Needle & Syringe Provision

1.  To provide access to sterile needles & syringes, & sharps containers for return of used equipment.
2.  To provide access to paraphernalia to promote safe injecting practice and reduce transmission of infections
3.  To offer a user-friendly, non-judgemental, client centred and a confidential service to substance misusers
4.  To safely dispose all returned equipment
5.  To provide appropriate health promotion advice & information, and sign-posting service to users. / SCOPE:
This procedure covers the provision of a needle & syringe service to people wanting to use clean equipment in the local community and ensure safe disposal
1.  Are staff appropriately trained?
2.  Have health risks to staff been assessed and preventative measures taken?
3.  Do staff have sufficient knowledge of the risk of infection from Blood borne Viruses (HIV & Hepatitis)?
4.  Do staff know how to avoid exposure to contaminated blood & other body fluids and what to do in the event of spillage?
5.  Do staff know how to deal with needle-stick injury?
6.  Do staff know to how to deal with young people under 18, requesting supply of needle exchange equipment? Are you familiar with the referral pathways in your locality?
7.  The supply of equipment to under 16’s should not be delivered within the pharmacy.
Training and Staff Requirements
1.  Ensure pharmacists and staff meet the requirements of the Competency and Training Framework (Appendix ii)
2.  Pharmacists and staff involved in provision of service must operate within local protocols
3.  Pharmacy contractor must inform the DAAT Clinical Lead if the nominated pharmacist leaves
Health & Safety
4.  All staff participating in the scheme to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B.
5.  Staff who do not wish to be vaccinated for Hepatitis B must sign the Hepatitis B vaccination refusal form Appendix vii
Staff immune status must be checked and confirmed every 3-5 years.
6.  All staff should be familiar with the Sharps Policy.
The Policy should be made available from the Devon DAAT
Stock Availability
7.  Order supplies through the route identified by the Devon DAAT
Supplies can be ordered on a supply and demand basis.
8.  Supplies to be stored securely and covered by the pharmacy contents insurance
Promotion of service
9.  Display the national needle exchange logo in the window or external fascia in a prominent position.

Devon DAAT will advertise the service locally
The service- Issuing the equipment (& paraphernalia)
10.  Greet the client and ask about their requirements.
The service is available to all regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, sexuality, age, lifestyle or homelessness.
Treat clients in a professional manner. Maintain dignity of clients using the scheme and this will help ensure they continue to use the scheme.
Note; Clients may receive what they ask for except in the following circumstances
·  Stock levels would be so depleted so as to affect the supply to other clients
·  If stocks are not available, an onward referral is made to a specialised service (see Signposting information supplied by PCT)
The service-Return of equipment
11.  Request returns from client on every visit.
Although note: supply of clean equipment is not conditional to the return of used equipment at every visit.
Record Keeping
12.  Fill out the record keeping sheet neatly(supplied as part of the service agreement) each time a client uses the service. All columns to be completed and totalled up in each sheet. A separate sheet is to be used each month.
13.  Return the record sheet on a monthly basis to the Devon DAAT for payment.
Clinical waste
14.  Sharp bins must be stored away from the general Public area for health & safety reasons.
15.  Storage containers provided by the DAAT commissioned clinical waste disposal service should be used to store returned used equipment
16.  On collection sign the transfer note, and hold a copy for two years.
Patient Confidentiality and Complaints
17.  Comply with the Data Protection Act 1984 and Access to health Records Act 1990.
18.  Clearly display and make available information on how and who clients should contact to make a complaint
1.  Keep the required equipment Spillage kit, in the pharmacy
2.  Ensure staff are appropriately trained
3.  Ensure area where spillage has occurred is cleaned up as soon as possible. Wear Disposable gloves and a plastic apron. Place gloves, apron and paper towels used in clinical waste bag & seal. Obtain information from PCT waste control lead on disposal.
4.  Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.
This will be reviewed when there are any major changes in the law affecting the supply process & paraphernalia. Or in the event of staff changes.
It will also be reviewed in the event of incidents.
In the absence of any of these events, it will be reviewed on or before the date shown below. / KNOWN RISKS:
1)  Locum Pharmacist
2)  New Clients
3)  Clients under 18 years of Age
4)  New Staff


Needle & Syringe Provision

I have signed to say that I have read the procedure and understand its implications.


DATE: May 2009 Date of Review:

Needle and Syringe Provision