Using the Criteria For Success, does this product conform to the following Criteria to judge if my project has been successful? Remember that the Criteria for Success will be determined by your analysis of the Design Brief in conjunction with the requirements set by your teacher.
Criteria: (You can add as many or as few of these as you require)
- Does my finished product address the criteria of <Replace these brackets with one of the Criteria.>
How specifically does it address this Criterion?
- Does my finished product address the criteria of <Replace these brackets with one of the Criteria.>
How specifically does it address this Criterion?
- Does my finished product address the criteria of <Replace these brackets with one of the Criteria.>
How specifically does it address this Criterion?
- Does my finished product address the criteria of <Replace these brackets with one of the Criteria.>
How specifically does it address this Criterion?
Mandatory Questions: (These questions must be addressed)
- Were there any OH & S considerations that had to be observed in order to produce this design? Yes or No
What were they and what steps were taken to work and operate safely?
- Were there any Ergonomic considerations that were addressed in order to make this design Ergonomically sound for intended users? Yes or No
What were they and what did you do to address them?
- Were there costs involved in order to make this design? Yes or No
Final break down of costs:______
Final total cost of producing this design:______
Did this exceed budget? Yes or No
What in your opinion caused the project to go outside your budget?______
Could costs have been reduced? Yes or No
- Were there Environmental or Ethical concerns that had to be considered in order to make this design? Yes or No
What were they and how did you address them?
- Was this design peer or user evaluated? Yes or No
- Did you address any of their recommendations in any design modifications?
Yes or No
(It is perfectly acceptable to not implement everything suggested, but you must document and justify why/why you didn’t implement them)
- What do you feel that you have learnt?
- If anything, what would you change about your final product?
- What went wrong during your project?
How did you work around or rectify this?______
- Would you choose to make this design again? Yes or No
Why or why not?______
- Tick a column to evaluate yourself for each of the components of this project
Factor: / I put in minimal effort / I put in some effort but I could have done better / I worked hard but I didn’t consider some important factors and I could have done better / I worked hard and I considered the important factors but I could have done better / I worked hard and I considered the important factors and I could not have done any better.
Creating Designs
Choosing your final design
Evaluating your designs
Choosing appropriate materials
Choosing tools appropriately
Regarding OH&S, while working
Regarding Ergonomics for myself while working and in my design
Regarding Ethics and the environment while choosing materials and working on my project
Regarding costs and requirements
When learning new skills
- Do you consider your project to be successful? Yes or No
Rate your projects rate of success with 1 being least successful, 5 being most successful.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 51