A. Project Title
B. Project Team (Please include details of all team members in Appendix I)
Name / Department/Organisation
Overall team leader
List of team members
C. Brief Project Description (Please include project details in Appendix II)
D. Summary of Project Objectives(List main objectives in order of priority)
E. Academic Significance of Project
(In about 200 words, describe project in context of previous work done or in progress in University or other institutions and explain significance and uniqueness of project)
F. Practical Relevance/benefits to Industryand Region (Highlight potential economic impact to industry in Singapore and the region)
G. Summary of Deliverables
H. Project Schedule (Please include detailed project schedule in Appendix III)
Estimated project duration: ______months
I. Summary of Project Cost and Funding (Please include detailed budget in Appendix IV)
Project Item / Project Cost ($)
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
Materials/ Consumables
Miscellaneous Costs
Overseas Travel
Training/Other Miscellaneous Costs
J. Declaration by Applicant
I declare that the information provided in this application form is true and correct.
Name of Applicant: ______
Date: ______/ ______
Signature of Applicant

Team Leader

Postal Address
Tel No. / Fax No.
Email Address

Team Members

Postal Address
Tel No. / Fax No.
Email Address
Postal Address
Tel No. / Fax No.
Email Address
Postal Address
Tel No. / Fax No.
Email Address
APPENDIX II: Project Details (Please refer to Annex A)
(i)Description and methodology - Show what alternatives have been considered and why chosen methods are preferred; originality of approach and relationship with other work in this area
(ii)Innovation content, timeliness of research, technical features and specifications
(iii)State of the art technology
(iv)Project schedule - Whether investigation is to occur in stages; any known constraints
(i)Market relevance and target customers;
(ii)Current competing technologies;
(iii)Other tangible benefits
(i)New technologies introduced to industry;
(ii)New products and/or services developed
(i)Competitive/comparative advantage - Indicate competitive/comparative advantage research team has in proposed area of research
(ii)Team leader’s effort level in project - Provide quantitative (e.g. hours per week) and qualitative description of commitment to project
(iii)Team member(s)’ effort level in project - Provide quantitative (e.g. hours per week) and qualitative description of team member(s)’ commitment to project [details of “potential” external collaborators may also be provided here]
(iv)Role of partners (if applicable) and assessment of possible benefits of collaboration
- Present detailed case for resources required
- In particular, provide justification for following:
(i)Manpower Costs
(a)Type and level of all staff appointments and duration of employment;
(b) If applicant already has assistants employed for his other research projects, provide explanation why existing assistants cannot be used for new project
(ii)New Equipment/Facilities Costs
(a)Need to purchase equipment/facilities;
(b)Choice of equipment - Show that equipment chosen will give best value for money and attach vendors’ quotations;
(c)Explain why it is not possible or cost effective to meet demand from University’s existing stock of equipment;
(d)Where use of major equipment/expensive instrument (budget forequipment constitutes 50% of total project value and/or single piece of equipment costs S$100,000) is proposed, please provide:
(i)Explicit statements on existence of similar equipment elsewhere and its availability;
(ii)Commitment from other potential users;
(iii)Justification of usage level;
(iv)Provision for maintenance;
(v)Details of other intended uses upon project completion
(e)Attach list of existing equipment (if any) that project will be using [equipment description, cost and location must be provided]
(iii)Materials and Consumables Costs
Need for consumables - Consumables requested must be items that can be uniquely and unambiguously identified with research project
(iv)Cost of Overseas Travel
(a)Need for travel - All travel requests made should be evaluated against IT alternatives, such as e-mail and video conferencing;
(b)Places and/or countries to be visited; purpose, duration and persons travelling; emphasise any proposed international collaboration
(v)Training and Other Miscellaneous Costs
(a)Need for and type of training required;
(b)Need for and details of other costs that will be incurred
Please provide details on the following:
A)Detailed project work plan
B) Overview in Gantt Chart format
Quarters /
Research Milestones / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Estimated Start Date: / The start date is defined as the first date on which the project commits or incurs expenditure.
Estimated Completion Date: / Researchers are reminded that a project, once approved, must start within 60 days of approval.
APPENDIX IV: DETAILED BUDGET(Please refer to Annexes B-C2)


Please indicate an “E” against the number if it is a continuation of an existing appointment.

NS increments* - Please tick against staff grade if increments are to be given for National Service (NS).

If the manpower required is a Research Fellow, please provide information on his/her qualifications and experience.

Manpower / Staff / With / Number / Annual Cost ($) / No. of Months / Total Cost
Grade / NS* / Full Time / Part Time / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / on
Research Fellow
Visiting Professor (for periods  1 mth)
Research Assistant
Lab Officer
Research Assistant
Student Assistant:
a / Undergraduate Student Researcher
b / Graduate Student Researcher
Grand Total ($)

NEW EQUIPMENT/FACILITIES COSTS (GST to be included, where applicable)

Item Description / Quotation No. / Unit Price
($) / Quantity / Year 1
($) / Year 2
($) / Year 3
($) / Total Cost
Grand Total ($)

COSTS OF MATERIALS/CONSUMABLES (GST to be included, where applicable)

Item Description / Quotation No.
($) / Unit Price
($) / Quantity / Year 1
($) / Year 2
($) / Year 3
($) / Total Cost
Grand Total ($)

OTHER MISCELLANEOUS COSTS (GST to be included, where applicable)


Item Description / Purpose / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total Cost
Country / No. of days / ($) / ($) / ($) / ($)
Grand Total ($)


Item Description / Purpose / Year 1
($) / Year 2
($) / Year 3
($) / Total Cost
Grand Total ($)



Please provide details on the following:


(i)Previous work - Relation to earlier or current work of applicant and/or collaborating agency and relevant work elsewhere;

(ii) Preliminary studies – 1-2 page report on preliminary studies undertaken and results to support proposed research



(i)Description and methodology - Show what alternatives have been considered and why chosen methods are preferred; originality of approach and relationship with other work in this area

(ii)Innovation content, timeliness of research, technical features and specifications

(iii)State of the art technology

(iv)Project schedule - Whether investigation is to occur in stages; any known constraints


(i)Market relevance and target customers;

(ii)Estimate of market size;

(iii)Current competing technologies;

(iv)Other tangible benefits


(i)New technologies introduced to industry;

(ii)New products and/or services developed



(i)Competitive/comparative advantage - Indicate competitive/comparative advantage research team has in proposed area of research

(ii)Team leader’s effort level in project - Provide quantitative (e.g. hours per week) and qualitative description of commitment to project

(iii)Team member(s)’ effort level in project - Provide quantitative (e.g. hours per week) and qualitative description of team member(s)’ commitment to project [details of “potential” external collaborators may also be provided here]

(iv)Role of partners (if applicable) and assessment of possible benefits of collaboration


- Present detailed case for resources required

- In particular, provide justification for following:

(i)Manpower Costs

(a)Type and level of all staff appointments and duration of employment;

(b) If applicant already has assistants employed for his other research projects, provide explanation why existing assistants cannot be used for new project

(ii)New Equipment/Facilities Costs

(d)Need to purchase equipment/facilities;

(e)Choice of equipment - Show that equipment chosen will give best value for money and attach vendors’ quotations;

(f)Explain why it is not possible or cost effective to meet demand from University’s existing stock of equipment;

(d)Where use of major equipment/expensive instrument (budget forequipment constitutes 50% of total project value and/or single piece of equipment costs S$100,000) is proposed, please provide:

(vi)Explicit statements on existence of similar equipment elsewhere and its availability;

(vii)Commitment from other potential users;

(viii)Justification of usage level;

(ix)Provision for maintenance;

(x)Details of other intended uses upon project completion

(e)Attach list of existing equipment (if any) that project will be using [equipment description, cost and location must be provided]

(iii)Materials and Consumables Costs

Need for consumables - Consumables requested must be items that can be uniquely and unambiguously identified with research project

(iv)Cost of Overseas Travel

(a)Need for travel - All travel requests made should be evaluated against IT alternatives, such as e-mail and video conferencing;

(b)Places and/or countries to be visited; purpose, duration and persons travelling; emphasise any proposed international collaboration

(v)Training and Other Miscellaneous Costs

(a)Need for and type of training required;

(b)Need for and details of other costs that will be incurred



1.Applicants are expected to make an accurate assessment of their requirements so that the approving committee is fully aware of the cost implications when deciding whether proposals are worth funding. Expenditures should be budgeted inclusive of any Goods & Services Tax payable. Please take note that variations to the approved budget such as buying new equipment or adding manpower, have to be considered afresh by the relevant approving authority even if funds are available. Research grants, once approved, cannot be increased and hence researchers are advised to prepare their budgets carefully.

2.Manpower Costs

Please refer to Annex Cfor notes on manpower budget preparation. You are advised to contact the Faculty’s Human Resources Officer or Office of Human Resources for further clarification/information.

Part-Time Appointment Scheme for NUS Undergraduate & Graduate Students (wef 1 Jan 2003)

Undergraduate Student Researcher

An NUS undergraduate student may be appointed to assist the PI in specific research duties.

Graduate Student Researcher

An NUS graduate student may be appointed to assist the PI in specific research duties. Graduate Student Researcher positions may be requested for projects with TPV < $500K.

PIs are advised to refer to Registrar’s Office website for relevant Terms and Conditions under the Part-Time Appointment Scheme for Undergraduate & Graduate Students (wef 1 Jan 2003):

3.New Equipment/Facilities

This covers research equipment, computer hardware, equipment delivery and installation. It also covers the renovation of premises (eg. installation of clean rooms, extension of air-conditioning), if such works are essential to the success of the project. Only equipment properly justified for the research project (not presently available in the University) and required for dedicated applications should be included.

Applicants must check the availability of the equipment in the University including Research Institutes/Research Centres. This is available online in the SAP Assets Management (AM) System. For major equipment items costing $10,000 and above, specific reference to their availability should be made.

Applicants should be able to produce quotations when called upon to back up the cost of the budgeted items.

You are advised to budget for future cost increases over the entire lifespan of the project.

4.Materials and Consumables

This includes resources that are specifically required for the project such as:-

a)Cost of data gathering/questionnaires/surveys

b)Cost of stationery, postage, photocopying and computer software

c)Use of animals and laboratory supplies

d)Cost of chemicals

e)Page charges, publication costs, submission fees and typing costs (up to a total of $1,000)

f)Cost of foundry services etc.

Only resources specifically required for the project should be included.

Examples of items not allowed in the budget are miscellaneous, contingency, reprints, books, laboratory manuals, tokens and reference materials. Requests for books, laboratory manuals and reference materials should be made through the Central Library.

You are advised to budget for future cost increases over the entire lifespan of the project.

5.Overseas Travel

Where there is a need for the researcher or his staff to travel overseas for research purposes, applicants should arrange to coincide this with travel for their conference/sabbatical/study attachment. All overseas travel should be arranged with the University’s panel of approved travel agents. Only economy class airfare is allowed. Please refer to circular ORE/ARF/001-04 for standard rates and allowances.

The Office of Human Resources circular (N10-4-1) on “Review of Travel-related Provisions” dated 10 March 2004 applies. Please refer to subsistence allowance payable on the intranet at

or contact OHR directly for further information.

You are advised to budget for future cost increases over the entire lifespan of the project.

6.Training and Other Miscellaneous Costs

The cost (including airfares) of inviting overseas researchers / collaborators / professors to NUS as part of the research project’s program for periods of less than 1 month should be budgeted under this subhead. Only economy class airfare is allowed. Please refer to circular ORE/ARF/001-04 for the per diem rate.

It also includes cost of local travel, conference registration fees, maintenance of equipment, patent cost and publicity cost.

You are advised to budget for future cost increases over the entire lifespan of the project.

February 2005Page 1



  1. The estimated costs shown in the attached tables are based on the salary scales of the respective manpower grade known at the time of this circular, and are subjected to changes. PIs are advised to check with the Faculty’s Human Resources Officer or Office of Human Resources for the latest rates. The 1st year’s monthly salary is the entry point of each scale. If a PI wishes to pay the appointed staff at a higher salary point, he can adjust the budget but must justify the need in his Case for Support.
  1. The estimated costs shown in the attached tables are intended to assist the PIs in their budgetary preparations. PIs are ultimately responsible for their own budgeted figures. They are advised to make adjustments for any announcements or changes in any component of the manpower costs as may be made from time to time.
  1. Cost of recruitment advertisement is not provided in the estimated annual manpower cost. If there is such a need, another $1,000 should be added to the first year’s manpower cost.

HR 069/02



Type of Contract / Standard / Visiting / Research Attachment
Length of Contract / Up to 3 years / as recommended
(preferably not >1 yr)
Salary / all-inclusive monthly / all-inclusive monthly / @ $75 per day or $2250 per month
Airfare (appointment/ departure) /  / 
(for appointee only, if recommended)
Housing allowance /  / 
(up to $1500 per month, if recommended)
CPF (Singaporeans /Singapore Permanent Residents) /  /  / 
Holiday leave (28 days per calendar year) / 
(≥ 6 mths) / 
(≥ 6 mths) / 
Medical benefits (Medisave cum-Subsidised Outpatient Scheme) /  / 
(≥ 3 mths) / 
1 month’s resignation notice /  /  / 

February 2005Page 1



Entry requirements
SalaryRange (all-inclusive per month) / AnnualSalaryRange
Min (S$) / Max (S$)
Senior Research Fellow
Doctorate Degree With ≥4 Years Of Research Experience
$7,000 - $14,580 / 84,000 / 174,960
Research Fellow (A)
Doctorate degree
$3,500 - $7,910 / 42,000 / 94,920
Research Fellow (B)
Master’s Degree With ≥2 Years Of Relevant Work Experience
$3,400 - $7,050 / 40,800 / 84,600
Research Assistant / ResearchEngineer
Pass degree
$2,500 - $4,850 /
30,000 / 58,200

PIs are advised to check with the Faculty’s Human Resources Officer or Office of Human Resources for the latest rates and any additional costs such as CPF, Medisave etc (if applicable).


LOA- Hons* / 1st Year / 2nd Year / 3rd Year / 1st Year / 2nd Year / 3rd Year
Monthly Salary / 2,150 / 2,310 / 2,470 / 2,470 / 2,630 / 2,790
Total Cost Per Annum / 47,750 / 52,750 / 56,150 / 56,250 / 61,550 / 64,950
LOB2- Hons*
Monthly Salary / 2,000 / 2,130 / 2,260 / 2,260 / 2,390 / 2,520
Total Cost Per Annum / 44,650 / 48,900 / 51,700 / 51,600 / 56,100 / 58,850
LOB2 - Pass with merit
Monthly Salary / 1,750 / 1,865 / 2,000 / 2,000 / 2,130 / 2,260
Total Cost Per Annum / 39,550 / 43,300 / 46,200 / 46,250 / 50,600 / 53,350
LOB2- Pass w/o merit
Monthly Salary / 1,635 / 1,750 / 1,865 / 1,865 / 2,000 / 2,130
Total Cost Per Annum / 37,200 / 40,850 / 43,300 / 43,550 / 47,800 / 50,600
LOD – Diploma
Monthly Salary / 1,310 / 1,400 / 1,490 / 1,490 / 1,580 / 1,670
Total Cost Per Annum / 30,500 / 33,450 / 35,350 / 35,300 / 38,400 / 40,300

* LOA Honours Degree (2nd class upper & above)

LOB2Honours Degree (2nd class lower & below)



  1. The estimated costs shown in the table below are based on rates for the respective manpower grade known at the time of this circular and are subjected to changes. PIs are advised to check with the Faculty’s Human Resources Officer or Office of Human Resources
  1. PIs are advised to check with the Office of Finance (OFN) for further information on Employer’s CPF (16%) and Skills Development Fund (SDF is applicable if monthly salary < $1,500).
  1. It is assumed that part-time appointees are not entitled to staff welfare, medical benefits, 13th month allowance and variable bonus.
  1. Cost of recruitment advertisement for postgraduate is not included in the estimated annual budget. PI should cater for this item if he expects to incur it.

HR 175/02