Hapeville CharterSchools and Programs
Hapeville Charter Middle SchoolHapeville Charter Career Academy
3535 South Fulton Avenue6045 Buffington Road
Hapeville, GA 30354College Park, GA 30349
Learning never ends . . . .
Ninth Grade Final Newsletter
Ninth Grade Parents,
The Ninth Grade Team has enjoyed educating your son/daughter this year. In an effort to further communicate with you we are issuing this newsletter to provide you with valuable information. Please read this letter thoroughly and carefully as all of your questions/concerns should be addressed.
Ninth Grade Team
World Geography: Mrs. Cutler
Biology: Ms. Pecot
Mathematics: Mrs. Bullock
Literature: Ms. Dunmeyer
Personal Fitness: Mr. Turner
Computer Applications: Mr. Golden
Spanish I/II: Ms. Espinosa
Online Grade book
To obtain secure access information parent/guardians must present photo ID in the front office. The 24/7 availability of this grade book allows for consistent communication with the home.
Grade Reporting Dates
6 week progress report2/26/13
12 week progress report4/23/13
Report Card5/31/13
Schoolwide Final Exam Schedule
12:30pm Early Release 5/21-5/23
Be advised that courses with an EOCT may have a final activity in lieu of a final exam. Please contact those teachers.
Tues 5/21: Literature & Electives (Comp Apps)
Weds 5/22: Social Studies & Spanish
Thurs 5/23: Math
Last Day of School for students: May 23, 2013
Teacher Announcements/Information
Mrs. Cutler
The most important year for high school success has come to a close!I wanted to express my gratitude for your support and patience as I experienced what all of you already have, the birth of my first child! I have noticed in many of this years’ class a great curiosity for what else is “out there” beyond the Metro Atlanta area. I encourage you to support your child in their interests and please know that that their teachers are here to support you as well. Moving forward to the upper levels of high school you will notice that the students will be held to an even higher standard of accountability. Be sure to review the course syllabus for each class and obtain your online access to the gradebook at the beginning of the school year.
In tenth grade the students will be studying World History (my personal favorite); feel free to see me with any questions throughout the year. Below is the link to the standards for your information.
Have a wonderful summer break, and keep up on your Literature summer reading!
“Greater international awareness is essential if we are to compete in the global economy, promote responsible citizenship, or just become better human beings.”
—Marvin Wachman (1917-2007)
Ms. Pecot
Greetings 9th Grade Parents!
Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to serve as your child's Biology teacher for their first year of high school. Each one of your children has exhibited not only great talent and creativity, but a great love of curiosity which is a wonderful asset in the science class room. I have whole-heartedly enjoyed our class room experiences, field trips and activities we have completed this year.
As your child moves to the subject of Chemistry in the 10th Grade, please feel free to contact Mrs. Arita Crawford in reference to all items which will assist your child in academic success:
Mrs. Crawford
(404) 941-1040
In reference to sports, I also serve as the Girl's Cross Country Coach. I would love to recruit any females interested in participating in the sport this coming year! Training begins in August 2013. Please email me for more information.
As always, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns that you may have in the future. I also love to receive updates regarding student successes as they continue their journey through high school!
It has been a pleasure getting to know you!
Warmest Regards,
Ms. Pecot
(404) 941-1040 ext 1718
"Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care." ~ H. Mann (1796-1859)
Ms. Bullock
Thank you for the opportunity to educate your children. We had a great year. Throughout the summer, I suggest students use some time to review the Geometry standards from middle school in preparation for Analytic Geometry course they will complete in 10th grade. Additionally, below are the links to the Georgia Performance Standardsfor Analytic Geometryfor you and your students to familiarize yourself with the course in advance.
Unit 1 -
Unit 2 -
Unit 3 -
Unit 4 -
Unit 5 -
Unit 6 -
Unit 7 -
Thank you for your continuous support!