ST MARY’S CHURCH Parish Priest: Rt Rev Mgr Canon John Moran


Tel: 01562 777319 e-mail: The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity No 234216

YEAR C Readings

Times of Holy Mass and Intentions

Sunday13 March 2016 FIFTH SUNDAY OFLENT

8.30 am – For the people of the Parish

10.30 am – Mary Keane RIP

Monday 14 March

8.30 am– Alan Cox RIP

Tuesday15 March

8.30 am–Private intention

Wednesday 16 March

8.30 am – Holy Souls

9.00 am - Discussion Group

11.30 am - Alan Cox RIP (Followed by Confessions)

Following this Mass the Ashes of Alan Cox will be interred into the grave of his wife Alicia.

Those attending this service are invited to the home of Fiona Bulpitt (Stone Court, Stone) for light refreshments.

Thursday 17 March – Feast of St Patrick, Bishop, Patron of Ireland

11.30 am – Intentions of Malcolm Culverwell – followed by Confessions

Friday 18 March– Commemoration of St Cyril of Jerusalelm, Bishop, Doctor of the Church

11.30 am –Private Intention – followed by Confessions


Saturday19 March– Solemnity of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

10.00 am – Private Intention – followed by Confessions


8.30 am For the people of the Parish

10.30 am Intention of Tony Magro

Anniversaries in March:

Rev John Marsden (1824), Ann Parkes (1863), Joseph Chare (1865), Rev John Brownlow (1888), Philip Alfred Haskew (1897), William Benedick Oakley (1908), Henry Mercer (1974), Anna Newton Keenan (1992), Ernest Godwin (1993), Ann Kiley (2004)., Martin Amphlett (2013)

Prayers for Sick: Hilda Willetts, Trudi Woodall, Anthony Mitchell, Doreen Millard, Bernard Millard, Dorothy Attwell,Phillip Edwards,Philomena McNally, Kay Hildebrandt,Irene Thompson,Geraldine Pritchard and Julia Comber,Clarke, Bernard Millard, Tom Wilcox and Michael Butler.

Eucharistic Ministers:

Sunday 13 March Greg Kelly, Helen Raphael

Joan McKay, Annik Harvey 13 July Karen Wright, Helen Raphael Sunday 31 January Stephen Fox, Bridget Robson

Sunday 20 MarchKaren Wright, Helen Raphael

Steve McWalter, John Charuk


Sunday 13 March Biddy Goodyear

Joan McKay

Sunday 20 MarchMichael Bird

The Brown Family

Church Cleaning this week

Mrs V Townsend, Mrs J Handley

Money CountersMr & Mrs S Brown

Contributions to the Parish:

Weekly Offertory: Thank you

Gift Aid: £253.00

Envelopes: £166.00

Loose: £231.04

Cathedral Maintenance £ 195.06

PLEASE NOTE: For the forthcoming Jubilee Year, weekday masses will be as follows: Monday 8.30 am, Tuesday 8.30 am, Wednesday 8.30 am which will be followed by the usual discussion group. There will also be an extra Mass at 11.30 am which will be followed by confessions. The daily Masses on Thursdays and Fridays will be at 11.30 am, again followed by Confessions. Saturday 10.00 am. When the weather improved the Saturday Mass will be held in the Georgian Chapel.

WOMAN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER:The Blakedown and Broome Co-ordinators telephoned to say how much they had enjoyed the evening at Harvington, especially the music and delicious refreshments. Thank you to everyone from Harvington who attended and indeed helped in all areas.

CAKE SALE: There was a cake sale after both Masses in the Stable last Sunday. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the £66.29 raised on the day.

CRAFT GROUP: The next meeting of the Craft Group will be held on 26April at 7.00 pm in The Stable.There will be an Easter Craft Fair after both Masses on Palm Sunday 20 March 2016. There will be a good range of Easter Gifts available for sale.

FOOD BANK: Our collection last Sunday amounted to 86.1 kg which is a very generous amount, thank you to everyone who contributed. Our next collection will be on Palm Sunday 20 March in time for Easter eggs for the children. For their next collection the following items will be needed please: UHT milk, small jars of coffee, squashes and fruit juices, tinned vegetables including tomatoes, meat balls, small tins of cold meats, tinned fruit toiletries of all kinds plus Easter treats for children.

PARISH PILGRIMAGE FROM RUSHOCK TO ST MARY’S, HARVINGTON on Good Friday led by parishioners. On the walk there will be opportunities for reflection, prayer and song. The aim is to arrive well prepared at Harvington for the 3 pm Good Friday Liturgy. Fellow Pilgrims please meet at Rushock Village Hall (parking available) for the pilgrimage to leave at 12 noon. Pilgrims should arrive at Harvington in good time to enjoy a shared picnic in the Presbytery garden before the service. Tea and coffee will be provided. There will be time following the service for Confession and a short tour of the Church. For this pilgrimage numbers are limited to 50. Please e-mail the following address if you would like to join. Please note Lifts back for drivers from Harvington to Rushock after the Good Friday Liturgy will be arranged.

KIDDERMINSTER CHORAL SOCIETY: Their next a concert entitled ‘Classical Masters’, a feast of 18th century Choral Masterpieces comprising “The King shall rejoice” – Handel, “Nelson Mass” – Haydn and “Vesperae solennes” – Mozart, with Kidderminster Choral Society, The Elgar Sinfonia, Geoffrey Weaver Conductor and Naomi Berry, Soprano, will be held in Kidderminster Town Hall at 7.30 pm on Saturday 19 March. Tickets from at £12 and £15. On the door £17.00. Concessions £16 and children under 18 free.

DAY OF RECOLLECTION AT HARVINGTON – SATURDAY 12 MARCH 2016. Thank you to all who helped in any way during this large event. Your support was much appreciated in all areas.



Francesca Thompson has vacancies for cleaning and ironing (carried out in your own home) 01562 770072 or07974 092720.


HELPING HAND: Guttering to gardening, painting and repairs. Insured and enhanced CRB cleared.

Call Brad 07973 318 228 (All calls returned).Additional info: Ex-forces (REME) works with schools, reliable and only undertakes a job if he is confident of being able to complete to his own high standards. He is also very well qualified.


EMERGENCY EXIT: This is via the sacristy and through the house GIFT AID:Miss Amalia Costanzo 01562 751657 SAFEGUARDING: Mrs J Lloyd 01562 754448HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER: Mr M Dawson 01562 743776