Credit Union Community Impact Award

The Credit Union Community Impact Award recognizes a credit union program that has positively affected the community and the Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming credit union movement. Videos will be created to highlight the projects of the award winner and runner-up and will debut at the 9th Annual Star Gala to be held on Friday, September 23, 2016. Any product, service, or project of an Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming credit union that has positively affected the community is eligible. Nominations must be made by the credit union providing the program. Nominees for this award should meet the following criteria:

·  Demonstrate the significant contributions to the community

·  Display a commitment to work cooperatively with community organizations

·  Exemplify the credit union philosophy of “people helping people”

One way to help applicants understand how their project might fit the criteria below is a summary of some of the past impact winners:

2015 Arizona Central Credit Union

In 2014 Arizona Central Credit Union sponsored the Family Day of Hope designed to bring the community together in support of those affected by cancer. Next the credit union sponsored a Teen Pamper Day here 17 cancer affected teens were invited for a day of fun and pampering, including getting their makeup and nails done and getting their hair cut and styled. Later that year, the credit union sponsored a Porch Party this fundraiser, for the Cancer Support Community, included local chefs showcasing their cancer fighting foods. Other activities included a the 3rd Annual Arizona Central Credit Union Benefit Golf Classic, the 2015 Teen Prom, and Sharing our Beauty and Strength fashion event.

2014 Denver Community Credit Union

In 2005, Denver Community Credit Union provided free financial education offerings known as the Clear Money Program through multiple channels: on-site classes, off-site classes, financial coaching, and online resources, including podcasts and Anytime Advisor. Since its inception, Denver Community helped 12.661 people in the Denver area improve their financial well-being through 1,390 educational events.

Please submit only ONE application per credit union

Program Information

Credit Union Name:

Product, Service, or Project Name:

Please briefly describe the product, service, or project and why you are recommending it for this award (include number of volunteer hours, credit union staff/board involved, and/or other applicable qualitative information).

Please describe the impact on the community (include number of people touched, dollars saved/earned, and/or other applicable information).

Please list all community organization relationships established to successfully implement this program.

Person to contact regarding the nomination:




Completed forms must be received at the Foundation office by 4:00pm on Friday, June 3, 2016 and may be emailed to . Please direct all questions regarding the nomination process to:

Dan Santangelo, Ed.D., Senior Vice President, Association Services,

Executive Director, Mountain West Credit Union Foundation

720-479-3276 or 800-477-1697 x3276