency to get damaged or lost! If your child needs to bring a ‘comfort’ item to school then please see their class teacher.
Great North Run / The lovely Mrs Newton will be taking part in the Great North Run this weekend. She is raising money for McMillan. If you would like to make a donation/ sponsor her then please pop it in to the office post-box n in a clearly marked envelope.
Clubs / This half term we are offering three clubs.
Mr Watkins and Mrs Harvey will be holding a computer club for children in KS1 or KS2 on a Tuesday after school from 3:45pm to 4:30pm.
Mrs Pope will be holding a newspaper club for children in KS2 on Wednesday after school from 3:45pm to 4:30pm.
Joscelyn Foster (FA Level 1 coaching trained) will be holding Football Skills club for KS1 On Wednesday after school 3:45pm – 4:30pm, there will be a cost of £1.50 per session for this, payable when your place is ‘confirmed’.
Please sign-up on the clipboards at the front of school.
/ As always, we have a lot of musical opportunities at Bramfield this year.
On Monday afternoons, all children in KS2 take part in the orchestra with Mr McD. Please make sure that children have their instruments in school on this day. Mr McD has spaces in his brass lessons for any children from Year 3 up who would like to learn cornet or baritone.
Violin lessons this year with Ms Slijboom are on a Tuesday morning.
Woodwind with Ms Cochrane will be on a Thursday afternoon between
Mrs Newton will continue to teach music to Years 1 and 2 on a Wednesday afternoon, this includes a guitar group for interested year 2 children and a recorder group for KS2 children.
Jason Ducker continues to teach KS2 guitar on a Wednesday afternoon, for availability and costs please see Mrs Wharam in the office.
We also have Chris Fisher a piano tutor who will be continuing piano lessons after school . There is some availability for these lessons, if your child is interested then please call her directly on 07813350582 for more information.
Excitingly, we are once again, going to be a part of the Snape ‘Friday afternoon songs’ for Benjamin Britten. Children in KS2 will be invited to join in with the choir, although places are limited to 20!
School Transport
/ We have had a few enquiries with regards to the school bus.
You can find out all the information you require with regards to eligibility or how to apply via the Suffolk on Board website or Tel: 0345 6066173.

Once your child receives their bus pass you will need to liaise with the bus company to let them know that your child will be using the service.Whincops provide our school transport Tel: 01728 660233.
Please can you also advise Mrs Read or the school office so they are aware when your child is coming in on the bus and more importantly when they need to go home on the bus. As we have a register for all bus children. Many thanks
Messages from the office
/ Dinner Money – The cost of a school dinner is still £2.30 a day or £11.50 a week for Years 3,4,5 & 6). Please can all dinner money be paid at the beginning of the week regardless of which day your child is having lunch.
If you would prefer to pay upfront for a half term and your child has dinner every day this will be £78.20 up until October half-term. Any meals not taken due to illness, absence or school trips will be carried over to the next term.
Payments to schoolnow we are part of an academy please can all cheques be made payable to:Bramfield Church of England Primary School.
Contact Details – If you have a change of phone number or have moved house over the holidays please can you let the office know so we can make sure we have up to date information in case we need to contact you.
Uniform – the office are now selling left over uniform with the OLD logo at half-price!
HELP Our gardens!
/ Over the summer the Schools gardens (particularly the secret garden) have become over grown. We have frequent maintenance teams who visit the school gardens, but they predominantly cut the field and complete small tasks in a limited time frame. We desperately need some help to tame the areas that they do not have time to reach. We are appealing for parents who can help to get the overgrown areas under control. If you can help, then please sign up on the clipboard and come along on Monday 19th September.